January 8th, 2024 × #css#webdev#frontend
CSS :has() in Every Browser! 10 Uses
Discussion of practical examples and use cases unlocked by the CSS :has() selector being supported across all major browsers.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
CSS :has() is out in all browsers and Wes and Scott have got the top 10 reasons you should start using :has() now.
Show Notes
- 00:25 Welcome
- 02:28 Syntax Brought to you by Sentry
- 03:02 Overview of :has
- 07:09 The anywhere selector
- 09:41 Previous element
- 12:59 Layout targetting
- 15:45 Form validation styling
- 17:51 All siblings
- 21:07 Quantity queries
- 24:19 Empty children
- 24:56 Nested dropdown navs
- 26:36 Attribute matching
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