December 27th, 2023 × #javascript#react#css
Potluck × Naming Tech × Generators × Layers Follow Up × Sick Picks Page
In this holiday potluck episode, Scott and Wes answer developer questions around topics like advanced JavaScript techniques, React, CSS layers, designing databases, and specializing as a front-end engineer.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
In this potluck episode of Syntax, Wes and Scott answer your questions about naming things in programming, use case for generators, CSS @Layers follow up, database prefixes, generalist vs specialist, where's the sick pick page, and more!
Show Notes
- 00:08 Welcome
- 01:20 Syntax Brought to you by Sentry
- 01:48 How much of programming is genuine advanced technical stuff vs just fancy complex sounding names for things?
- 05:10 I found a non-trivial use case for GENERATORS!
- 11:05 CSS @Layers follow up from 668
- Hacking the Tonal - Proxying, Intercepting + Debugging Traffic? - Syntax #668
- Allow authors to apply new css features (like cascade layers) while linking stylesheets · Issue #7540 · whatwg/html
- 15:37 On a previous episode, what did you mention regarding database-prefix?
- 18:20 Is it better to be a generalist or specialist as a front end dev?
- 23:20 I can't find the sick picks page on the new site. Any plans to bring that back?
- Filtering and Discovery Notes · Issue #935 · syntaxfm/website
- 24:25 Can you guys give some advice about how to grow and improve as developers while struggling with ADHD?
- Supper Club × Coding with ADHD with Dr. Courtney Tolinski - Syntax #532
- 29:55 Any chance you could make an embeddable player?
- 31:32 Could you have the people behind Cards Against Humanity on a future supper club episode?
- Cards Against Humanity
- Poor Charlie’s Almanack: The Essential Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger
- Cards Against Humanity 99% Sale
- Warehouse | Blackbox
- Yowza
- 34:50 What are some of the differences between being a professional developer in Canada versus the United States?
- 40:58 Is HTML Over The Wire awesome, or super awesome?
- 42:52 How can I develop locally with a postgres database and Prisma / Vercel for hosting?
- Env Variables and Modes | Vite
- 46:23 Sick Picks
Sick Picks
Shameless Plugs
- Scott: Sentry
- Wes: Wes Bos Courses
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