February 7th, 2024 × #beginners#JavaScript#webdev#tutorial
How to Code: Opinionated TypeScript Stack + Tooling Choices Explained
Overview of main web development technologies by category with opinions on best options for beginners

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
- Scott had gum surgery from a tongue piercing
- Brought by Sentry
- Sentry for application monitoring when deploying
- Figma is the most popular design tool
- VS Code is the most popular code editor
- VS Code is the default code editor for beginners
- Vite is the recommended build tool
- Chrome has the best developer tools
- Recommend vanilla CSS for beginners
- JavaScript is preferred language for beginners
- SvelteKit is easiest meta framework
- Prefer HTML over JavaScript components
- MySQL and Postgres are most common databases
- Most apps don't need an image pipeline
- CDN not needed but good to have
- Sentry for application monitoring
Wes Bos
Hey, folks, and welcome to syntax.
Wes Bos
Try try a new little intro here.
Wes Bos
This is a podcast about Wes development, and we are stoked to be here today. We are going to be answering a listener question about our opinionated stack choices. So I'll read the question real quickly just to sort of give you an idea about what this episode is about. They said summary, a 30,000 foot view of web development, soup to nuts of the main options by category with a brief elevator pitch as to why each player shines among its peers. I love the in-depth episodes a ton, but I would really benefit from a simplified rundown of all the tech tools, platforms, etcetera, currently by category. So this is kind of interesting. He he went on to say, like, I've got a bunch of old stuff that I need to migrate, and I'm not sure under each of these categories from like let's rattle through them, design tools, coding tools, CSS, languages, frameworks, meta frameworks, runtime, UI libraries, data, databases, image pipelines, hosting CDN, CDIs, and finishing touches. There's, like, so many choices. Mhmm. So we did do a show on like how to build a website where we sort of like detailed how we would actually do it. But this one's going to go more into like what are the major, major players in every single area? Why are they popular? Why why do people like these ones? And then Scott and I will sort of say, this is this is what we would like to pick. And I really like this idea, because when I'm learning a new thing, I'm really big on what I call surface area. I want to understand what are the pieces, what are the parts, what does this include so that I sort of I understand the parts.
Wes Bos
And now I can go into each of the parts and sort of dig a little deeper. So
Scott Tolinski
welcome, everybody. How are you doing today, Scott? Hey, I, I have been doing better. I had part 2 of 2 of my dental surgery at a gum graft.
Scott Tolinski
If, you have kids out there, make sure they do not have a, get a tongue piercing. I I got my tongue pierced, and I had it pierced for about 8 years or so.
Scott Tolinski
And everybody told me it was going to ruin my gums and my teeth, and it ruined my gums and my teeth. And then I had to have, multiple bouts of painful dental surgery. So do not get a tongue piercing.
Scott Tolinski
If you know somebody who's getting a tongue piercing, warn them, it will ruin their gums. Even they might not listen to you, just like I did. That's where I'm going.
Scott Tolinski
So if you hear me talking funny, I'm wearing a retainer.
Scott had gum surgery from a tongue piercing
Scott Tolinski
I got a whole thing going on over here.
Brought by Sentry
Wes Bos
Quick shout out to Sentry. We are brought to you by Sentry. We're gonna talk about them a little later in the episode.
Wes Bos
The question that was actually said, like, what are some of the finishing phishing touches such as Sentry? So we'll talk about how to do, like, application monitoring, when you are ready to deploy your application.
Sentry for application monitoring when deploying
Wes Bos
Alright. Let's get on into it. We're gonna start with design tools. When you're building a website, not always, but quite a bit of times, you want to do all or some of the initial layout design of your website in some sort of design tool.
Figma is the most popular design tool
Wes Bos
The big ones out there right now, Figma JS probably the biggest one.
Wes Bos
Adobe XD, very popular. Sketch, very popular.
Wes Bos
And I'm sure Scott just added Illustrator. I'm pretty sure people probably still use like, we Wes to use Photoshop.
Scott Tolinski
I'm sure people still use that. I'm telling you, man, The, the transition to moving into vector based tools was tough for a lot of designers who would always just use Photoshop. I used Photoshop for a long time personally.
Scott Tolinski
I remember when that switch happened and agencies were like, Sketch? What is this tool? My 1st full job that used Sketch was Ford, and their designers were like, it's not Illustrator. It's so much better than Illustrator.
Scott Tolinski
So if you're one of these people in 2024 still using Photoshop or illustrator to design your website, there are much better options out there for this particular genre. And so I would say don't use Illustrator or Photoshop.
Scott Tolinski
Use Figma.
Scott Tolinski
Use Adobe XD.
Wes Bos
Use Sketch maybe. Figma is my opinion. You you wanna use a tool that will get you as close to what CSS can give you in the real world. Right? Because that's the classic like the designer made this thing in. There's no possible way for us to implement it reasonably in actual and access.
Wes Bos
And for me, Figma is the closest you can get from. Like I use Sketch for for many, many years. About 3 years ago, I switched over to Figma because everybody was doing it. And it's way better. There's like reusable components inside of it. And you can make you can make flexible components and you can put a border on one side of a box.
Wes Bos
Yeah. It's, it's just like so you can copy the CSS for most of the stuff too.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. And I gotta say, I've just pnpm myself on the back here. I have been using Figma since, like, 2015 before then. At at one point, I was the voice of Figma's YouTube channel. So Yeah. I've been a big fan of theirs for a long time. If I had to pick 1, I would pick Figma.
Wes Bos
Big fan of it. And they tried to get bought by Adobe, and it got blocked for, like, Sanity competitive reasons, which I was very happy about.
Wes Bos
The one thing I don't like about Figma is the, like, the plug in ecosystem is Yeah. Rough. It's great that there's plug ins, but, like, it's such a nightmare trying to find a good one. Like like, I wanted to remove a background before I realized that that's built into Mac OSX.
Wes Bos
So I was like, I went through like 18 different plug ins and they're all like, buy a subscription, enter your API key. And like, I get that. But it's just it's like the Itunes App Store trying to find an app for your kid. You know, it's like, hey, try it for 6 seconds, but then we're gonna slam you with, like, a whole bunch of things that you must pay for.
Wes Bos
And good luck with all the time you put into this.
Scott Tolinski
It JS. It is absolutely a perfect analogy there.
Scott Tolinski
Next up is code tooling. And code tooling is largely how you work with your code base, how you write your code, how do you manipulate your code, get it ready for deployment, those types of things.
VS Code is the most popular code editor
Scott Tolinski
And so this can be a text editor. Again, a text editor, when we talk about a text editor, it's a way to edit your text. You know, I think Node developers' experiences with modifying text on the Internet is probably, like, beyond, like, obviously, social media would be like a Google Docs or a Microsoft Word. These are not that. These are editing files that don't have formatting on them.
Scott Tolinski
So there's no formatting. You're applying the the the code to do any sort of formatting or any of that stuff. Right? These aren't rich text editors. A text editor, there's a lot of options in this space. If you want something that's more of an app, you have Versus Code is the king in the space.
Scott Tolinski
It's the best product out there in my mind in terms of this space. There's also a ton of other options, whether you have something like Zed JS a new open source one that's kind of bleeding edge if you wanna, deal with some of the pain of the bleeding edge. You have Sublime Text, which has been a workhorse for a long time, but maybe less full featured.
Scott Tolinski
There's been a ton of change in this area, but Versus Code has kind of been the one that stuck around for the longest at this point. There's also terminal based text editors. You have things like Vim. You've heard of Vim, is an application that runs within your terminal, which allows you to manipulate files from your terminal.
Scott Tolinski
There's Emacs, there's Neovim, there's ton of these different ones. Basically Yeah. You need a way to work with text. If you're new to this stuff,
VS Code is the default code editor for beginners
Wes Bos
Versus Node is the default. Use Versus Code. Yep. That's the one to go with. I had a video go pretty popular yesterday on, like, a new feature in Versus Code, and it's interesting to see, like, the replies of, like, what other editors because people are like, I want this for my editor. And it was overwhelmingly, ESLint, IntelliJ editors, which is PHPStorm and WebStorm. What are what are the other ones? WebStorm and Neovim.
Wes Bos
That's those are, like, the 2 big ones that that kept popping up over and over. The zed one seems interesting. I'm really excited to see that it's the developers behind Atom, but they are basically rewriting the whole thing from scratch in Rust, I'm pretty sure. So it's another one to watch. But I don't know that those will ever Scott ever, but in the near future will ever displace Vercel code because a lot of the like cool editor startups right now are just using Versus Node and they're sticking it in the browser.
Wes Bos
So you can do like get pod Node spaces, stacklets, Node Sanity. There's a million of them, which is instead of running Versus Node locally, you're running it in the browser and on some VM machine or so. You just have to all you need is a browser to do your work. Yeah.
Scott Tolinski
And that's cool. I think that's, if you're out there wondering, I think that is kind of the future where things are going a little bit. I think we're gonna be getting into a world where we're doing more cloud text editors.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. I mean, we'll see. There's a lot of advantages there, I will say. Next step is a terminal. A terminal is an application that exists on most computers, by default. On Mac, it's just simply called terminal.
Scott Tolinski
And terminal allows you to write commands to the terminal to execute things. Right? You move a file, you copy a file, you delete a file. Maybe you're editing a file.
Scott Tolinski
A terminal is a power tool for people who know how to use it.
Scott Tolinski
When you look at a text based interface like a terminal, you might think it's old fashioned, But it's extremely powerful to do a lot of, you know, complex operations at a system level faster, easier, more automated.
Scott Tolinski
You can write scripts that do all these things for you. A terminal really unlocks you as a computer user to do some things that you couldn't necessarily do without it. So the options in this space, there's the built in terminal on your computer.
Scott Tolinski
Windows has 1 too, and they have something called Windows subsystem Tolinski, allowing you to use a Linux based terminal, interface for Windows that is kind of a PIA to set up. But when you get it set up, it's fine. I will say it's not necessarily huge PIA. It's just not you open up the app and it works. Right? Yeah.
Wes Bos
So Other People are gonna get mad that you called WSL a terminal Oh, yeah. Because and I get all the DMs from all the angry people.
Wes Bos
Like Yeah. WSL is it's it's kind of a shell. It's not a shell either, but it's an Yarn actual application that allows you to peer into it.
Wes Bos
And then the shell is like Bash or Fish or ZSH.
Wes Bos
And then WSL allows you to have, like, the Mac and Linux y shell that you you would expect to work on Windows because trying to run web development stuff, npm install, it works on Windows, but it, it's no good. You Node? It tons of problems. Tons of problems. And I will say,
Scott Tolinski
for those of you who are going to get angry at me for saying that, I, a Windows terminal is the app and it's kind of Versus Node like.
Scott Tolinski
Honestly, it's a really nice terminal.
Scott Tolinski
When I I asked people what's the best terminal for Windows at some ESLint, best terminal app, I I I got a whole bunch of different options, but the resounding answer from most Windows users was was the the new built in Windows terminal app Oh, interesting. The app to use. And I in my experience, which is largely pnpm Parallels, it was the best of the options. The other ones all felt kind of Windows y.
Wes Bos
Yeah. So on a Mac, I'm using Warp. Big fan of Warp because it it sort of was like the the Versus Node for your terminal applications. It allows you to, like, select and multi selectors, and it has AI stuff built in it. We have a whole episode back on Warp. Highly recommend that. A lot of other people use Iterm 2 or just the the built in Node on Mac. Yeah. And I will say that Warp
Scott Tolinski
feels more if if you're new to terminal, Warp will feel more comfortable to you. You just have to make an account for it, and people will get angry about that because they do. And it's Mac only right now or Linux.
Scott Tolinski
Scott Tolinski
But with all those things considered, you click on links and they work. You click on the thing and it moves the cursor to where the mouse is. You you do command arrow and it actually moves you to the start of the string instead of having to learn the very specific keyboard shortcut. I think it's what control a or something to do that. So warp functions much more like a normal tool on your computer, and I really appreciate that.
Wes Bos
Oh, Wes we didn't mention that's, like, probably one of the most popular ones is the the Versus Node terminal. So if you ask Node has a terminal emulator built right in and probably last time I pulled Twitter, probably about half the people used the terminal built right into Vercel Node. The features of Warp are too good for me to to want to do that, to to use the built in one. And I used to hate that you couldn't detach it, but that has now a a feature in Versus Node. I don't like the the Versus Code one for I don't know why. I don't it bothers me for some reason. It's popping up. It's getting in the way. Get out of here. It's it's never where I want it to be. Yeah. And mine also,
Scott Tolinski
I don't know how this happened, but my Versus Node terminal, the characters on it, we got itty bitty with massive line spacing between them. So you can't even read it anyway. I don't know how to fix it. And it's one of those things since I don't use it, I just ignore it.
Scott Tolinski
But I I've even gone as far as executing commands that I would typically do in a terminal just in Versus Node from the command bar anyways, like installing packages and those types of things. But that's a bigger conversation outside of this. Let's
Wes Bos
talk about build tools. So when you're building a JavaScript application, you are likely going to need something that will give you a few features. You need something that will, bundle your JavaScript together and and do something called tree shaking. We're not gonna get into what all these things do, Wes, essentially, you need something that runs on your system. It does live reloading. It usually fires up some sort of server that you can visit the URL in your browser and it does all the bundling, all the live reloading.
Wes Bos
And the big players in that space are Vite, Parcel, Webpack.
Wes Bos
And then there is a bunch of other tools that these things are built on top of. Rollup is a big one, which is Veeda's built on top of what's the Node what's the Rust webpack alternative that Vercel uses? There's RS pack. There is RS pack. Yeah. There's turbo pack,
Vite is the recommended build tool
Scott Tolinski
which honestly, at this point, I have no idea what the difference between RS pack, turbo pack, Wes pack are in 2000 and Wes. I think that might be, something I need to research a bit.
Wes Bos
So what what we'd use, I would say go v. It just works. It's so simple. Just you just type Vite and you have a server up and running. You can use you can link TypeScript, you can link new CSS directly from your HTML file. And I also like that Vite is like the the entry point to a Vite application is an HTML file.
Scott Tolinski
And you just open the HTML in your browser and you're good to go. Yeah. I like that as well. And Vite Vite's my pick for my favorite of these tools.
Scott Tolinski
And I think that is a good option if you're out there. Another Node would be browser and dev tools. You open up a website, you're gonna be needing to work with that website. If we're talking which browser has the best dev tools, I think it is Chrome still. I think Chrome has the best dev tools. I love a lot of their features. In general, I think it JS the best all arounder. Yeah. That said, Firefox has some interesting UIs for their CSS tools that are good as well. Chrome has cut up in many of those grid type of tools, but offers quite a bit more.
Chrome has the best developer tools
Scott Tolinski
Safari is probably the worst in class of dev tools in terms of like, general features and usability.
Scott Tolinski
But for the most part, you're gonna want to test in all of these browsers, but there's always gonna be 1 browser you have open that you're working in your application in. And usually I make that Chrome. Yeah, I agree. Firefox for a long time was the better dev tools and it's still what I use today, but especially
Wes Bos
around a lot of the new CSS features.
Wes Bos
What is this variable actually resolving to? Chrome is better, so I would probably pick a and now Node that's the question JS you pick a Chromium based browser, which of which there are many. There's Google Chrome. There is Microsoft Edge, Yarn, Brave.
Wes Bos
What are the other ones out there? There's there's lots of them, and they all have too many similar dev tools, but they they often will skin them to look a little bit different, which is kind of nice when it's something you're staring at all day. Yeah.
Scott Tolinski
I will say I am back on Arc as my default browser.
Scott Tolinski
I did Firefox for a bit. I tried to do Safari for a bit. I just couldn't do it as much as Safari is nice for your battery.
Scott Tolinski
I left Arc as my default browser.
Scott Tolinski
And man, I really missed a lot of these features on this thing. This thing really ripped. So, I like having multiple profiles open, which is helpful as a developer tool. Maybe you're logged into some services somewhere. And then in another tab grouping, you're logged into a whole another set of services, which obviously you can do in all browsers at this point. But I found these features to be really useful specifically in working in development stuff. Yeah. Next is you're gonna need a formatter for your code and a linter, which are kind of go hand in hand.
Scott Tolinski
But this, when we type code, it's not always pretty when you type it because that can be annoying to have to make sure everything is properly indented the way you expect it to be or the way that it looks nice. Or maybe there's things like semi colons that you can forget sometimes. And you hit save and you just want them to exist.
Scott Tolinski
You want your code to look and feel a specific reproducible way, but typing it that way isn't always the most fun thing. So therefore, we get into this world of formatters. Formatter, typically, you hit save on your file or perhaps you upload your file to a repository somewhere. And this process runs. And with a set of rules, it snaps your code into the right spot. It it's like a a snap in place. You know, it snaps everything. It adds in those semicolons.
Scott Tolinski
It gives you the proper spacing and it unifies this. That way, if I'm writing code and Wes is writing code and we're using the same formatter, that code looks the same, you know, beyond variable names and stuff like that. But formatting wise, it looks the same and that's great. That's a tool that you should have.
Scott Tolinski
A linter is a tool that lets you know if you're doing bad things. Hey, you're doing this thing that could be considered a bad thing by some people. It could be actually a bad thing and it's going to cause problems.
Scott Tolinski
But, usually, this is a an alert system. It's a tool that says, hey. You may have made a mistake here.
Wes Bos
You should probably look at this. Yeah. So there's lots of options out there, in the sort of linting arena, there's ESLint JS a big one. You generally also have TypeScript errors on at the same time as well. You get those fed into your actual editor.
Wes Bos
Prettier is the big formatter in the space right now. ESLint is a bit of a formatter, but it's more of a more of a linter. I use Prettier and ESLint together in most of my projects, although biome seems to be what everybody is talking about lately. So biome is the fork off of Rome. We won't talk about the whole story there, but it seems to be much faster.
Wes Bos
And that's certainly something like, the the speed of getting your linting errors is something I'm starting to see specifically in the syntax code Bos is sometimes I have to hit save twice to get it to. I'm like, that's not wrong. And I hit save and then it updates itself again. And I think that there's like a like a lag between the saving and the actual running of the lint.
Wes Bos
So I'm curious to try out Biome, both from the fact that it's just 1 tool. You don't have to fuss with getting ESLint and Prettier together
Scott Tolinski
and also because it's it's gonna be much faster. Yeah. And and I think these tools, there there's definitely going to be some shifting in this landscape. If you're out there and you're a new person, this is a landscape that's kind of ripe for a disruption.
Scott Tolinski
Pre year is fine, but what Node we're seeing with tools like Biome, people are being able to promise much faster speeds.
Scott Tolinski
And so there's a chance that by the time that this episode is a year old, our suggestions being Prettier and ESLint to be kind of the defaults, that might change. But interesting world.
Scott Tolinski
Scott Tolinski
CSS is, you know, how you style your websites, how your your websites have, bones. This is how you apply a hat and a t shirt to your website.
Scott Tolinski
Then you got a skeleton wearing a t shirt.
Scott Tolinski
There's a lot of different options for CSS.
Scott Tolinski
People pick all kinds of different things.
Scott Tolinski
My world view at this moment is that CSS today is fantastic just writing CSS.
Scott Tolinski
Now, if if you're the type of person who wants faster, you know, more streamlined or different alternatives, there is a lot of different options for different CSS packages that give you a handful of different features.
Recommend vanilla CSS for beginners
Scott Tolinski
If you're a new developer, CSS JS it is today JS so powerful that I would recommend sticking with vanilla CSS as long as possible.
Scott Tolinski
You have scoping.
Scott Tolinski
Well, sorry, you don't have scoping just yet. You have It's coming. It's in Chrome and, coming to Safari pretty soon. Yeah. So you will have scoping, but you have ESLint, you have variables, you have so many different selectors and features within CSS that you can accomplish so much with this thing. That why complicate what you're doing with additional layers if you don't have to? That said, if you're into complicating with the different additional layers and therefore, you know, exploring your options for how fast you're writing it or how you're writing it. There's something called utility based CSS, which is a bunch of predefined classes that you can apply to your CSS and have it just work away.
Scott Tolinski
These are usually considered to be like smaller bits of CSS, micro classes, if you will. You add a whole bunch of them to do your styling. You're essentially taking the styling out of the CSS and moving it into the classes.
Scott Tolinski
The biggest player in this world is Tailwind. This one is used. You'll see it very used frequently everywhere.
Scott Tolinski
And I think this is because it offers scoping out of the Bos. It offers defaults.
Scott Tolinski
It's very flexible to get as, unique as you want. You're not shipping a website that looks the same as everybody else.
Scott Tolinski
But it is a shorthand, and it is a syntax all of its own. So it is something additional you should learn on top of CSS. Yeah.
Wes Bos
Other ways to write CSS is BEM syntax was pretty pretty popular. I probably would not recommend that one. We have a whole episode on BEM from a couple years ago. And if you're curious if about what that looks like, you can go back and and listen to that. But it was invented to solve the problem of, like, of scoping. And now with a lot of the micro or meta frameworks that will just scope the CSS for you, you don't necessarily need all of that, anymore.
Wes Bos
And there's so many other players in this space. Let me just rattle through them. Bos, you have Panda CSS.
Wes Bos
Style X is a new one from Facebook. CSS and JS, there's emotion, stealth components, lots of stuff in this space. And I'll probably go with Scott on this one and just say I would go with whatever the meta framework is using and just write vanilla CSS in that regard. That's probably what I would recommend. Although every single project I do, I I sort of try to pick something new just to make sure I'm able to talk about it. Yeah. I think we are the exception to many of these rules because you and I are tinkerers,
Scott Tolinski
and that is kind of our job. Right? It's our job to be able to know and compare these things. But typically, your job is going to be to ship stuff and that's not always a good thing to be trying out a whole bunch of crazy stuff while you're trying to ship. Maybe it is. Who knows?
Wes Bos
Languages. I I we won't go too deep into this one, but you obviously have to a a programming language as well.
Wes Bos
On the front end, on in the in the client, there's really only 1 option, which is JavaScript, which is not entirely true because with WASM you can run anything you possibly want. But, yeah, JavaScript gonna be the one that you run-in the in the client. And then on the back end, you can run whatever you want. Scott and I are both JavaScript developers as well. We both, on the front end, on the back end, would pick TypeScript, which is a additional layer to authoring your JavaScript that allows you to add what are called types. Wes won't go too much into that, but other popular languages in the space are Ruby, PHP, and Python, ASP.net, probably up there as well.
JavaScript is preferred language for beginners
Wes Bos
And, we're not gonna try to
Scott Tolinski
put those all against each other and explain what they're what they all are in a a little episode here. Yeah. I I think my the biggest thing I have to say about programming languages is pick the one that you know the best. And if you don't know any of them the best, probably pick JavaScript.
Scott Tolinski
Because if you don't know any of these languages and you pick JavaScript, then you get to use 1 language on the client and the server. You don't have to learn 2 sets of languages. I don't have to learn what PHP is doing and what JavaScript is doing. I only have to learn one of these. So it really depends on what you know. If you are a talented Python developer, by all means, write your back end in Python. There's tons of options there.
Scott Tolinski
So again, if you can write a language Wes, you can probably find a web platform for that language.
Wes Bos
Next up, we have a back end. So you then need to choose.
Wes Bos
Do I want to go all in on a what's called a meta framework? These are really popular right now.
Wes Bos
And what a meta framework allows you to do is is you can do your front end and your back end in a in a single repo, in a single framework.
Wes Bos
You can write back end logic and in some files and and front end logic in other files, and you Scott of a one stop shop for everything. And that's really popular if you're starting a brand new, especially if you're a smaller team. That's a great way to go. Under meta frameworks, we have remix, next. Wes, SvelteKit, Astro. Those are probably the big ones right now. Any other ones that I'm missing, Scott?
Scott Tolinski
Solid Scott.
SvelteKit is easiest meta framework
Wes Bos
Oh, yeah. Gatsby exists
Scott Tolinski
Scott Tolinski
And this list could get out of hand very quickly, Wes, if you say, what about static site generators? Because there are
Wes Bos
a massive amount of those as well. Which one are you picking out of this list? I'm it's hard to say for me. I'm I'm sort of a tie between Remix, Next, and SvelteKit right now. I
Scott Tolinski
like SvelteKit the most and Astro the 2nd most, and then Remix the 3rd most.
Scott Tolinski
I will put them in that order. I think SvelteKit makes working that ESLint side, server side talking works really well. Astro really, really awesome project there as well. The only reason I wouldn't take Astro personally is because I like Svelte as a UI layer.
Scott Tolinski
And if I'm gonna be picking the UI layer as Svelte and they have a, you know, a finely crafted Svelte based meta framework, I'm gonna pick that one. So that's why I like SvelteKit the most. I I would also say one more thing is if you are new to programming
Wes Bos
and you want, like, the easiest one, I think SvelteKit
Scott Tolinski
wins by far in in that regard. Don't you think? It is the easiest, I think, to reason about. You have your a clear delineation between your back end and your front end. Svelte itself is is HTML like enough Wes you don't have to really become a JavaScript expert to write effective Svelte code. So Big fan.
Wes Bos
So if you're not choosing a meta framework, you can obviously choose, a JavaScript framework on the front end if you want. So you've got React.
Wes Bos
You can use Svelte by itself.
Wes Bos
A lot of lot of times people refer to these as just like Vite apps now because you can just have an index dot HTML, link up React, and start going from there. You can bring your own router. TANstack routers are very popular in that space.
Wes Bos
Alpine JS is JavaScript sprinkles, vanilla JavaScript in that regard. And then on the server, you can pick the popular one in the space. And if you look at any of the JavaScript surveys, everyone's using Express, but I would probably recommend that you look at one of the Scott of new expresses out there that are based on standards and a little bit more modern and are type safe. Hano JS is my favorite in that regard. And, Scott, you're using another one. I'll what's it called?
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. I'm still getting, yeah, I'm still getting used to the the naming and spelling. It's e l y s I a, Elysa JS.
Scott Tolinski
And this one is a BUN based backend server, which if you're new to this stuff, that might not mean anything to you. But if you listen to our next section where we talk about runtime, it will make more sense.
Scott Tolinski
This is a BUN based, essentially express Deno alternative. And the reason why I like this one is that Express can do a 113 1,000 requests per second, where Eliza can do 2 400,000 requests
Wes Bos
per second. Oh, yeah. I'm gonna need that.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. So if you're looking at those numbers, that's a lot more Wes. Brit. There's a whole there's a benchmark Scott and the bars are like the chart. It's more. There's more. It's better. I I I'll pick the one with the the bigger chart line. So I picked the 1 of the bigger chart line, and that's why I did this. It generates swagger dot.
Wes Bos
Well, that's cool. Swagger.
Scott Tolinski
Wes won't go into that. That's a whole another thing, but that's whole episode on this this, tool because I gotta say, man Yeah. I'm liking it.
Scott Tolinski
And they got a cute Fox logo. Can it only be run
Wes Bos
on bun, or is it just the tool itself JS bun power you can deploy it? I think it's bun only, but I don't know for sure, for certain. Cool.
Wes Bos
Yeah. Wes, we should do a whole show on Hano and Eliza JS because they're pretty cool.
Wes Bos
Pretty cool. There's not like a bazillion features in them, but if you just Node a quick thing up and running.
Wes Bos
But we won't get into that too much. It's it's too tempting on these high level ones to just get into the weeds. Like the weeds. Yeah. Run times. We're gonna assume JavaScript here. If you want to deploy a JavaScript application, you need a JavaScript runtime.
Wes Bos
By far the biggest one out there is Node JS. It's been the only one for many, many years. However, in the last couple of years, we've seen new JavaScript runtimes come out. The 2 big ones are Deno and Bun.
Wes Bos
We had the creators of both of those on the podcast. You go back and listen to them and they are easier to use. They run TypeScript out of the box. They have a little some security features. So they do come with some gotchas in terms of like not everything just works. We're getting very close to everything just works in Deno and Bun in terms of like the packages have node libraries.
Wes Bos
They just they can they can polyfill them and make them work in Deno and BUN. So if you're brand new to this, I would probably go Node.
Wes Bos
But I would I would think very soon in the future, we'll be able to run our apps on any of these platforms. And ideally, it doesn't matter.
Wes Bos
You know, ideally, you wouldn't have to choose it. And also the other 2 I forgot about was Cloudflare, Fastly.
Wes Bos
Those are not like local development environments.
Wes Bos
They're more just, like, services that you can deploy to, and run your thing. And I'm a big fan of Cloudflare myself. Yeah.
Scott Tolinski
If if all this stuff if you wanna know how confusing Wes dev is, all the stuff we got. And all the stuff. Yeah.
Scott Tolinski
But it all like you said, it it helps to learn this stuff if you can reason about all these individual pieces. Because it's not like they're all unnecessary. Right? You need all of this stuff or at least you need a big part part portion of this stuff. Let's talk about the user interface libraries there. You don't need a user interface library. If you're new and you wanna say, what's one of these things I can eliminate? You can eliminate a user interface library.
Scott Tolinski
But it's harder to make a nice looking website without a user interface library.
Scott Tolinski
User interface libraries can do a number of things. They can help you with functionality.
Scott Tolinski
They can help you with the way something looks.
Scott Tolinski
They can style your components and write CSS for you.
Scott Tolinski
They can add essentially reusability and a layer of being able to interact with your code in a way that is less code on your part, but you're bringing in somebody else's code. There's a number of these things from what are called the headless to unstyled to styled to design systems.
Scott Tolinski
And there's some that are just straight up functionality.
Wes Bos
This is a wild world. So, Wes, do you wanna talk about these user interface libraries? Yeah. I was just, like I was trying to, like, categorize them in here, and then I ended up just making an entire show getting into this topic because it's it's a crazy world. But, like, I thought I'll just break down React ARIA as an example because React ARIA touches all 4 of these categories. So at the very basic, you have what's called headless UI libraries, and and headless UI libraries give you only the functions for things like what items should be highlighted or what happens when you click on this button? What happens when it's submitted, when somebody drags this? What do you do? And it's just functions and booleans of is dragging true and and whatnot. And they give you those. And it's to make it extremely accessible. But you have to bring the HTML and you have to bring the CSS. So how it's how it's structured and what it looks like is is what you bring. Then you have 1 step further, which is React ARIA components. They'll give you, like, a a select list and and the divs for the select list, or they'll give you the the divs for a date picker, something like that. So those are really handy.
Wes Bos
So React ARIA is both headless, and React ARIA components are the head full, unstyled version of that? And then you want to go even 1 step further and you say, I want the functionality, I want the markup, and I want them to look nice out of the Bos. That's when you go for something that has access in it as well.
Wes Bos
And React are your components starters.
Wes Bos
There's 2 of them, vanilla and tailwind will give you the access for them as well.
Wes Bos
And then finally, even Node step further is an entire design system that puts all of these things together into a cohesive look and feel. An example of that would be React Spectrum. That's from Adobe. They're the developers of React ARIA.
Scott Tolinski
And to bookend all of that, these are all React libraries. Yes. So you have to use React.
Scott Tolinski
So at this point, if you've chosen something else, all of these things have become unavailable to you. Another option here, if you want something that's more universally available JS shoelace.
Scott Tolinski
Style. These are web components based.
Scott Tolinski
These are components.
Scott Tolinski
They work with anything because they're just JavaScript, and they are unstyled ish.
Wes Bos
I'll say that. Yeah. That is probably that's the one thing about some of these, like, going all in on React for one of these things JS that a lot of the other ecosystems don't have these like bulletproof ones, but they have, they don't necessarily need to. That's that's kind of the weird thing about it. It's, like, why is there always a React version and then a works with everything else version? This is my,
Scott Tolinski
my personal recommendation.
Scott Tolinski
JS shoelace.
Scott Tolinski
Well, I'm I'm saying if you don't use React, first, use HTML.
Scott Tolinski
Do I need a JavaScript based component for the thing I'm trying to do? Or is there an HTML primitive that will do it for me? Good point. If you can't do it with HTML, then go do a web component based solution because that is going to work the most amount of places.
Prefer HTML over JavaScript components
Scott Tolinski
If there isn't something perfect there and you wanna go more niche, you can look into the framework that you've chosen, like a Svelte specific solution or React specific solution, whatever. Scott, we Yarn a Canadian podcast, and I can't have you pronouncing niche that way. How do you pronounce it? Niche. What did I say? Niche.
Scott Tolinski
Oh, I you know what? Wesley's wearing a Node niche. Listen. I'm wearing a retainer. I had the roof of my mouth scraped off.
Scott Tolinski
I cannot say some words.
Scott Tolinski
That's true. At least they didn't say niche. I've been whistling when I've been saying my s's.
Scott Tolinski
And you can imagine we just recorded an episode on HTMX, and that was like HTMX? Yeah. I was I was like, is this the right day to record this episode?
Wes Bos
Oh, man. No.
Wes Bos
Yeah. No hard consonants.
Wes Bos
Let me rattle through a few more things here as well.
Wes Bos
10 stack has a bunch of really good headless components.
Wes Bos
Then you're also gonna get into this other world of ShadCien, RADIX UI, Tailwind, Tailwind UI, Tailwind Catalyst.
Wes Bos
And then there's there's a 1,000,000 of them. So we'll do a whole show on it. But in general, if you're new to this stuff.
Wes Bos
Skip the whole UI library. Yeah. Unlistively.
Scott Tolinski
Scott Tolinski
Mhmm. Wes. Yeah. Totally. Next step is data. The websites, 99% well, no. Okay.
Scott Tolinski
Let me just dial back that 99%.
Scott Tolinski
You have a whole host of websites where the data does not change. Right? This is just static data. It's the same place. It's a brochure.
Scott Tolinski
That's a small portion of websites.
Scott Tolinski
In 2024, most websites are sending and receiving data from a Vercel.
Scott Tolinski
And to do that, you need to store your data somewhere.
Scott Tolinski
So you need a database to store your data.
Scott Tolinski
MySQL is the most popular database in the world.
MySQL and Postgres are most common databases
Scott Tolinski
Postgres is, you know, the very, very popular option these days. It's, like, often seen JS, like, a more modern version of MySQL.
Scott Tolinski
MongoDB is a document based, database, which we don't need to get into that.
Scott Tolinski
Chances are, if you're gonna pick 1 of these databases, you should pick MySQL or Postgres. They're harder to learn. They're harder to get started. They're more common.
Scott Tolinski
There's also SQLite.
Scott Tolinski
SQLite is a alternative to MySQL and Postgres that is actually probably the most used if you think about it, because it's, like, embedded in most native apps. There's also services as data. So you have things like Firebase, Pocketbase, Supabase, AppRite. These are all services that live somewhere else on the cloud that kind of take care of the database for you.
Scott Tolinski
And they they take care of that database and they give you nice code to interact with that. Maybe potentially helpful features like user accounts, authentication, those types of things.
Scott Tolinski
So there's a lot of options there. But again, if you wanna pick 1 that JS the most likely to be applicable in the job that you're going to get, Postgres or MySQL or SQLite are the good options.
Wes Bos
Wes Bos
Yeah. I'm gonna just say same to everything you said there. I think that's a good way to to go about it. ORMs, object relational mapping.
Wes Bos
We talked about that. We had a whole show, and you can go back and listen to what that JS, is episode 633. And then we also did a show on Drizzle recently as well, which was, really helpful for understanding both what the available databases Yarn, as well as how to Scott of interact with them.
Wes Bos
Generally, at a very high level, an ORM is going to give you a way to both structure your data into a schema and as well as a JavaScript library to create queries that will give you the data into your application. So,
Scott Tolinski
the big ones right now, Adrizzle and Prisma. What? Sorry. This is all under the context in which you've chosen JavaScript, for those of you who are following along. Many of these other tools, Laravel and PHP or even WordPress or any of these things, they they come with an ORM. Yes. Good point. So you if you're picking a language and a language based framework like Django or something like that, you get that out of the box with those. But with JavaScript world, you're often having to pick 1 up the shelf, which is Node you can zip back into your
Wes Bos
listing. Beautiful.
Wes Bos
2 other parts of data that we're not going to touch upon here is do you need an API? Is that API GraphQL, Wes API or like a t r p c, something like that? Again, it's too much in the weeds and you probably don't need to worry about it, especially if you're going with 1 of the better frameworks.
Wes Bos
And then like also client side state management JS well as if you have an extremely complicated application, not necessarily extremely, but sometimes you need something past what these frameworks will give you for managing your state, just putting data in an object. So you might want to look at different state management libraries out there, but we'll go too deep into those.
Wes Bos
Image pipelines.
Wes Bos
This is probably something like do you think the syntax website itself doesn't have an image pipeline. But I think, like, probably most most apps have an image pipeline that will Do you need that? That's a good question.
Scott Tolinski
I don't know. Maybe, like, even maybe you get into the CMS world. You could say those have an image pipeline. Right? Yeah. CMSs have an image pipeline.
Wes Bos
But I don't know if most apps need that. Yeah. That that's true. Image pipeline, what what they do JS, they will take an image that you have and they will resize them. They will crop them. They will compress them and they will generate different versions of them for the browser. So like a JPEG JS good for some browsers. And Web JS extremely popular now in actually most browsers. I think I think all browsers support WebM.
Wes Bos
Again, we won't go into the weeds, but these image pipelines will just do it for you. You don't have to worry about it, right? You know, you're not going to Photoshop and resizing images every single time you want to put it on there. There's a couple options out there. Next year has like an image component, and I absolutely hate it because it like it makes you give it the height and width, which is like, I don't know what the height and width is. I just let me set the width and they do that so you don't get like page jank when the image loads. But I don't really care that much and I don't want to have to figure out the height and width every single time. And it's hard to style them with CSF, so I would not recommend that. I am a big fan of using a platform as a service. Cloudinary has 1. CloudFlare has 1. Imajix has 1. There's lots of self hosted versions out there as well. You can just throw it up on Amazon or you throw a Docker container up somewhere.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. I'm gonna I'm gonna buck what you're saying and say you probably don't need an image pipeline unless you are getting into it.
Scott Tolinski
You know, working with user images. Right? If you're working with user uploaded images, that makes sense. If you're working with just straight up curated assets, then you can do all that, prepare them outside of your application. But again, yeah, once you get into user user submitted assets, I think this becomes a bigger a bigger thing. And if you can't tell, Wes, I'm kinda going with a more minimalist divide lately.
Scott Tolinski
I'm a CSS fundamentalist according to, Fireflies.
Most apps don't need an image pipeline
Scott Tolinski
So, I've been going a little bit more minimal with my my general vibe. Okay. Next step is hosting CDN CI. These are all things encompassed within getting your website someplace that other people can use it. A hosting platform is where the website lives. A CDN distributes it globally in a faster way. A CI is a continuous integration process, and what that does is it runs some processes on your code before it gets pushed up to its host.
Scott Tolinski
You don't always need a CI. A CI is a cool thing for, you know, a better workflow and a more modern application development flow.
Scott Tolinski
But, you know, at the end of the day, you got a website, you can still put it up somewhere. You do need a host if you wanna distribute it. And just having a host does make it available globally.
Scott Tolinski
A CDN is only needed if you want people to access your stuff fast across the world. Now I would say, that you don't need a CDN, but if you use a service like CloudFlare, it's easy and free. So you might as well just have it. Right? It's a it can help you out.
Scott Tolinski
So, you know, I I would say you don't need a CDN, but these days,
CDN not needed but good to have
Wes Bos
it's a nominal ad if you've got everything else going. So you might as well Yeah. Yeah. Just you just slap it on. You don't even have to you change your DNS settings, you click on a little orange cloud and it basically proxies all of your requests and will do caching and, all that good stuff for you. So pretty nice hosting, episode 6/15. Go to syntax. Fmforward/615.
Wes Bos
We compared what I think is all of the big hosts. The one that we explicitly forgot was Hostinger, and that seems to be extremely popular, especially with Europe and Britain. But all the other ones out there, we talked about the difference between serverless and servers and all that. So you can go and listen to that. A lot of those hosts will also include c I, meaning that it will do the build for you, so you don't have to, like, build it yourself and upload a zip file, something like that, or pay for some external CI service.
Scott Tolinski
Have you heard of, Het Hetzner?
Wes Bos
Wes Bos
Wait. What? Wes I saying a Hostinger?
Scott Tolinski
Hostinger is a host. That is 1. I was talking about Hetzner.
Wes Bos
You were talking about Hetzner. I was referring to Hetzner. Hostinger is they email me all the time trying to get me to sponsor
Scott Tolinski
YouTube videos. That's why I had a rage tweet on Hetzner the other day because I gave them my full address, a valid credit card with my billing information.
Scott Tolinski
I gave them just about everything except for my Social Security number, and then it was like, your account is suspicious, and you need to upload your passport.
Scott Tolinski
I was like, I'm not gonna do that. Okay? I not not that I don't, you know, wanna upload, but I'm just like I just wanted to get a server up and running. And now you need your security team to look at my passport.
Wes Bos
Like, what are we doing? Well, from a from the flip side, if I was a user, I'd be glad they're not letting any random spammer with a generated address into their system. That's probably why they did it. Can you call me Sanity spammer? Well, maybe a little bit.
Wes Bos
But from, again, from the I think we're gonna do a whole show on, like, the cost of these cloud services just keeps going up, you Node? And like like, I'm at a point where I'm spending 1,000 of dollars a year on render. Render just jacked the prices on us again as well. And I got a snarky tweet from the CEO of it.
Wes Bos
Yeah. What was my let? Yeah. I'm sure he's just frustrated with people. I'm sure he just yeah. People are sick of people. I'm sure he's got investors breathing down his neck being like, you Scott pay us back and you need to make money.
Wes Bos
We'll have a a couple more shows on just, like, how to run your own server because I think that's becoming
Scott Tolinski
more popular again. I'm I'm actually very into the space right now, and I've been working on a number of side projects.
Scott Tolinski
So for me, I I'm gonna be trying to figure out a way to host a bunch of these things just for fun. You know what? That's the worst part. It's like I I hacked on this little thing just for fun. I just wanna get it online, and now you're telling me I gotta pay $14 a month to do that. Like, I I I don't want to do that.
Scott Tolinski
So I would love to I would love to pay $40 a month to host all of my side projects, not just one of them or each of them. Last thing we have here is just finishing touches. What are what are the some of the things that you
Wes Bos
you put into your website to finish it up? Shameless plug here for century.
Sentry for application monitoring
Wes Bos
You probably need application monitoring because you need to know when things go south, both on your front end. If your users are clicking something and it's not working or you have a syntax error or a bunch of people aren't being able to load the thing or you have a major performance problem and you want to know why is this page being so slow to Node? Century will give you great insights into that as well as on your back end. If if your server keeps crashing every at a random intervals or or at specific intervals, you will get very clear information to why that happened with Sentry. So we would highly recommend our biased opinion of installing Sentry, throwing it into your application because you're gonna have it set up before you need it. I would say it's not even a biased opinion because it was our opinion before
Scott Tolinski
we were acquired by Century.
Scott Tolinski
So but it is maybe more biased now, but I was a user for a long time before then. I was a user before they even sponsored the podcast.
Scott Tolinski
Lucky. Yeah. Same.
Scott Tolinski
I I will say, Sentry will also save you from a situation where in which the recording of this episode, Wes decided to try out our new, Zencastr set up by, I don't know. Were you pasting commands into the browser? What were you doing? You crashed the browser?
Wes Bos
I I was like, I wrote a bunch of text and copy and pasted it and then copied that and then pasted it and pasted it and then copied that. So I was trying to, like, overflow whatever.
Wes Bos
So I sent too big of a payload in the chat, and it froze the entire screen, and my upload stopped.
Wes Bos
Like, I crashed a browser. I haven't crashed a browser in a long time. Yeah.
Scott Tolinski
Well, Century will will if they had Century's replay feature, they would see some somebody attempting to overflow the chassis and know that it's not a problem they need to solve. There's also Captcha. Captcha is an obnoxious thing. There's reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, a whole bunch of different Captchas that can be useful and helpful if you are having users submit data. They're still a very needed thing. They're kind of obnoxious.
Scott Tolinski
You know, even with a CAPTCHA, my wife still gets spam in her website's, contact form. So CAPTCHAs are a necessary evil at this point, but don't use the Google one because I think the, the prompts there are awful, and they they make your users hate you. So hCaptcha is the one I typically use. I think that's by Cloudflare.
Wes Bos
It's not.
Wes Bos
I thought it was. I think Cloudflare just gives them hosting or something. HCaptcha is like an open,
Scott Tolinski
Node. Okay. Is it? That's not right. Oh, turnstile JS the Cloudflare Captcha alternative. I have used turnstile. Yes. Mhmm. And you know what I like about Turnstile is that I think it does a better job of knowing that I'm a Vercel, where Google's capture is always like, you're not a person just because I'm using a VPN.
Wes Bos
Oh, yeah. There's quite a few of them out there. And Cloudflare also has a lot of information about your visitors across the entire web because Cloudflare proxies, a good chunk of the web.
Wes Bos
So a lot of times cloud platform is trying to go capture free. It just from the data they have on that person.
Wes Bos
So, yeah, Cloudflare is really good at that. Yes. Agreed. Cool. Well,
Scott Tolinski
there's also analytics. Google Analytics is the king here, but that requires a cookie banner.
Scott Tolinski
There's other options like Plausible that I do believe you have to pay for.
Scott Tolinski
Analytics or something.
Scott Tolinski
If you Node to understand who's visiting your website, yeah, you gotta have analytics. But if you're not looking at your analytics, do you really need them? I don't know. Just a thought.
Scott Tolinski
I do say plausible JS probably a good choice here. It's a more secure option or a more private option, I suppose, than than Google Analytics, which is kind of the behemoth in this space and the one that gives you the most amount of information, but it'll also request the most amount of information from your users. And you just gotta determine if that's something that you actually want.
Wes Bos
Any final thoughts here, Wes? I don't think so. That's Node high level overview of our industry. It's it's actually crazy how many different pieces they are. Simply just picking a JavaScript framework is was 1 section Wes 1 subsection of a section of this Node, so there's quite a bit for a full stack dev to sort of know about, but
Scott Tolinski
we got you. We got you. Yeah. Yeah. We have agonized over learning all the ins and outs of all these different areas over the course of our entire career to bring you an hour long of here's all the stuff.
Scott Tolinski
Let's get into sick picks and shameless plugs. I have a sick pick. It's a great Scott Lab on YouTube. Have you seen this guy before, Wes? He's he's electronics guy? He's an electronics guy.
Wes Bos
Yeah. Yeah. Isaac picked him on the, now when did I great Scott. He's awesome. He does all the, like, AliExpress.
Wes Bos
He buys all this random stuff from AliExpress and tries to get it to work. I think I would. Him in the past. I I looked on our website, and I did the search functionality
Scott Tolinski
for Great Sky. I didn't see it.
Scott Tolinski
So, oh, you did. Okay. There it is. Okay. Node I see it. Episode 5, 94, you did sick pick grade Scott. Well, Wes, this infiltrated its way into my algorithm without me clicking on yours from this episode.
Scott Tolinski
And it's a cool channel if you're into electronics. You probably heard Wes talk about it already at some ESLint. But he does these hidden gems of, AliExpress that are really good, where he buys a bunch of junk from AliExpress Wes then talks about if it's good or bad. It's all electronics.
Scott Tolinski
He does a lot of little fun hacky projects.
Scott Tolinski
He almost has 2,000,000 subscribers, so clearly a good channel there. And his I don't know if his name is Scott or what, but great Scott. Hey.
Wes Bos
That's that's my name. I really like him, and I did one of his projects, over the holidays. And I'll make that my sick pick JS I had a old iPad 3, and iPad 3 has a very high resolution.
Wes Bos
IPad 3 was the 1st Retina iPad. Mhmm. It has a super high resolution panel in it. It has a it's 15636 by 2048 Vercel, super high resolution.
Wes Bos
And what I ended up doing is I gutted the iPad and I bought this board on AliExpress that he had recommended.
Wes Bos
And it basically turns your old iPad into an external monitor. And I know people are going to say, oh, you can use sidecar and all these crappy apps. And my this iPad is so old, they will not run any of those apps.
Scott Tolinski
I don't know. Probably 11, 12 years old. Sorry. That's like the comedy thing. You're just like, this app is old, and I say, how old is it? And you say it's Node, that it, you know, got its driver's license for a dinosaur. Oh, I see. That's hilarious.
Wes Bos
But you can't run apps on it. It won't even start. There's no the battery's dead and it won't won't charge anymore. It uses the old iPad. So like it's not saying you can just add an app. So but it literally you buy a board and hook the LCD into this board and it gives you HDMI and USB power.
Wes Bos
So you can you can run it. And I turned my old iPad into it and I have it right above my camera right Node, and I don't have it on yet. But my idea is that I'm gonna put Scott on that iPad and just have a dedicated Scott monitor above it. But for, like, $22, I turned it turned it into a high resolution little
Scott Tolinski
portable monitor. I'm just gonna buy an iPad mini.
Wes Bos
No. No. You gotta you gotta gut it and do the electronics.
Wes Bos
It's it's fun.
Scott Tolinski
I know. Actually, git GitHub, when I was a GitHub well, I am a GitHub star still. But one of the Yarn, they sent me a portable USB c Sanity, and I've been thinking about finding some way to rig that up to my camera a here, so I can just have a distant thing with, you know, you and Randy over there. So I am looking at you instead of looking at my laptop.
Wes Bos
Beautiful. Alright. I'll I'll link up that at the, the iPad driver board as my sick pick because that was a very fun project
Scott Tolinski
to do. Shameless plugs. I'm gonna shamelessly plug the Syntax YouTube channel.
Scott Tolinski
That's right. This Node, along with every other episode from here on out, it's going to be on YouTube. Youtube.comforward/syntaxfm.
Scott Tolinski
I'll post the link into the show notes.
Scott Tolinski
This is we're gonna be posting all our episodes and more. We have like a a big announcement coming about another addition to the Syntax team. We'll we'll hold off. We'll give you a little teaser for that there.
Scott Tolinski
But that addition of the Syntax team will be making their way onto the syntax YouTube channel, so big big stuff there. Beautiful.
Wes Bos
Yeah. I will also shamelessly plug the syntax YouTube channel. Go hit the subscribe button. You probably Yarn subscribed already, but if you're not, please go and hit that subscribe button. Leave us a comment. That really helps. I appreciate all the support. Yep.
Wes Bos
Pound it.
Wes Bos
Wes Bos
Thanks, everybody.
Wes Bos
Wes Bos