December 14th, 2022 × #webdev#javascript#webalmanac
JavaScript in 2022
Scott and Wes discuss the JavaScript chapter of the Web Almanac, covering topics like framework usage, script loading, and JS payloads. Wes also shares about recovering from a nasty flu.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
You're listening to Syntax, the podcast with the tastiest web development treats out there. Strap yourself in and get ready. Here is Scott Talinski and Wes Bos.
Wes Bos
Welcome to Syntax, the podcast with the tastiest web development treats out there.
Wes Bos
We've got a rid Really good one for you today on JavaScript in 2022.
Wes Bos
This is going over the results of the Web Almanac.
Overview of JavaScript results from Web Almanac
Wes Bos
Rid it wasn't really a survey. They basically scrape the entire web and compile all the information about what are people using on the web. We did 2 whole shows on rid The CSS side of things. Now we're jumping into JavaScript, and there's some really interesting stuff like what frameworks are being used, what bundlers are being used. Are people rid Using Async and Defer on their script tags are people dynamically importing things, compressing, minifying, all that good stuff. Rid We are sponsored today by 3 awesome companies. Sentry does error exception and performance tracking. Auth0, which handles re occasion on authorization for your applications so you don't have to, and FreshBooks Cloud Accounting, we'll talk about all of them partway through the episode.
Wes Bos
My name is Wes Bos, And with me is mister Scott Talinsky. How are you doing today, Scott? Hey.
Guest 2
I don't know if I could be doing any better, man. I'm doing great.
Guest 2
The the University of Michigan has defeated, the Ohio State Buckeyes, and that never happens, Wes. It happened last year, but beyond that, it never happens. And Courtney has, like, totally given up on the game by now, and I I still watch every year. Obviously, I watch, like, all of the the Michigan football games. But Yeah. Yeah. It's a big deal in our household. And, man, that is a like, as far as sports rivalries go in terms of things that, You know, you probably don't care about. It's it's number 1 at the top of our list. So Is that a game always on Thanksgiving weekend? It's kind of always around the same time. In. Yeah. So the it's always the last game of the college football season.
Guest 2
And Michigan and Ohio State are usually both big Big powerhouse teams, but for the past 1000000000 years since before I went to school, Ohio State has won, way more times than I can count.
Guest 2
And Michigan always loses, and we've had some really bad seasons. But this year, Wes, both of the teams were undefeated going into this Game. And it's not even like it's not a playoff game or any it's just a normal season game. And it's to see kind of, you know, Teams were undefeated, ranked 2 3 in the in the league.
Michigan beat Ohio State in football
Guest 2
And, yeah, Michigan destroyed them, and We took great, great pleasure in watching that. So yeah.
Guest 2
I'm doing so. Yeah. That's good. That's good. That's good. I'm just getting over, like, 2 weeks of brutal
Wes Bos
that, like, cold RSV. It seems like everything's been going around. You know, all the kids are getting sick. Yeah. And I do you know what it was? I I don't I what has sometimes happens is I get, like, a flu, rid And then it turns into it turned into bronchitis, and I ended up having to go to the doctor and get some some meds for that, which always sucks having to do.
Wes Bos
But, like, it's it seems like the whole all of Ontario and I think the states is just getting
Guest 2
ravaged right now by whatever the sickness is. Yeah. We Definitely had a lot of friends and family, get the same sort of deal. So I didn't know if you had confirmed RSV or any of that stuff. But Yeah. I don't it might have been. Like there's a bunch of, like,
Wes Bos
my family got RSV, and it it might have been our kids kind of got over it pretty, Pretty quickly. But for me, it just just rocked me. Like, it looked far worse than than COVID was for me. It was it's actually amazing. It's just like, oh, This is way, way worse.
Wes Bos
Yeah. Yeah. I guess that's what the vaccine does. Right? I hope so. Yeah. Yeah. I actually, I didn't get my flu shot this rid And I was kicking myself for Oh. Because it just it sucks when you feel, like, sick, and you're just, like I was, like, not productive and Just not feeling good at all. So Yeah. Happy to be back. Yeah. I'm happy that you are back
Wes recovering from bad flu
Guest 2
back to 100 here.
Web Almanac JS is just chapter 2 of 23
Guest 2
Yeah. Web Almanac. You know what is actually kind of shocking is that when you look at the Web Almanac stuff is that, you know, we spend 2 whole episodes on the CSS side of things.
Guest 2
And just looking at their their navigation, the JavaScript portion of this Entirely is chapter 2.
Guest 2
Chapter 2 of 23.
Guest 2
So Oh.
Guest 2
It feels like you could make an entire podcast
Wes Bos
No kidding.
Guest 2
Just start again. These results. Yeah. Just start again.
Guest 2
Yeah. That's it's it's wild here. So, yeah, let's get into the JavaScript side of things here. We can talk a little bit about some of The different headings and general, things that you can glean from the web almanac here. But I'm I'm gonna go ahead and make a prediction that JavaScript rid Is up into the right on every single chart here just because the nature of what we do. Yeah.
Wes Bos
Including how much JavaScript we load on every single page. So the 50th percentile of, people are loading on desktop.
Wes Bos
509 k worth of JavaScript. And on mobile, it's it's slightly lower, but not enough to shake a stick at, which is rid. Seems a little high, maybe. What do you think about that?