October 31st, 2018 ×
Pre-launch Checklist

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
In this episode Wes and Scott discuss their pre-launch checklists. They talk about performance, accessibility, compatibility, SEO, analytics, and more - all the things you should check before launching something to the world.
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Show Notes
1:45 - Overall
- Let robots do the work for you - use auditing tools
- Lighthouse
- SEO Checkers
- Accessibility checkers like axe
2:58 - Performance
- Compress those images
- Build process
- Cloudinary
- ImageOptim
- imgIX
- Minify
- Code Splitting
- Smaller bundles where it makes sense
- A future where it’s done for us
- Run page speed tests like Google PageSpeed Insights
- Don’t service worker on launch
- Syntax Ep 50 - Progressive Web Apps
11:43 - Compatibility
- Test on actual browsers that need to be supported
- Ask people to check on their devices
- Use a service like Browserstack
- Browser resolution and ratios
- Cache busters
16:00 - Sales / Credit Cards
- Use package.lock
- Have multiple people test your checkout
- Make sure your company name is listed on customer's credit card bills
- Have a phone number listed for disputes
24:55 - Tips from the Trenches
- Secure API endpoints
- Scale up server just in case
- Early access
- Soft launch
- Make sure URLs are correct - no "localhost:3000", etc.
31:25 - Content
- Check spelling and grammar
- A working 404 page
- Check for leftover placeholder text → launching with lorem ipsum is not good
34:39 - Accessibility
- Alt text
- Run color contrast checker
- Run Lighthouse
- Correct tab order
- Use the site with keyboard only and make sure it’s a good experience
37:35 - SEO
- Sitemap created and uploaded to Google Webmaster Tools
- SEO checkers
- Meta tags
- Correct heading hierarchy
41:55 - Analytics
- Google analytics
- Facebook tracking pixel
- Drip
43:23 - Server config & access
- .htaccess
- redirects where needed
- robots.txt
- prevent indexing of some pages
- Enable GZIP
- Caching
- Cloudflare or other CDN
46:12 - Company Processes
- Make sure tests are passing
- Git issues are closed
- Merge pull requests
- Write documentation on processes (readme, etc.)
- Deploy to staging environment and test production build
- No unwanted logs or errors left in production build
- DNS Propagation
- Scott: Swindled Podcast
- Wes: FIFO Bottles
Shameless Plugs
- Scott's Level Up Pro
- Wes' Advanced React Course - use the code SYNTAX for $10 off
Tweet us your tasty treats!
- Scott's Instagram
- LevelUpTutorials Instagram
- Wes' Instagram
- Wes' Twitter
- Wes' Facebook
- Scott's Twitter
- Make sure to include @SyntaxFM in your tweets