January 6th, 2025 × #javascript#css#typescript#nodejs
CSS Performance × Rate Limiting × Array Sort Behavior - STUMP'd
Scott and Wes play a game of Stump'd, asking each other advanced web development questions on topics like JavaScript, CSS, Node.js and TypeScript.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
- Playing a game of Stump'd
- Sentry sponsors the show
- Sorting arrays of numbers
- Splitting sentences into words
- Back pressure in Node streams
- Rate limiting strategies
- Transforms and the translate property
- Benefits of translateZ and will-change
- Table with direct child rows vs table body
- Dialog vs div role dialog
- Unknown vs any types in TS
- Browser isolation concepts
- Quirks mode in browsers
Scott Tolinski
Welcome to Syntax on this Monday.
Scott Tolinski
Hasty treat? I don't even know if we're calling these hasty treats anymore. Then this Monday Monday. On this Monday episode of Syntax, we're gonna be playing a game of Stumped, which is where we ask each other web development questions. We're gonna do 1 from front end JS, back end JS, CSS, HTML, TypeScript, browser quirks.
Scott Tolinski
We're gonna do some browser history stuff. We're gonna just be asking each other these questions, and hopefully, they're advanced enough that we can stump each other and, make each other squirm a little bit trying to get these answers. So my name is Scott Tolinski. I'm a developer from Denver. With me, as always, is Wes Bos. What's up, Wes? Hey. Excited to get stumped. These are always fun to do. Yeah. And then I'm I'm stoked for this one. I think it's gonna be really exciting. And before we get going with the game, if you are stumped by your code and bugs, well, you're gonna make sure you have a tool like Sentry on your side. That's Wes e n t r y dot I o, because it allows you to solve your bugs with pure visibility into your code base. Not only that, it helps you solve your performance issues. It helps you find the bad areas of your application, the things that are slow and that are making users upset, buggy, all these things. And you can actually see the bugs happen as they happen for the user with a scrubbable video replay. So check it out at century.ioforward/syntax.
Sentry sponsors the show
Scott Tolinski
Sign up and get 2 months for free using the coupon code tasty treat.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. Sentry, amazing product, and and happy that, they're bringing the show to you today. So I got a question for you, Wes. We're gonna kick it off round 1 round 1 fight.
Scott Tolinski
Front end JavaScript, here's your question.
Scott Tolinski
In JavaScript, what is the actual behavior and output when you try to use the sort method on an array of numbers without a comparison function? And, perhaps why does it produce this result?
Sorting arrays of numbers
Guest 2
Wes Bos
so what happens when you run a sort Yes. On an array of numbers?
Scott Tolinski
Without a function
Wes Bos
as the Oh. Yeah. To to Without oh, without, like, a comparer function, which is the Without a comparer function. Or the argument to Scott.
Wes Bos
It will, first of all, mutate the array. So the original array will have been changed.
Wes Bos
And then the second thing is that it will like, if you do, like, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 all the way up to, like, 15, it'll be, like, 1, 11, Wes.
Wes Bos
And then once once you get past the ones that start with 1, then it will go 2 and then 22. You know? Like, it doesn't actually put them in order is what I'm trying to say. So the reason I actually I don't know if I know the reason behind this, but I'm assuming
Scott Tolinski
it's because it converts them to strings to do the comparison. Is that right? That's that is absolutely correct. It so it it converts all elements to strings by default and sorts them into u t f 16 codeunits when no comparison function is provided.
Scott Tolinski
When numbers are converted to strings, obviously, 10 comes before 2. Right? Because it's in lexagraphic Vercel.
Scott Tolinski
That's another word I can't say.
Scott Tolinski
Lexicographic order.
Scott Tolinski
Did not know that word before. Interesting.
Scott Tolinski
Nice work.
Scott Tolinski
I love your deductions on that. We're all pretty much dead on. So Oh, good. Thank you.
Wes Bos
Let's talk about Node that I actually needed the other day. It has to do I guess you could name do this front end or back end. But, what JavaScript API would you use if you needed to split a sentence into individual words and or individual characters? So someone gives you a a sentence like, hello. My name is Wes Bos, comma, I love JavaScript exclamation mark.
Splitting sentences into words
Wes Bos
How would I split that sentence into individual words and then each word into individual characters accounting for tricky things like emojis and multiple languages?
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. Yeah. You know what? I think regex is going to be involved here at some point. Obviously, you could just split with an empty space to get each word. But what, how do you use way. Yeah. How do you use regex here? Because it's really easy in regex to say, give me all the characters a through z, capital and lowercase. How do you use that with splitting? I never had to do that. I'm not quite sure. How do you do it, Wes?
Wes Bos
Alright. So, yeah, split is is kinda the easiest way, and you might not run into any issues. But some, like, emojis, are multiple characters long, and some, like I don't know if it's Chinese characters or whatever, but they are multiple characters put together, and they they they appear as a single character.
Wes Bos
And then same thing with with words as well. You gotta think about, like, if something is dashed, is it, is that a single word or multiple words? And the answer to this is use the intl.segmenter API.
Wes Bos
And the intlsegmenter API will allow you to specify both a a locale, so you can tell it which language it is in, but also the granularity Man. That you want. So you can tell it split it up into sentence, into word, or into grapheme, which is a something that looks like a character, but may be made up of multiples.
Scott Tolinski
INTL stuff, extremely underutilized.
Scott Tolinski
I think, it'd be great if we could do a a an episode on INTL tips and tricks because that's not one that I knew.
Scott Tolinski
I feel like there's so many little things out there that you can use that for. I I just saw yesterday that the intl.number
Wes Bos
format gained approval to add new formatting of currencies. So intl number format allows you to format currencies, but there's, like, different ways you can format currency. Like, if it's Canadian, you put c a dollar sign first, and it looks like there it's there's more flexibility added to it. Yeah. Totally. Alright. Here's a question for you on JavaScript,
Scott Tolinski
back end things, and this one's about the streaming API. K? In Node. Js, when using the stream API, explain what back pressure is. I think that's a good enough question.
Scott Tolinski
So the the idea with a a stream And I'm gonna post them here. I'll post some code that you can look at. So this is some some code about, what it is. We can maybe put this up on the video. I don't know why it's not pasting correctly.
Back pressure in Node streams
Scott Tolinski
But, basically, you have a read and write stream where you are writing to a file as the data is coming in. Okay.
Wes Bos
So I'm assuming what happens here with streams is that you are sending data from one pnpm, and you are receiving it on the other. And you hope that those things are keeping up with each other.
Wes Bos
And I should say, by the way, I have no idea, but I'm I'm gonna guess what this is. Yeah. And when you when you need to do something with the data on the receiving side, like write it to file or or parse that data, there could be a possibility where you're taking in data faster than you can deal with it. And at that point, you will start to run out of memory or or something like that. So the Wes was, how do you deal with back pressure?
Scott Tolinski
The question is really just explain what it is. And Yeah. Yeah. I'm assuming that's what it is. It's when there's
Wes Bos
more cars lined up at the stoplight than the Node can support.
Scott Tolinski
Man, for for 2 answers in a row, you've said you've claimed that you have no idea, and you've gotten a dead on, almost reading purely off of a definition here. So, yes, that is correct. Back pressure occurs when the writing speed cannot keep up with the readings reading speed.
Scott Tolinski
Without proper back pressure handling, this can lead to high memory usage such as, data chunks queuing up in memory.
Scott Tolinski
And so, basically, the way they have it as a solution here is to use a, a resume and to check to make sure that so you're pausing the read stream. And then once the write stream has been drained, the read stream can resume and can continue.
Wes Bos
So Oh, okay. So there is a way to communicate via the stream?
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. I actually posted the code. We'll we'll have the code in the in the show Node. But, basically, Wes, you're you're saying, if you can't continue, pause the read for a second. Once the write is, is ready, then woah. Then resume the stream. Sorry. I almost knocked over my coffee. That happens a lot over here, Wes. I'm just gesticulating around over here, and I'm always knocking over my stuff.
Wes Bos
That's great. Oh, cool. I I wanna make a example like that where, yeah, you can, like, essentially pause the stream while it is it is ready to go. I like it. Good. That was a good question. Thank you. Yeah.
Wes Bos
Alright. I gotta get another one.
Wes Bos
That's way too hard. Oh, no. Can I I I I'm not gonna ask you to answer this one, but I just wanna laugh with you? In a high concurrency Node. Js application using the cluster module explain potential race conditions and memory sharing challenges when implemented to distributed in memory cache across worker processes?
Scott Tolinski
Oh, yeah. What a question. Could you imagine being in an interview and then getting that question and just be like, I don't know. Like, you must be applying for a very specific type of role to get questions like that. So Yeah. Node not not anything my, UI brain can do. So The next question here is, describe a comprehensive
Rate limiting strategies
Wes Bos
strategy for implementing a custom middleware Bos rate limit system in something like it says Express JS, but in in something that has a middleware in it, Hano would be a good example.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. So rate limiting, my understanding here would be that, for rate limiting, you're checking like, if if too many requests are coming in per given amount of time, then you're going to want to Scott. Do you in rate limiting, do you do you prevent? Like, you say, wait. Hold on. If too many are coming through, is that what you do, or do you do you slow it down? I actually don't know.
Wes Bos
You can do either. Okay. It's most likely you're you just say, hey. You've done too many. Now Okay. Now stop. But you could also, increase the time that a request takes every single time, and that stops someone who's entering a password once. It takes
Scott Tolinski
a 100 milliseconds. But the 2nd time is 200 milliseconds. Yeah. So, basically, what you're gonna be doing is you have a threshold for how many requests can happen per given amount of time. And Yeah. Each time a request is coming in, you're incrementing that over that given amount of time. In that given amount of time, that the variable in memory, I suppose, in memory, is going to be storing how many requests currently you have per that time. Mhmm. And then if that exceeds your limit, then you're like, you're saying you're either slowing them down or you are blocking them entirely.
Scott Tolinski
But, basically, yeah, you're just not because middleware functions like it's stepping into the request process. Right? The request comes in, and then you can even augment it on the the response Scott. It's happening in the middle of that process. So if you can step in there and say, wait. Hold on. 1st thing in the process is that Wes these have been coming in too fast. Let me just slow down and block them. I had to implement something like this for people spamming they're spamming stolen credit cards on the level up checkout phase. Because even if I had Captcha or all this stuff, you'd still get people who would just try a whole bunch or whatever. So I had to put a a rate limiting of you can only try you can only try 4 credit cards, per hour, per account, or whatever. So, you know, it's a you don't wanna block anybody who's legitimately accidentally entering your card wrong, but at the same time, just a version of it. That on my
Wes Bos
my my rate limiting is primarily IP based, but I often will have, like, a entire class at, like, a a university try to sign up. And it immediately shuts it down because within 2 minutes, you have 50, a 100 people try sign up for it. And that's that's a problem with literally everything, but it's a problem where good people do things in the same way that bad people do things.
Scott Tolinski
But, yeah, that was a great answer. I like it. You you can rate limit individual users. You could rate limit every user. You could yeah.
Wes Bos
Yeah. You can do it on a user Bos, but then, like, if they use a VPN or they, like, clear their browser or they're they're running a script from that doesn't have cookies.
Wes Bos
It's a hard problem to solve. But Yeah. We've I think we we did a whole show on that as well. I have one for for you, Wes.
Scott Tolinski
This is based on a a in in fact, an informative tweet that I did on using the translate and transform properties. So Alright. In the past, you could use transform to use something like translate. Right? What specific translate or transform function did not become a property once they moved translate to a property? I was actually gonna ask you this. 1 of them did not become a property. Node of them. And it's not a version of it. It's not translate three d, so to say. Oh, I was gonna say, like, translate z.
Transforms and the translate property
Wes Bos
Okay. So transform. Let me think about what the possible options are. Right? You have scale.
Wes Bos
You have rotate, skew, translate.
Wes Bos
It's just rotate, skew, and translate. Right? So is it is it translate? No. Translate did make it. That was your whole your whole point. Right?
Scott Tolinski
You're forgetting 1. I I just wanna say you're forgetting 1. Oh, okay. Let me think about this. You got
Wes Bos
scale, rotate, skew, translate. There's 1 more? No. That you didn't say scale before. Oh, I didn't say scale. Okay. So scale, rotate, skew, and translate. I think the one that did not make it was translate.
Scott Tolinski
Do you think the one that did not make it was translate? Okay. No. Because that Wes in my example, and you knew that. You already even said that once.
Scott Tolinski
The the one that did not make it is skew. There is a scale property, a rotate property, and a translate property, but no SKU property. But wait.
Wes Bos
Does so tran is there a equivalent of translate x and y CSS properties as well? Well, translate can accept, multiple values here. Yeah. Okay. But if you did wanna just change one of them, you'd you use a variable.
Guest 2
Okay. Oh, man. SKU. SKU is my favorite. Yeah. I I don't know why. And in fact, Braumas
Scott Tolinski
quote tweeted my thing giving some extra context. And I replied to him saying, what's up with SKU not making the jump? And, did not respond. So I I gotta I gotta get that answer from somebody. That's deep down. Don't ask questions you don't want answers to, Scott. Exactly.
Scott Tolinski
Shaking the boat here. Rocking the boat.
Wes Bos
That's great.
Wes Bos
Alright. Here's my CSS question for you. Explain the potential rendering benefits and downsides to using translate z 0 or will change transform in CSS? Maybe even just narrow that down to will change. What are the potential upsides and downsides
Benefits of translateZ and will-change
Scott Tolinski
to using it? Yeah. I don't know if will change explicitly implements the GPU or not, but I know translate, with the the z axis does Mhmm. But your your transforms onto the the GPU, which can be advantageous, especially if you're wanting smoother animations.
Scott Tolinski
Will change is an interesting property because it kind of preps the browser to know that this item will be animating.
Scott Tolinski
And, therefore, it's able to potentially, make it a smoother experience.
Scott Tolinski
Now will change my understanding, and this could be right or wrong. I'm gonna say I don't know explicitly. I have looked this up at some point. My understanding is that will change becomes a problem if too many things are listed as will change, because the browser has to keep track of all of the things that will change. And if you have a 1,000,000,000 things that will change, then that can become a problem and can slow down your site. I do believe will change may I don't know if will change does put it on the GPU or not.
Scott Tolinski
I don't wanna say yes or no to that,
Guest 2
because I don't know. Actually, well, I'll go for it. I'll say it does put it on the GPU.
Wes Bos
That's good. Yes. You're right. So CSS will change hints to the browser how an element is expected to change. So you could say, will change transform, will change opacity, will change Scott position, and it hints to the browser. Hey. This thing will change. However, like you said, it's, intended to be used as a last resort because a browser already tries to do this. Yes. And there are some downsides. Like, it creates its own stacking context.
Wes Bos
So if you're doing any, like, blends with something that is behind an element, then you can goof up the the stacking context or or background.
Wes Bos
I think a background blur or something like that in CSS can I I I had that issue myself Wes it wasn't blending properly in Safari? So News will change.
Wes Bos
Yeah. So it's something as to be used as a last resort, and it's usually just something you just throw it in there and see if it changes. Yeah. Measure. And then if not, then maybe you wanna take that out because, otherwise, once you make everything faster, nothing is faster.
Scott Tolinski
That's right. That is right.
Scott Tolinski
Here's an HTML question for you.
Table with direct child rows vs table body
Scott Tolinski
This is a fun one here.
Scott Tolinski
This is a fun one about HTML tables, which, you gotta love HTML tables.
Scott Tolinski
What is the difference and why might this cause unexpected behavior between a table with an immediate child as a table row and then table data verse, a table with a table body element and then the table row table cell.
Wes Bos
So the difference between a table with an immediate table row versus a table with a table body and then a table row? Correct.
Wes Bos
Oh, I don't know.
Wes Bos
What what sorry. What the question was, what's the difference, or, like, what's the downside?
Scott Tolinski
What's the unexpected issue that might happen by having by let's just say, what's the unexpected situation that will happen from writing the first one without the table body? Like, let's say you didn't write a table body. What is an unexpected situation that could arise from that?
Wes Bos
Something to do with, like, call span and lining up with the table headers.
Scott Tolinski
It's not, but it's interesting nonetheless.
Scott Tolinski
So the unexpected behavior is that the browser automatically inserts a table body.
Scott Tolinski
So if you don't have a table body, it automatically inserts 1, meaning that the HTML that you author will not match the HTML in your Node. Meaning that if, let's say, you looked at the code and warp, for some reason, saying, I'll do an immediate child of the table, and expecting that to target the table row, because that's what it looks like. Wes, it'd actually be targeting the table body, which isn't in your code and does does not exist in your code, but does exist when it's rendered into the body.
Wes Bos
But what code would you write that would like I'm assuming both CSS and JavaScript would know about the body because the browser
Scott Tolinski
injects a body? I I put a just a CSS quick little CSS thing where you could have,
Wes Bos
like, a immediate child selector. Immediate child selector? You're saying that you would assume that your direct child descender would work.
Scott Tolinski
Basically, the the end result is that the HTML in the browser does not match the HTML in your code. Yeah.
Wes Bos
I did not know that. That's like, that's my next question. I was about to tell you, but I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you. Name an HTML element that does not need to be closed. List item. And I got it.
Scott Tolinski
K. Let me get you a harder one. Hold on. I know that. That's one I and in fact, the moment that you said that, I I was prepping myself for that exact Wes. So I had it I had it primed. I had will change answer in my head.
Scott Tolinski
Isn't that weird?
Guest 2
So you don't need to close your list items, folks. No. Don't waste your time. Oh, alright.
Wes Bos
Here's my actual question.
Scott Tolinski
That Node doesn't count because I got it right. Alright. Describe the precise,
Dialog vs div role dialog
Wes Bos
semantic, and accessible implications of using dialogue versus creating a modal with a div and a role of dialogue. So, like, maybe not the semantic or whatever. But, basically, why would you use a dialogue instead of a div with a role of dialogue?
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. Dialogue doesn't need stuff. 1st and foremost, when you open a dialogue, it captures your mouse and keyboard.
Scott Tolinski
So if I if I open a dialogue and then I, I start typing, it's gonna or even, like, tab around, it's gonna immediately select the next thing inside of the dialogue. So that's a big one. Also, escape key by default will close that bad boy. So pnpm inherently makes it more accessible in those ways, right, giving you that that keyboard support.
Scott Tolinski
Are you looking for more things here?
Wes Bos
That's that's good. I I think that's good. I I my answer here has a couple more things.
Wes Bos
Actually, I didn't know this. Restores focus to the element that opened the modal. Yep. When you click it. Node that. So if you click a button, open a modal, tab around, submit a form Or hit escape. Hit escape, and it goes back to focusing that modal. Other things is, dialogue boxes are rendered to the top layer, so you don't have to fuss with z index or fuss with, like, appending it to the end of the DOM. You can use absolute positioning without having to to worry about any of that. But then you do have to fuss with anchor positioning, which Yeah. Is not fully supported.
Wes Bos
And then there's backdrop.
Wes Bos
You can animate backdrop in, which is yeah. There's just a lot Scott of good stuff. I love backdrop. Backdrop's one Wes those things I hate implementing.
Wes Bos
You can open them. No. You can't open them with HTML, but you can close them with HTML. Soon, though, you can open them with HTML
Scott Tolinski
with With invokers.
Wes Bos
Yes. Yes. So soon. I'm excited for that. You can you can close them with a form submit, which is really funny.
Wes Bos
What what's what's the form submit?
Scott Tolinski
The form submit is form method it is Form I think it's just dot is it just dialogue? I think it might just be dialog.
Wes Bos
Yeah. There's a get and post and then just dialogue.
Scott Tolinski
Scott Tolinski
I talked about this stuff in my talk, so it's good good. Yeah. You go. Alright. Here's a question for TypeScript for you.
Unknown vs any types in TS
Scott Tolinski
K. This one, I feel like, you will you will nail this Node, but I'm gonna ask it to you anyways because I do think this is, good for our audience.
Scott Tolinski
In TypeScript, please explain the difference between unknown and any. Describe a real world scenario where using unknown would be safer than any, but never would be too restrictive.
Wes Bos
The difference between unknown and any in TypeScript is that when you have a type that is any, it literally can be any.
Wes Bos
So often, you'll have a function where you don't know what is going to be passed in. And at that point, you can either say it will be of any type or it will be of an unknown type. And the thing about TypeScript is it lets you do anything with any type. Mhmm. Meaning that if you were to try and add 1 to in any type, it's allowed. It's any type. If you were to try to do some string stuff, capitalize, 2 uppercase on in any type, it's allowed. It's any type. With unknown, which is almost always what you want, the unknown type makes you first type narrow it down to the type before you go ahead and use it. So if if you want to add a number to it, you're not allowed to do anything with an unknown until you first type narrow, check that it is a number. And then once you're within the narrow type of a number, then you can go ahead and start doing number stuff with it. So if you do not know what is coming into your function and you want to do something with that value, it is almost always better to make it an unknown, explicitly narrow it down inside of your logic, and then go ahead and use it.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. I love it. I think that's great.
Scott Tolinski
I think that's perfect. Nice work. Beautiful. Thank you. I would say, though, here's here's a an aside before we move on to the next question. I just looked up invokers and to what the status of them are. They are available behind a flag in Chrome, Safari, and Edge.
Scott Tolinski
Oh, no. And Firefox, not Edge. That they're behind a flag in all 3 of the major, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox invokers. Wow.
Scott Tolinski
Incredible. They like, people didn't even know what they were a couple months ago.
Wes Bos
Is is there a list of the possible
Scott Tolinski
Invoker commands? Yes. There is. And it's it's so far, it's going to be mostly modal stuff. So that JS, like, the the, the commands that are, like, stopping and starting an audio player and stuff are not involved in that. Yeah. So it is to get that eventually. Yeah. Right now, it is, I believe, just the, you know, toggle pop over or toggle whatever. Yeah. Yeah.
Wes Bos
I even wonder if you'll be able to, like, register custom invokers. I know that kind of defeats the purpose. No. But Give me give me that. Yeah.
Wes Bos
Write a little JavaScript to, not have to write JavaScript? You're right. Exactly. Yeah.
Wes Bos
In TypeScript, you have a fetch request, with the default TypeScript types, the browser types for a fetch request. K. When you fetch something and then you re response dot JSON it, right, If you want it to be of a specific type, like, let's say it's a syntax podcast episode, and we have a type of show that has a title and a m p three URL, all that stuff.
Wes Bos
So if you were to fetch it, why is it not a good idea to use the JS show on the end? Or why cannot why can't you pass a generic to JSON saying this is the type of of what it is. Node to say that we don't do that, but For the fetch itself?
Scott Tolinski
Scott Tolinski
Because it may fail, and it may not return a show.
Wes Bos
Which which one? So if it fails, that's not a that is not covered because the fetch would just cover the happy path. Right? That the catch would, would cover the failure of it.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. But I guess it will because you have to you have to get the 2 JSON. You have to are you talking about asserting the return of 2 JSON?
Wes Bos
Exactly. That's what I'm talking about.
Scott Tolinski
Because of serialization of data types, is that a a tree worth barking down barking up? No. Yeah. I don't know.
Scott Tolinski
Well, I guess that could be, though, because the show type from the database is gonna have different data types than what you parse from JSON. No. I'm saying, like, if you if you know what type is coming back from an API
Wes Bos
Mhmm. You think, oh, I would just like to have a generic on j on fetch so I can tell it what what is coming back.
Wes Bos
And there's a reason why TypeScript doesn't have that in their API.
Scott Tolinski
Do it to me.
Wes Bos
Okay. It's because you don't know.
Wes Bos
You you you you think you know that it's going to return a show, but what happens if the data being returned is not of that specific type? Right? You just Yeah. So using a generic or casting it with as is just telling TypeScript that it is of this specific type. And, of course, we all do that in in some cases Wes, like, it's gonna be that. But the proper way would be to narrow the type and actually check that the shape of your data that has come back from the API is actually what you're expecting. So whether that's via validation step or simply just checking for the properties that are in there. It looks like looks like a duck and walks like a duck. Might be a good use case for
Scott Tolinski
Node, something like that. Right? Validating your data. And then you can get those types straight out straight out of it as well. Make sure that yeah. Okay. Cool. The what I really like about, 10stack start, I was trying it out, is
Wes Bos
all of their server functions have, like, a validation middleware where you can use XOD or something like that in it so you know that the data coming in is of the specific type. Yeah.
Scott Tolinski
Oh, man. This one's interesting. Okay.
Scott Tolinski
So a browser question for you, Wes. What are the differences between site isolation, process isolation, and origin isolation in modern browsers?
Browser isolation concepts
Wes Bos
Site isolation, origin isolation
Guest 2
Mhmm. And
Wes Bos
Scott Tolinski
And, process? Process isolation.
Scott Tolinski
Oh, man. Process origin.
Wes Bos
That's a great question.
Wes Bos
So isolation, I assuming, is whether or not data is accessible to other things.
Scott Tolinski
Is is am I on the right Yeah. The right thing? Okay. You could think of it as, like, a process for the browser. Yeah. Okay.
Wes Bos
And there's different spaces in which those things can be isolated. Right? Like an origin immediately I go to. Like, an origin is like a domain name. Right? Syntax .fm, the data is isolated to the origin. That's something like local storage. Right? It's shared amongst multiple tabs in multiple browsers of the same thing. So I wanna say origin is domain based.
Wes Bos
Process would be, like, the difference between multiple tabs of the same website in the same browser and then site isolation? Like a subdomain,
Scott Tolinski
maybe? So I think you're you're close. So the site is 1 process per the website. So I would imagine that's per domain, where the origin isolation, it takes it into account protocol domain and port Wes the site, I don't believe, does. Let me even confirm that site. Oh, protocol domain and port.
Wes Bos
Yes. Yeah. The port is an interesting one because if you have, like, a local host, sometimes I think it's a local storage JS shared between ports Mhmm. But but not domain.
Scott Tolinski
Yep. And so site, the definition for that is, it groups by effective top level domain.
Scott Tolinski
So mail.google.com and drive.google.com are considered to be the same site.
Scott Tolinski
However, evil.com and evil.co.uk, these are not my domains, would be different.
Scott Tolinski
Oh, yeah. That's why Wes you do something like a www., it can utilize the same cookies as the other subdomains, but not from Apex to subdomain.
Scott Tolinski
Now here's an interesting one. A little bonus. Do you know the relevant HTTP headers to modify these? No.
Scott Tolinski
I do not. Cross origin opener policy or COOP, cross origin embed or policy, and cross origin resource policy. I don't know any of those. Other course things for people who really wanna go nerdy into course.
Wes Bos
Wes Bos
That I had no idea about that. That's that was a good one.
Quirks mode in browsers
Wes Bos
Alright. Explain what quirks mode is in HTML, and name one of the possible things that will happen when the browser is running in quirks mode.
Scott Tolinski
And, I haven't had to think about quirks mode in a long time. This is something I know I should know, and I'm gonna it's something I just haven't had to access in a long time in my brain. Let's think.
Scott Tolinski
Quirks mode. Quirks mode is enabled when like, you do things like omit a doc type. Would that enable quirks mode? That's exactly how you, enable quirks mode. Yes. But what does quirks mode what does quirks mode do?
Wes Bos
Yeah. If you put a document into quirks mode, what would you expect to happen?
Scott Tolinski
That I couldn't tell you. I I know it has something to do with, which APIs are available, but I don't know. I don't know anything about it. It's inconsistent margin and padding,
Wes Bos
different handling of table cell sizing, unpredictable float and positioning behaviors, nonstandard CSS implementations, different handling of percentage based measurements. Oh, yeah.
Wes Bos
This is basically, like, before the browsers got together and, like, standardized on a lot of how these things should work, there was older doc types. And those older doc types dictate to the browser how it should work, and other poor people have to maintain these old quirks mode. So now HTML 5 or or doc type HTML is it puts you out of quirks mode. Right? So if you ever forget a doc type, you're gonna get a little,
Scott Tolinski
message in your console that says operating in quirks mode. I like how you said Node when, like, that came out in, like, 2011. Yeah. Yeah.
Wes Bos
It's been away for, like, 15 years. Yeah. Yeah.
Wes Bos
Oh, that's wild that someone has to keep quirks mode code running somewhere. We should I wanna have the guy on who's working on the Lady Bird browser. Yes. Me too. I think about Lady Bird all the time. Is he gonna support quirks mode? Probably not.
Scott Tolinski
Let's hope not. I did see that they responded to my, tweet about transforms that that is already supported in Lady Bird. So it seems like Lady Bird is cruising on, APIs that they've supported. Yeah. It's it's really interesting. Cool.
Wes Bos
Alright. That's it for today. Hopefully, you enjoyed that. Anything else to add, or should we wrap it up? Nothing. I got nothing.
Scott Tolinski
Alright. How many of these questions did you get stumped by? Do you have any questions for us in later episodes of Stump? Do you wanna look. May maybe we can get a little stumped going in the audience, and people can just post questions into the the comments. So if you have any questions, you wanna stump people you think you know something, or maybe, you wanna stump us or whatever, leave those questions down below. We would love to try to answer them. That'd be a lot of fun.
Wes Bos