June 5th, 2024 × #Career#Skills#Effectiveness
11 Habits of Highly Effective Developers
Wes and Scott discuss 11 habits that can help developers become more effective, covering topics like understanding business goals, continuous learning, having an open mindset, asking for help, helping others, enjoying development, maintaining balance, showing empathy, attention to detail, and being part of the developer community.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
- Understand stakeholders and business goals
- Be curious and always learning
- Have an open mind about new tech
- Ask for help when needed
- Help others with problems
- Have fun with development
- Understand work-life balance
- Be empathetic to users and coworkers
- Pay attention to details
- Be part of the developer community
Wes Bos
Welcome to syntax episode 778.
Wes Bos
This is the 11 Sanity of highly effective developers. This is actually a show we did maybe 6 years ago, and it was I was looking through a list of our our top shows over the Yarn, and, this is actually one we did on YouTube 6 years ago, and it did really well. And I thought, you know what? The quality of that was not very good, but the content of that was excellent.
Wes Bos
And I'm curious to see if our 6 years later, if our thoughts are still the same of these things. So we're gonna go through 11 habits of highly effective developers and explain our thoughts behind each of them and how you can sort of level up your career and become a better developer. My name is Wes. I'm a developer from Canada. With me, as always, is mister Scott Tolinski.
Wes Bos
We are brought to you by Sentry. You're gonna check it out, Sentry Scott I o. We were just talking on the last recording about docs that have good context. One thing Sentry does JS if you got a script tag and you wanna implement it, you gotta often, you gotta pass your, like, API key. Well, the copy paste has your API key in it, and you can click on it, and it will give you a list of all of your different projects in Sanity. Like, I have the syntax one. I have one for my Node back end. I have one from a tutorial I've done. You could just click on it, and it'll swap it out for you. It's it's awesome. So check it out. Century.ioforward/
Scott Tolinski
syntax. How are you doing, Scott? Hey. Doing good. It is crazy windy here in Denver.
Scott Tolinski
There are downed branches everywhere.
Scott Tolinski
Man, the wind is unreal. So if a tree falls on my office in the middle of this recording, I Wes, just hope that it does not land on my head because It's a tree fall. Yeah. Wes got big old trees right above me right here. Just they're they're rocking, man. It it's crazy.
Scott Tolinski
So, yeah, we were actually walking to our kids' soccer practice yesterday, and there were so many we're just stepping over giant branches because it was this windy yesterday too. We're just, like, stepping over giant branches. I'm just like, I I hope one of these does not fall on my my head while I'm walking to practice here. So, hey. I'm doing good, man. It's just, I'm getting blown away by the wind. How are you doing?
Wes Bos
I'm doing pretty good. Pretty good. Ready to rock on these habits. So first Node we have here is habit number 1 is you understand stakeholder and business goals. So a developer, a good developer, understands the all of the pieces of of actually writing software and how to contribute to those types of things and and how to architect software, but I think a great developer can go one step further and understand why are we doing this type of thing. You know? Like, not only am I concerned with making this code work really well, but I'm concerned with the end user that is using this application.
Understand stakeholders and business goals
Wes Bos
The business goals that we have to do with this application are x, y, and z. So if I can have context into who cares about this. Right? That's a fancy way of saying who the stakeholders Yarn and how is this business actually trying to make money? I've talked many times in the past of when I used to build websites.
Wes Bos
JS, like, a freelancer, I would talk to the to the users, a, yes, about the tech that we'd use, but, b, what do you do? What what's your end game? Are you trying to use this website to get more leads? Are you trying to show up in Google? Are you trying to provide information to people who are are visiting it? What are they looking for when they visit your website? So understanding the larger picture, I think, is a extremely useful habit.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. And we talked a little bit about this in a recent episode, 754, how to level up your your career, we talked about needing to understand stakeholders and business goals. But you might be wondering about, like, why in particular that matters to the developer. You Node, that's somebody else's job. I'm the developer. I just push the code out.
Scott Tolinski
I think it it distinctly matters with the, not only the care, but maybe like the direction and handling of the user experiences that you're coding them.
Scott Tolinski
If the goal of this thing is to bring delight or if it's to feel very smooth and professional, you you wanna be a a good developer and, like, account for those UI things regardless. Right? You want the experience to feel good.
Scott Tolinski
But if you understand that this is of the highest importance that this thing feels and looks pristine when you're using it because of these following business goals, then you might take a different approach to some of that user interface programming.
Scott Tolinski
But more importantly, you're gonna be motivated to work on these things in a different way, but you'll also be able to accomplish the goals of the stakeholders and the business goals, and it's gonna make you look really good professionally.
Scott Tolinski
So you'll do better work if you understand the goals. You'll have context for the code that you're writing and why it matters.
Scott Tolinski
And ultimately, I think it's just going to make you look good in the eyes of your management.
Scott Tolinski
And some people are really I I do gotta say this because I know we talked about this a little bit before. Some people are a little cynical about all that that stuff. And I understand being cynical about a crappy job or, you know, feeling maybe potentially exploited by your crappy job.
Scott Tolinski
But I think there is a sweet spot there of when you have respect within your organization, it is a good thing to, you know, I I guess not like go above and beyond, but to understand the bigger picture here and be be a a different kind of impact maker for your team.
Scott Tolinski
Next 1 is habit number 2, you're always curious and always learning.
Scott Tolinski
And this is something that is hard to cultivate, but I think it really can be solved through motivation, understanding would things get you going about web development. What do I like building? Me, personally, I like building little tools for myself. I like building cool little JavaScript things. I like building neat CSS, kind of working with new APIs, new technologies.
Be curious and always learning
Scott Tolinski
So to be curious and always learning for me involves really watering that. Like, if I'm a plant, I'm I'm watering those skills all the time because those are the things that I really truly enjoy about this stuff. And it keeps me curious, and it keeps me always learning.
Scott Tolinski
The moment that you really start to fall back into the same thing all the time, every time, you can get stuck doing the same thing for the rest of of your career. You know? Yeah. And next thing you know, you're the the cold fusion guy at, the place that's running a cold fusion app. Although, I think some of those cold fusion devs are probably making bank right now. Sure. But that's it. That's what you wanna do. Maybe maybe that's what you're learning about. Maybe you're learning about the intricacies
Wes Bos
about those other platforms. It also depends on what gets you out. That are doing that are the ones that know the ins and outs of it. But, like, this this industry is always changing. It's never going to slow down.
Wes Bos
And I think, at least for me, one of the big anti burnout things is constantly learning new things, constantly checking things out. It can be a little bit overwhelming, I think, at points where there everything is always new, and you just warp it to to slow down. But I I think what we're trying to emphasize here is that, like, the curiousness of how does this work? How like, when we were at Rack Miami, it's 11 PM at night, and we're trying to figure out how the McDonald's order screens are working, which we posted on Twitter. We got some really good feedback as to apparently, it's running on silver light. But, like, those questions are always turning over in my mind JS, what is this running on? How is this working? What is somebody using to complete this task? And I think that's a very great habit to have. Absolutely.
Wes Bos
Next habit Wes have, number 3, is you have an open mind about new technology.
Wes Bos
So there is sort of 2 extremes you can go to in this whole world of web development. It's just jumping on every new shiny thing ever imaginable only to see people realize, maybe that wasn't such a good idea and and switch away from. And then and then the other side is just never taking on anything because new stuff is is crappy, and these hipster developers are are just trying to make more problems for themselves and can't imagine why we want to use that. And I think there's a very good balance sort of in between where you understand there is new technology.
Have an open mind about new tech
Wes Bos
And if your initial reaction to everything new is that's a bad idea, I've certainly been there in in many times in my life where you see a a new approach to writing something or a new like, when React was announced, everybody thought it was a stupid idea. A lot of people still think it's a stupid idea, but pooh pooh ing it right out of the gate is not a very good habit to have. And and at least saying, that's interesting. Some developer had an idea as to how to approach this problem. Let me hear them out. Let me explore this technology. Let me understand what it's all about. I may disagree with it. That's totally fine, but having an open mind to sort of, say, apps, Other people may have other ideas that I might not have thought of is,
Scott Tolinski
again, very successful habit. Yeah. I I have a note here that things exist for a reason. People don't just make things for no reason. You know? Usually especially smart people, people who have been in this industry a long time. So if you if there's certain people that have already created things that are very effective and they create something new and you're looking at this like, I don't know why you need this.
Scott Tolinski
Maybe the issue is with how you're approaching it or thinking it. I mean, we just had Johannes on to talk about effect.
Scott Tolinski
And I was looking at effect, effect.tsoreffect.website, I believe, is their actual website.
Scott Tolinski
And the 1st time I looked at effect, I said, well, I don't get I don't get why I need this. This seems like a lot of work.
Scott Tolinski
Then actually getting some time with it and working in languages and things that it that's, you know, is emulating, I was like, oh, yeah. I really see what they're trying to do here with effect.
Scott Tolinski
But at at first glance, I look at the code, and it it looks foreign to me. And the first thing you say is, I don't I don't know what this is. I must not like like garbage. You know? Yeah. Yeah. It's not the thing I'm used to looking at. Therefore, it's bad.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. Yeah. I had I had the same reaction with a lot of things. Node, I ended up really liking Zod. Drizzle, I ended up really liking Drizzle. It is just it's not that I'm a bad take machine or something like that. Yeah. It it's that again, when you don't understand things, it's really easy to look at them from a perspective of that. It's maybe perhaps not what I need. Yes.
Wes Bos
It's it's tough. I get this a lot. Whenever I post anything new about CSS on on Twitter, I get flooded with comments of people being like, CSS was a mistake. It's garbage. And, just because you don't understand what it does, like, a a complex selector and people are like, this is awful.
Wes Bos
Just because you don't understand what it's doing because you haven't learned it yet doesn't mean it is bad.
Wes Bos
Again, it might be bad. It might be a a confusing way to do it, but your if your initial reaction is I don't understand it, therefore, it's garbage, I don't think you're, that's a sign if not a very good developer.
Scott Tolinski
Yes. It's a sign of a developer who will lack professional growth in there. Mhmm. What they're they're working in. Habit number 4, you ask for help.
Scott Tolinski
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of curiosity.
Ask for help when needed
Scott Tolinski
It's a sign of you have problems that you've created or perhaps that you've been, assigned to fix that someone else created.
Scott Tolinski
And you could be out out to lunch on where to even go from this.
Scott Tolinski
Asking for help is one of those things that can save you a whole lot of time. I know this. I don't want to ask for help Oftentimes, the amount of times, Courtney will tell me to call someone, and I will say, no.
Scott Tolinski
I got it. Let me do it.
Scott Tolinski
It's the classic that's like a classic marriage joke. I will I do not need to ask for directions.
Scott Tolinski
I know where to go.
Scott Tolinski
You don't always know where to go. Asking for directions can save you hours or days. Now sometimes it's good to not ask for help because you can pick up a lot of things on the way. But if you're totally in the dark, you're not gonna have suddenly everything be illuminated right away for no reason. So asking for help, especially for, for somebody that you know and trust their opinion of JS a great thing. There's so many times. I'm I'm blessed that I have the resource of Wes Bos to ping and say, hey. Is this a terrible idea? And sometimes sometimes you just say you'll respond back like, why is this different than this? And I'll say, gosh, Darny. He got me. He's right. It's not any different than this. What was I thinking? So, yeah, it's great. Ask him.
Wes Bos
I I find that one of the biggest benefits to me of asking for help is yeah. Okay.
Wes Bos
It's a quick fix to this type of thing. But the other huge benefit is sometimes people who are not in it as you are Mhmm. And there there are, like, 6 things step back. Sometimes they can ask questions that Yarn, like, didn't even think about that. You know? Sometimes it's like, I don't understand that I'm I'm in this very obtuse, like, set of things, and, like, no. I'm not gonna change the entire language for this Node problem that I'm trying to solve. But often, it's like, hey.
Wes Bos
Maybe if you approach ESLint a different way, take 2 steps back, then it's it's a little bit more helpful. And that brings us to the next habit, habit 5, which is you help others. So when somebody is asking for help, often, I've like, I've some of the best help I've got is people are trying to they ask good questions and trying to understand kind of where you're at, and that's really good rubber duck debugging and whatnot.
Help others with problems
Wes Bos
And they will try to help they'll they'll ask questions like that are a bit step back, which is good as well, but they'll also try to understand the context for where you're at as well instead of trying to say, scrap that, use this entire totally set of different libraries and languages and whatnot, which is is not helpful as well. So I think that if you want to grow as a software developer, helping others through the things that they are struggling with is a great way to to sort of grow. And I've I've learned a whole lot teaching in person. I spent many of my early years on Stack Overflow. I spent many of my early years in IRC channels.
Wes Bos
Obviously, I have my own massive Slack room that people are asking questions all day long in being able to put yourself in their shoes, understand where things are being frustrating is a huge growth opportunity for you as a software developer.
Scott Tolinski
I yeah. I absolutely totally agree on this. You Node? I I think, me, personally, I got, you know, my start in this regard.
Scott Tolinski
Like you said, IRC was like a big one. You kind of see the way other people are helping or teaching or anything in IRC.
Scott Tolinski
And if somebody asks a question I remember being a young enough developer. Somebody asked a question and I have this unique piece of knowledge or it's maybe not unique and I'm just the guy who's there. I couldn't I couldn't type fast enough to get them the answer because it was like, that's a little bit of, like, nerd clout being able to to give answers in this way. But also, you know, I guess that's what the whole premise of Stack Overflow really was. But helping others, it can give you more experience ESLint application stacks that aren't your own. Everybody does things just a little bit differently. My favorite thing when helping others is if somebody comes to me with a reproduction or, like, potentially, here's a good one in the Svelte world. They have the Svelte Wes where you can share and quickly share code examples.
Scott Tolinski
Somebody comes onto the Svelte Discord with a REPL of the issue they're having, I can solve that thing in no time. I I you know, that that's like the the sweet spot. So if somebody's coming in with real code, it's easy to use, it's easy to test out, help them, man. Give that give that muscle a little bit of a a flex there. And not just not just for nerd cloud or anything like that, but to get your own brain out of your own code.
Scott Tolinski
I do think that is something that we don't do often enough. You're very comfortable in your own code. You're very comfortable sitting on the couch with your muscle memory for all the files you need to go to and the CSS classes you know warp there. But then you go into somebody else's home and everything is totally foreign. The the the food that their mom makes is very different than the food that your mom made.
Scott Tolinski
Do you remember doing that going over to somebody's house and their parents made some bad food or something?
Wes Bos
Definitely a thing. Oh, I don't know. I'm trying to think if I ever had a a situation like that. I, a lot of my friends had really good food. I would always love going over to their their house. I remember the 1st time I went to my buddy's house who was, like, Greek, and they had, like, chicken drumsticks.
Wes Bos
And, like, I had never eaten it, like, off the bone like that. Yeah. And, like, that was a treat. I don't know why that one specifically sticks out of my mind, but I often I remember showing my kids how to eat a drumstick like that when they were young. Like, yeah, is awesome. We're, like,
Scott Tolinski
right off the bone. Yeah. Neanderthal style, for sure.
Wes Bos
The next habit, habit number 6 is you have a problem solver mentality, and this kind of breaks down into a few parts. First of all, I think what Scott was just saying is being able to distill it down into the actual problem.
Wes Bos
Like Scott said, like, sometimes you have this huge application and you have a problem, and it's very hard to ask for help when you have all of these moving pieces. Like, the other day, I had an issue with my Node. Js stack. I have, I think, 3 different servers to run my course platform, and I proxy them all through a single Caddy server. And then I was tunneling them from my local Caddy server through a Cloudflare tunnel so that I could get them publicly exposed because I was testing Apple Pay. And and if you use Apple Pay, you has to be on a public public domain that is verified. So I was using Cloudflare Tunnels to proxy that through. So I have this, like, fairly large thing where it's like I have my look 3 local node servers, a Caddy server that also proxies HTTPS, like, it makes its own search, and then I have cloud flare tunnels. And I was like, does anyone had, like, an issue? Sometimes it's just like, oh, yeah. I've had that Fix it. And, like, I could not figure it out. So I just had to, like, slowly distill it down into I took the whole node application server out of the context, and I replicated the issue with just a Caddy server and a Cloudflare tunnel. And then I I got it small enough where I could, like, give it to somebody else from Cloudflare who was helping me, and then they could then pick it up from there. But that, like, being able to distill is such a a huge skill in my opinion.
Scott Tolinski
Yes. Being able to take a a step back and solve problems in a less stressed way will really, really help you. It'll help you, like you said, deconstruct what you're working on, being able to to find even inventive or creative ways to solve those problems. You Node, so many people, they wanna go to perhaps, the I wanna use the console log or the debugger or, like, the the tools that we Node. But they don't ever think, like, what are the the less conventional methods of debugging? I'm just gonna comment everything out and start commenting things in until it works again. That works. But just being able to be creative in trying to solve these problems. You know what? Wes it's one thing that, like, my daughter is really into puzzles. Right? That's all she asks for for her birthday. She loves puzzles. She'll do 5 or 6 puzzles back to back, and I think this girl's gonna be a great engineer because she loves taking a situation and seeing a jumbled mess and then figuring out what the picture is. And I think that's something that developers maybe don't do enough JS we don't look at our job as being essentially professional puzzle solvers. I am a puzzle solver.
Scott Tolinski
That is what I do in my job. Typically, I have a puzzle.
Scott Tolinski
It's a UI that needs built. It's a bug that's coming about or I'm doing something really wild, and, I have a general idea of the outcome. Like, I have a finished picture of what this finished puzzle will look like, and I have a whole lot of pieces, and I need to just put this thing together and figure out exactly what's going on. So being able to, 1, keep your cool when there are problems, but, 2, being able to take take a minute to take a bigger picture and think about this puzzle or this problem, break it down, solve this problem, and not only that, I think be interested enough or excited enough to do that.
Wes Bos
That's a big one. So I have a little example here. I'll show the video.
Wes Bos
My mom bought these this light the other day at a thrift store, and it's like one of these little table lights, and you touch the top.
Wes Bos
And Cool. Yeah. It it turns on. And she's like, hey. I bought it. It was $2, and it doesn't work. You know? And and she's like, I plugged it in for a whole day and nothing happened. And for a lot of people, like, that's the extent of their problem solving. You know? Plugged it in.
Wes Bos
I sometimes you even get a restart out of these people, and, and and that's the extent of it. So, like, what do I do? Well, I I open it up, and I try to break it down into all the different components. Right? So first of all, I I I tested the battery, and I I charged the whole battery. So take the battery out of the picture. Or no. I I didn't even charge the battery. I took the battery out, and I I brought in an external power supply. So, like, I got that. And then what else did I do? And then I put power directly to the LED lights, and they turned on. Okay. So that's not the LEDs. It's not the battery.
Wes Bos
And then I brought it, like, into the board that turns it on. And instead of touching it, I just, shorted the 2 wires together as if I were touching it, and and that turned it on. Oh, Oh, is that okay? So it's obviously an issue with whatever is it it is to turn it on right here. It's a capacitive. And then I went into YouTube and started researching it. So, like, I feel like doing that in other aspects of my life, not just coding, helps me in my coding as well because I the more I fix things, the more I break down something into its smaller pieces. I feel like I also get better at it in my software dev.
Scott Tolinski
It is wild how related those skills end up being.
Scott Tolinski
It it is really one of those things where you don't necessarily realize what you're doing is software development adjacent until you take that bigger picture look. Heck, playing, Factorio or any of those, like, games that are building systems and networks and stuff like that. You are doing software development. You are solving a problem, and those skills will come in handy no matter what you're doing. I you you in particular Wes have really opened my brain about solving things that aren't software related. Because in my life, I would typically in the past have been like, alright.
Scott Tolinski
Software, I I got this. You Node? It's it's UNIX. I know this.
Scott Tolinski
But but, like, if I were to look at my, leaf blower or my chainsaw or something like that and it stopped working, I would be like, I don't know. Now, after seeing you open up everything, I just start opening stuff up.
Scott Tolinski
I don't know what I'm looking for, but I'll I'll open it up and and just look for things that don't look right, capacitors or, who knows what. Right? Yeah. Often that you throw it in the like, I always say Wes case, you throw it in the f ed bucket or you bring it to someone who does know what they're doing. But you can always learn a thing or two opening it up. Yeah. Totally. If it's already broken Yeah. That that's a gonna do that. Break it more? Start. Yeah. Right. Exactly. What are you gonna do to break it more? Well, kinda. Yeah. But Yeah. Right. Yeah. That's frequently me. Yeah. This my my biggest thing is I lose patience when things don't open. You know, like, you have, like, those, like, plastic connectors sometimes. I'm like the king of being like, raw. Just like Oh my god. Poking it open and then regretting it. Can I tell you the other day?
Wes Bos
So last season I bought this, like, Node reel from Home Depot and it like you pull it and it winds itself back up. And it was I bought the, like, $25 Node, and I was like, this probably won't last. Awful reviews, but it was on sale for $25. I was like, I'm gonna get it. And it was great. I loved it. And then I accidentally pulled it too far, and the whole hose came out. And I was like, this is not gonna go Wes. Because, you know, the one thing that I hate taking apart is anything with springs. Oh, yeah. And, so I start opening it up, trying to take it apart, and I just start peeling it open. All of a sudden, I hear, and the whole spring became unwound.
Wes Bos
And I took the whole thing and threw it in the trash. Node. I cut the good parts off, the, like, hose ends and whatnot. And then I Okay. Tucked it into the garbage, unfortunately, and bought a a good quality one.
Scott Tolinski
That is fine. I have one of those too. They roll if you're out there and you're wondering if this is something that's good for you. I got Wes on Amazon Prime Day for super cheap, and it's held up. It's been really nice.
Scott Tolinski
On your thing about springs, Wes, springs are the worst.
Scott Tolinski
Opening video game controllers or anything like that, yeah, I'll never get those back together.
Scott Tolinski
That that would actually be funny if computers had springs inside of them. That would make me not want to open them.
Scott Tolinski
Next one is habit number 7, you have fun with what you do.
Have fun with development
Scott Tolinski
I have fun solving problems. We've talked about that already several times in this episode. I really do have fun looking at a tangled mess of wires, pulling them out 1 by 1, rewiring them all, having it look pretty when I'm done with it, leaving comments, not necessarily writing tests, but I have fun doing these these things that are, I don't know. Other people might look at a wall of code and say, man, that looks daunting or that looks boring maybe.
Scott Tolinski
But for me, I have so much joy out of solving the problems. The code is, you know, supplementary to that. My my joy comes from getting and creating things, having the freedom, the ability to just create.
Scott Tolinski
And to me, having that joy really pushes me through being able to do so many things that I don't get joy from. I'm building a video recording app. There is not a lot of joy in some of the minutiae of these APIs.
Scott Tolinski
But when I actually got a 10 second video recorded Yeah. I was like, alright. I did it. That's cool. I got something out of this. And we hear this from from Randy all the time, our producer, Wes is really cool that you guys can just make you know, you you come up with an idea, and you just say, hey. I can make this. Make it. Yeah. And that's where the joy for me comes in.
Wes Bos
Yeah. We've done an episode on, just like demos a couple couple weeks ago and just building little things for the sake of building little things, and that is super fun.
Wes Bos
I often think back to one of the first talks I did over over 10 years ago. I was detailing webcam access, and I was showing how you could you could write the webcam to a canvas element. And then once it's in a canvas element, you can jumble the pixels on the canvas element to do whatever you want. So I did an example where I was just, like, blocking it into a 3 by 3 square and then randomizing where the pieces of the camera went.
Wes Bos
And some guy yelled out in the middle of my talk, when would you ever use that? Mhmm. And I think about that all the time because, like, this poor guy cannot see, a, I'm having fun, but, b, I was learning and explaining how the process of getting a video feed, writing it to Canvas. And then once it's in Canvas, you can take blocks of pixels out by their width and height and move them to other parts of the Canvas, and you can essentially just, like, make your own little photo editing application or, apply filters to a video stream on canvas. And I don't know why it is I I often first of all, that's extremely rude thing to do when you're Yeah. Don't do that. When you're giving a talk Don't do that.
Wes Bos
Poor guys, I'm up there. Like, I'm kinda nervous. One of my very first talks, and you just yell out in the middle of, a talk, when would you ever use that? But, like, also, if you cannot see past just like, this is a purely functional reason why I need to do something and the benefits of just exploring code and and new features, then I don't think you again, that is not a very good habit of developer.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. If I were to to look at many of the things that I've done for fun that have ended up being really great learning experiences, If I would have taken a second to say, when would you actually use that? I would have not done most of them. And I would have not I would have missed out on a lot of, like, valuable insight that I gained whether or not that valuable insight, you know, made me a better develop I mean, I would say it it did definitively. But, like, I think you do miss out on on quite a bit by not just following that joy.
Wes Bos
Next Sanity. We have area number 8 JS you understand work life balance. Burnout is a huge thing in our industry where you can love what you do. You can go a little a little bit too hard on what you do, and you can start to hate what you do. So understanding both that there are ups and downs in your career. There's certainly times in my career where I have wanted to just go, go, go, go, go all the time. And there's other times in my career where I've just wanted to put in my day and and not think about it at night. And I I think that's totally fine. You know? Sometimes you see people with these GitHub where they're just it's just a wall of green for 4 years and then, boom, nothing.
Wes Bos
You know? And you often wonder, what happened there? You know? Like, did did they crash really hard? And it's often kind of unfortunate. So understanding that in order to do your best, you need to be mindful of, am I burning out? Am I getting sick of this thing? Because the the scariest thing to me ever is to grow to hate what you do for a living.
Understand work-life balance
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. You don't want to get there. That's firmly in burnout mode.
Scott Tolinski
And what the way I like to think about this JS, like, you know, there's, like, some video games, like, even, like, kind of cheesy, goofy ones where, you know, like a Mario Party minigame or something where you hit the gas button.
Scott Tolinski
But the reason why you don't just hold the gas button the whole time is because maybe there's, like, an engine temperature or something like that. And and that will that will get past the limit, and then you'll spin out and everybody will pass you. Like that to me feels like a major metaphor for burnout in web development or any kind of career whatsoever.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. You can hold down the throttle as long as you want, but it will potentially over overload your engine at some point and you're gonna spin out. And who knows if you're ever gonna get back up to speed, you're just gonna be waiting. Right? So, honestly, I I think that work life balance is a huge one. You know, one thing for me is that I make time for physical activity almost every day. I work out, like, 6 days a week. I make time for family 5 o'clock. Computer shut off, closes my computer, and I don't reopen it typically until the kids are asleep if I reopen it at all. I I feel like these things are just very important to keep yourself in maintenance for working for longer.
Scott Tolinski
And and it's not like, oh, you can get more accomplished and blah, blah, blah. But like I said, I find joy in this stuff.
Scott Tolinski
And I think that is a superpower having joy in this stuff. And if you lose that joy, if you lose that motivation to work on things, then, you know, it's hard to get that back. You have to then put in the effort to find ways to reclaim that. So for me personally, if you understand work life balance, you can understand when you're getting overloaded or what you can do to decrease that overload from the get go. Not something that you're trying to do after you're already burnt out, but from the get go. I think you're gonna set yourself up much for much greater success.
Scott Tolinski
Number 9. Habit number 9. You are empathetic to your coworkers and users.
Scott Tolinski
Guess what? Every single person in this world has got something going on. You Node? Everybody's got stuff going on. We're all busy. We all have, negative things. We all have positive things. We all got crazy, hectic things, schedule things, whatever.
Be empathetic to users and coworkers
Scott Tolinski
Everybody's got something, so keep that in mind. Wes somebody leaves you a rude tweet or somebody sends you an email or something, maybe they're stressed out. Maybe they just had some instance of something happened in their life and they're taking it out on you. So you could you could take it back out on them or you can maybe think about, hey. This person is being a jackass. I wonder why that is. Hurt people hurt. Hurt people hurt, Wes. That's so true. And you know what? Like, I think, you know, there there can be 1 thing from a drive a drive by, you know, f u on a a YouTube comment or something. But it's different when it comes to the people, 1, you're trying to support, your users. Right? Those are are are your users, the people using your thing. If they're having a hard time with it, they're frustrated, remember that, hey. That's kinda your fault.
Scott Tolinski
It it's important to know that, like, their frustration, whether or not it's influenced from the outside or whatever, you are kind of responsible for making sure that they have a a good experience. So understanding and putting yourself in your user shoes, that can come from, like, dogfooding your applications. Using your applications is a good way to gain empathy for your users. If you use your application and it sucks, guess what? Your users think it sucks as well.
Scott Tolinski
Another one for your coworkers, these are the people that are gonna support you beyond this project, beyond the next project. So you want your coworkers and you to understand that, like, everybody's got each other's back, and we all know that we all got stuff going on. So, again, make sure that you have your coworkers back and you understand them and you understand what their motivations are, and you work to succeed in that.
Wes Bos
I think this also goes to if you think of who are the best or the developers behind some of the biggest open source projects out there, like, I'm curious. I'm gonna ask you, like, what do you think are the most joy to use pieces of JavaScript software out there right now? JavaScript
Scott Tolinski
software. I don't know. We just did we just did an episode on Pocket Base, and it's a joy to use. The UI is great. Everything works. It's super smooth, and it it there's no, like, pain points for me. So that's, like, a big one, especially since we just talked about it. I would say probably, like, Svelte is there. Yes.
Wes Bos
Vite is is under there. So if if you think about, like, Richteris Avenue behind these projects, a, yeah. They're amazing developers, but the reason why they are such good developers and you often see them in GitHub issues or on Twitter being oh, I see that you're frustrated with that. The a big reason why, Vite is where it's at is because Avenue is empathetic to people who are frustrated with Webpack, and he takes that empathy of understanding. Yeah. This is hard to use, And he doesn't start running around saying skill issue at everybody.
Wes Bos
And Yeah. Right. Yeah. Build some amazing software behind it. And I think that that's an example. Those those developers are obviously next level because they are both good at writing the code, but also under very empathetic to the people that are using the software.
Wes Bos
And and it's not just a, oh, yeah. It can be hard to write Webpack configs. It's I understand what's going on here, and I think that we can figure out how to do this and and make it a little bit more of a joy to use.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. And you know what? The skill issue thing can be funny when it is, like, said tongue in cheek.
Scott Tolinski
But when it's not said tongue in cheek, man, I don't get what you're trying to accomplish there. It it you're just trying to be a jerk, and I'm not I'm not down with that. So yeah.
Wes Bos
Next habit is number 10. You pay attention to details. Some of the best software that is out there, Some of the best pull request reviews I've gotten is somebody can catch possible issues, possible edge cases.
Wes Bos
There are so many spots where you can really goof up, and if you think about using a piece of software, some of the best software out there is just like, oh, that was really nice to use. That was really easy, and it's because the developers behind them or designers and and whatnot as well pay attention to detail and a lot of the small little things. They take all the paper cuts out of using that piece of technology.
Pay attention to details
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. Attention to detail. I think every every major project that I know that succeeds with the, I guess, Amazon. I was gonna say with the exception of Amazon. Amazon has attention to detail, but they just prioritize different details than what I care about.
Scott Tolinski
But attention to detail is one of the reasons why Apple is a gazillion dollar company and one of the reasons why applications like SvelteKit work so well. They've paid attention to the things that you gotta do. They pay attention to the small little things, and it works really well. Again, I just talked about pocket Bos a 2nd ago, but there's a a huge attention to detail there. In the UI, the UI design, there's a lot of, considerations applied to anything where you should look for things. Things are just in the place that you're expecting it. So care.
Scott Tolinski
Care and have attention to what you're working on and Mhmm. Really care about it. You Node, my my brain has a hard time with this one. I'm gonna be honest because my my particular version of how my brain works is just get stuff out. And when I was a musician, I had a lot of musicians for I mean, I'm still a musician, but when I was an actively recording musician, I had a lot of friends who would work on a song for months. It's 1 song. They would work on it for months. They would agonize over every little hit, every envelope, whatever.
Scott Tolinski
I would I'm, like, definitely more of a, I'll record 30 songs and then pick the one that's the least worse. That's always been my strategy.
Scott Tolinski
So attention to detail is hard for me, but I think it really matters.
Wes Bos
Wes Bos
The Amazon one is really interesting to me. I I just keep thinking about that since he said it because I Yeah. I think it kinda goes back to habit number 1, which is understanding stakeholder and business goals. Yes. People love to rip on Amazon because their page speed score is is awful or because the UI is extremely cluttered and Ugly. And they'll often say, like, oh, yeah. You can have a bad page speed if you're the most $1,000,000,000,000 company. You know? And I think, obviously, there's some there's some stuff to that, you know? But I also think that go back to habit number 1, understand stakeholder and business goals.
Be part of the developer community
Wes Bos
They wanna sell a whole bunch of stuff, and they want their users.
Wes Bos
As a as a user of Amazon, it's super easy to return stuff. The shipping is nice and fast. I can always get at whatever I want. I'm able to search and find what I'm looking for. You know? And I I think that that's why it's, that's the details that their their developers and and Amazon in general is is paying attention to. And I know there's people probably fuming at me right now because Amazon is evil, and you should pay attention to the things that you care about. But I I think they understand.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. Wasn't Amazon weren't they one of the first ones, if not the first one, to understand that in a drop down menu, your mouse path always is in, you know, in the direction. So they built the the triangle so that your mouse could go in a more direct path without closing the hover navigation.
Scott Tolinski
So, like, they care about details.
Scott Tolinski
They they just don't care about design details. Yes. It's like yeah.
Scott Tolinski
Last one here, habit 11, you are part of the Sanity, and community can be all kinds of things. It can be your local community. I think I did become a much better developer when I started attending the Southeast Michigan JavaScript meetup. It was like we had 1 JavaScript meetup at that time. It was for all of Southeast Michigan.
Scott Tolinski
So, like, when I started being a part of that, I started being around my people. Right? You're around your people. Everybody's, like, talking JavaScript, and they're excited about it or they're interested about it. They're trying new things.
Scott Tolinski
They're they're just you know, they're there because they care.
Scott Tolinski
And being around your people, regardless of if it's an in person thing or Slack channel or Discord channel, can really make a huge impact on just how you one feel about yourself. But it can it can put people in a place of, like, oh, these people are doing this cool stuff. I bet I could do this cool stuff. We're in the same kind of position here, And it gives you people to bounce ideas off of it. It gives you inspiration.
Scott Tolinski
Being a part of a community is just endlessly endlessly advantageous for your career. And it's hard. I get it. If you're an introvert type of person, you might not always want to show up to this stuff and talk to the people,
Wes Bos
but give it a try. Show up to a couple. You know? It doesn't even need to be in person as well. Like Right. You think about, like, where is the web development Sanity? And there are lots of of places where the the community JS. Obviously, like, Twitter is one of them, but you might not like Twitter. So you might find there's plenty of Facebook groups. There's forums out there. There's lots of Discord channels on there.
Wes Bos
It's even like the YouTube comments or listening to this podcast, a lot of people say, I feel like I'm part of the community because I I'm keeping up to date, and I I tune in and and hear you guys talk about web development every single week.
Wes Bos
Just finding that piece is great for staying up to date, bouncing ideas off people, getting help when you need it, just having some people to sort of talk to about this stuff, and it's extremely energizing. I can't tell you every time I come back from a conference, I just go, Like, that was awesome. There's so many cool conversations and being able to talk to people that are in our community.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. Conference is one of those things that, again, if you can force yourself to just walk into a circle of people and just introduce yourself or whatever, man, you can get so much out of that, even just talking about non tech related stuff. So I I do definitely think being a part of a community is just a great thing for so many reasons, even as an introvert.
Scott Tolinski
Cool. So that was 11 habits of highly effective developers.
Scott Tolinski
Which of these habits are your best habit? Which of these things, do you succeed in really Wes? And which of these do you not succeed in? What are some habits that you cultivate in your life that lead you to becoming a better developer? We wanna know all these things. Head on over to youtube.comforward/atsyntaxfm.
Scott Tolinski
Leave a comment on this video of any of that stuff. We want to hear from you. Be a part of the community.
Scott Tolinski
It is very funny. I replied from my personal YouTube account to a comment on one of our videos recently, and someone said, oh, hey. It's you, Scott. I was thinking that I was just talking to somebody in the community. Hey. You are. I'm in the community. We're all part of this community. We are the community.
Wes Bos
So Yes. Hold on. I'm curious now what your what what do you think your top habit is?
Scott Tolinski
My my top habit my top habit is my golden retriever excitement for curiosity and new things.
Scott Tolinski
If there's one thing that could lead to happiness. Number 2? That is number 2. You're curious and always learning. I am I you know, I can get distracted.
Scott Tolinski
I can, you know, lose track of some of the bigger details.
Scott Tolinski
You know? I solve problems really well. Yes. I occasionally do not ask for help occasionally.
Scott Tolinski
But the one thing that I definitely do do is that I'm always super curious about things, why they work. I'm diving into trying to figure out solutions even if they've already been solved before because I wanna see what my brain can come up with. Maybe it's something different than what other people you know? I think I'm the I'm the same habit number 2 or a problem solver mentality, but I think highly Sanity number 2 as well.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. Well, that that's good. That's probably good for this podcast.
Wes Bos
Yes. I agree.
Wes Bos
Let's get into some shea or sick picks.
Wes Bos
I have a sick pick today, and it's something that you expect, I think, 2 years ago. It's a ninja warrior obstacle course for your kids. So this is essentially 2 slack lines or or 2 really long ratchet straps that you string between trees, and then there's a whole bunch of, like, little attachments for swinging from Node to another or climbing up a ladder or there's all kinds of different attachments you can get for it. And, my kids have been, like they went on 1 out of friends about a year ago, and they've been asking for it for quite a while. And this year, we thought, like, alright. We got we're 2 really good trees right behind our house. Let's let's do it. And they Yarn on it.
Wes Bos
I don't know. We got it, like, I don't know, about 2 months ago, and they are on it, like, every single night playing on it, swinging on it, learning new games on it. And it's, like, $100, which is I I feel like it's it's cheaper than, like, building a treehouse or something like that. And I feel like you can get a lot of really good fun out of it. So I highly recommend it if you've got young kids.
Scott Tolinski
Yes. And if you are an adventurous adult, they can hold your weight. I I try to do that. It really slinks down for us because it's it's high up when I get on it. It really, you know, pulls it down. But let me tell you, I've completed that course. I've completed that course several times.
Scott Tolinski
My kids can't get past, like, the 6th object, and guess what? I got all of them.
Wes Bos
We we ended up doing ours at an angle for the top Node so that it gets progressively harder, because, like, 1 like, our youngest kids are, like, super short, and then the oldest one is, like, I can reach everything. So we've just made it progressively harder as it goes on.
Scott Tolinski
Yes. I want to get more attachments for mine. I got mine at Costco. So this is the type of thing you can get at Costco or Amazon anywhere. But it JS. Your kids will use it for hours and hours and hours. They will, go nuts on it. And, all you need is a couple of trees.
Scott Tolinski
My sick pick is going to be these little solar lanterns.
Scott Tolinski
You know, like many other people, I have really loved having LEDs in my backyard for the fairy lights, drop down lights, whatever.
Scott Tolinski
Courtney bought these things that Yarn, like, essentially like a glass ball with a solar panel, with a rechargeable battery that's hooked up to an LED kind of fairy TypeScript.
Scott Tolinski
And they don't need much light. I'll tell you that because we have a lot of trees. They they still do just fine. We hung maybe about, I don't know, 8 of these on trees around our backyard. That's cool. And it is just so nice. We leave them out all winter.
Scott Tolinski
They're fine. We don't even pnpm given time. We were just outside on the patio hanging out in our backyard the other night, and all the little fairy lights come on. And you're like, I feel like I'm in a, gosh darn, you know, fairy forest here. I feel like, there's that Yarn in Zelda where you're in a a forest with all the stuff illuminated. I felt like that. It's pretty cool. So, yeah, they're cheap. $33 for a pack a pack of 2. Well, I guess that's not that cheap, but they're nice. They're glass. They're heavy. They're, you know, the last. And like I said, we leave them out all winter long and, just a really, really nice little thing.
Wes Bos
Sweet. I, I'm just finishing up doing a whole bunch of, landscape lighting in our backyard as well, so I'll have some future sick pics for that. But landscape somebody somebody called it something cool. Nightscaping,
Scott Tolinski
they call it. Scaping. That's cool. Nightscaping.
Scott Tolinski
Oh, that's a fancy word. For putting lights in your backyard.
Scott Tolinski
I I gotta do the front yard for us. Our our backyard has has been nightscaped. I gotta do the front yard. Wes. Let me know. I, I figured it all out. So it's it's relatively easy to do. It's all low voltage, so it's not too scary. I was gonna say Wes already have the wire for the backyard, like, laid, and all I gotta do is tap that, run it to the front yard, and connect it to the same timer. So it shouldn't be that hard. There you go. Famous last words. Alright. Shameless plugs. I'm gonna shamelessly plug the Syntax YouTube channel. We've mentioned it a couple times in this episode, but we are doing big things on the Syntax YouTube channel. CJ just did a video on Drizzle. He did a video on Coolify, self hosting, and he's just really, really amazing. Not only that, but we have the video podcast on here where Wes and I, you can see us. And, you know, we just recorded an episode with pocket Bos at the time of recording this, and we showed code, folks. We're showing code.
Scott Tolinski
So if you wanna see code, you wanna see some stuff, head on over to youtube.comforward/atsyntaxfm, and you can see what we look like. You can stop confusing the 2 of us. Wicked.
Wes Bos
Thanks everybody for tuning in. We will catch you later.