Supper Club
Supper Club × Adam Cowley and Neo4j Database
Adam Cowley from Neo4j explains graph databases, how they work, use cases, and how to query data with Cypher. He discusses how Neo4j can be used in web development.
Supper Club
Adam Cowley from Neo4j explains graph databases, how they work, use cases, and how to query data with Cypher. He discusses how Neo4j can be used in web development.
Supper Club
Christy Perreault from Liberty Mutual discusses how they leverage serverless to support 5000 developers building customer-facing and internal apps. She covers Liberty Mutual's journey from on-prem to serverless, the costs savings and auto-scaling benefits, supporting developer preferences, and local development recommendations.
Supper Club
Pokey Rule discusses coding by voice with Talon instead of keyboard due to RSI, creating grammars to map voice commands to actions, and demonstrates voice coding.
Supper Club
In this SX dinner club episode, Sean Wang aka Swyx discusses developer experience (DX) - what it is, why it matters, how tools like React and Svelte compare, and how DevRel roles are evolving.
Supper Club
Discussion with Tim Leland who has built several successful browser extensions like a weather extension using Dark Sky and a URL shortener called He talks about how he builds and monetizes the extensions.
Supper Club
Discussion with Eduardo Bocas from Netlify about edge functions, Deno, serverless, and more.
Supper Club
Connor Finlayson discusses the no code movement, whether it will replace developers, popular no code tools like Webflow and Airtable, resources for learning, and advice for beginners.
Supper Club
Wes and Scott talk with Anselm Hannemann about how he transitioned from web developer to gardener to avoid burnout, the joys of growing your own food, and tips for avoiding burnout in the tech industry.
Supper Club
Tom Preston-Werner, founder of GitHub, discusses his work on RedwoodJS, an opinionated fullstack JS framework to help developers build and scale web apps faster.
Supper Club
Jared Palmer discusses Turborepo, monorepos, efficient workflows, and getting acquired by Vercel.