November 13th, 2023 × #caching#performance#stale-while-revalidate
You Need Stale While Revalidate
Scott and Wes explain the stale while revalidate caching technique, when you would use it, and how it allows you to serve cached content while asynchronously generating fresh content.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
In this episode of Syntax, Wes and Scott explain what Stale While Revalidate is, why you should use it, and explore whether you should use it all the time on all the things.
Show Notes
- 00:25 Welcome
- 01:05 Syntax Brought to you by Sentry
- 01:34 What is Stale While Revalidate?
- 03:13 Why is caching important?
- Max age calculator
- Can I Use
- 05:09 Where does a cache live?
- 07:05 Limit how often an API is being hit
- 11:51 What about Stale while Revalidate?
- 18:30 Why wouldn't you just use Stale While Invalidate on everything?
- Syntax 484: Cache Control Headers Explained
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