January 1st, 2024 × #print-css#css#web-dev
The Surprisingly Exciting World of Print + PDF CSS
Covers using print CSS for various use cases like shipping labels and recipes. Explains how to load print CSS, use advanced features like CSS counters and @page rules, control page margins and numbering, debug print styles, and generate PDFs.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
In this episode of Syntax, Wes and Scott talk about things to consider when printing something from your website or app including loading CSS only for printing, using units in CSS, CSS counters, creating a PDF, naming pages when printing, and more.
Show Notes
- 00:25:15 Welcome
- 01:27:04 Syntax Brought to you by Sentry
- 01:52:00 Examples of how Wes uses print CSS
- 03:42:16 Using it for invoices or receipts
- 05:08:24 Delivering a book as a PDF
- 05:42:16 How do you load CSS only for printing?
- 10:41:08 Using units in CSS
- 11:29:15 CSS Counters
- MDN: CSS Counters
body {
counter-reset: chapter; /* create a chapter counter scope */
h1:before {
content: "Section " counter(chapter) " ";
counter-increment: chapter; /* add 1 to chapter */
h1 {
counter-reset: subchapter; /* set section to 0 */
h2:before {
content: counter(chapter) "." counter(subchapter) " ";
counter-increment: subchapter;
h2 {
counter-reset: section;
font-size: 23px;
- 14:31:10 Named Pages
@page title {
@top {
/* no header for title pages */
content: “”;
@page chapter {
@top {
content: “This is a chapter page”;
- 15:27:09 Margins, Headers + footers, Page Numbers
- 18:01:18 Debugging Print CSS
- 19:57:18 Getting into a PDF
- Docraptor
- Playwright
- Puppeteer
- JSPdf
- 24:45:04 Other Things to consider
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