November 25th, 2022 × #Reality TV#Lifestyle#Holidays
Supper Club × Anything But Coding with Wes and Scott
Scott and Wes have a casual conversation touching on various topics like reality TV shows, holidays, home renovation shows and more.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
- Intro to Syntax Supper Club
- Welcome from Scott
- Talking about non-coding topics
- Sponsor spots
- Holiday plans discussion
- Wes family plans for holidays
- Discussion of Saskatoon berries
- Reality TV draft game explanation
- Strategy for reality TV draft picks
- Amazing Race Canada discussion
- Discussion of movie Rat Race
- Other reality shows watched
- Discussion of home reno shows
- Behind the scenes of reality shows
- Friend's experience on dance show
- Asked to be on HGTV show
Intro to Syntax Supper Club
I sure hope you're hungry.
Oh, I'm starving.
Wash those hands, pull up a chair, and secure that feed bag, because it's time to listen to Scott Talinsky and Wes Bos attempt to use human language to converse with and pick the brains of other developers. I thought there was gonna be food, so buckle up and grab that old handle because this ride is going to get wild.
This is the Syntax supper club.
Welcome from Scott
Scott Tolinski
Welcome to the Syntax supper club. Today, we have 2 Very handsome guests on the show today.
Scott Tolinski
Very cool and interesting and just all around really neat, neat people.
Talking about non-coding topics
Scott Tolinski
That's right. Today's guest on separate club is Wes Boss and Scott Talinski. We are talking to ourselves. We're talking to each other, and we're gonna be talking about anything but coding, really. So if you if you're here and you're saying, man, I I really have to get my daily fix of JavaScript in, This might not be the episode for you. But if you just wanna hear us talk about the things that we're interested in and, get to know us a little bit better, this is the perfect place to do that. My name is Scott Talinski. I'm a developer from Denver, Colorado. With me as always is Wes Bos. Hey. Yeah. We had a couple of requests to do a show like this because
Guest 2
Sometimes life is hard, and sometimes you wind down. You wanna wind down. You don't wanna listen to some guys stress you out about whatever framework that you're missing out on.
Guest 2
And people like they at least like Scott. So they want to hear kind of at least like Wes. Yeah. They want to hear about barbecue and How's our new house and, standing desks and Scott's electric car and doing a gym build and stuff like that. So this whole episode, no coding.
Scott Tolinski
If we if we start talking about coding, stop it. Yep. Yep. Yep. We get a little slap on the wrist saying, nope. Not for you. This episode is sponsored by 2 amazing companies.
Sponsor spots
Scott Tolinski
And this is a really unique headless CMS that really takes all of your content management challenges, and it makes it extremely easy to navigate. There's a lot of Really super unique features in this thing that we'll be talking about quite a bit more later on the episode. This episode is also sponsored by tupleat, and Tuple is the remote pair programming tool for developers who are tired of pairing over Zoom.
Scott Tolinski
This is Just an incredible pair programming tool to share your code with a lot of really, really desirable features. More on them later on in the episode.
Scott Tolinski
It is it is November 25th after all today, and, you know, it's a time of the year where it's really it's really hard to get super motivated about anything Work related. Right? You're kind of coming coming down to the end. Maybe you're finishing up some projects and Yeah. Yeah. I I myself, I know I know that every time, you know, this time of year rolls around, you're just, like, looking forward to the holiday and stuff like that. And do you guys have any fun plans for the holiday? Doing anything neat? Kids doing anything exciting there?
Holiday plans discussion
Guest 2
Just the standard.
Guest 2
Usually what happens is, Caitlin's family lives in Saskatchewan, so we usually don't see them in the winter. We did a couple times when we first got together, And we realized, like, sorry, our editor, Chris, also lives in Saskatchewan, but that's not a place where you wanna be in the winter.
Wes family plans for holidays
Guest 2
Very cold.
Scott Tolinski
It's much nicer to go in the summer. They have Saskatoon berries. They have a beer Oh, my god. Dude. You you know what that is? What? Hold on. Hold on. This is just before we recorded this episode, I was talking to Wes, and and, like, I we've been having some major ESP moments where I'm like Yeah. I have In my browser window right now, the words Saskatoon berries written. What? And I was going to say, hey, Wes. Do you know anything about Saskatoon berries? Because I just heard about Saskatoon berries. How did how how I've never ever heard of a Saskatoon berry until, what, like, 2 days ago, and then sure enough, You happen to bring it up? I love it. Saskatoon berries, are they yummy? What's up with them? Delicious.
Discussion of Saskatoon berries
Guest 2
I have had as a beer, which is fantastic.
Guest 2
I'm pretty sure they just rename them to some other. Let's look it up. Saskatoon berries,
Scott Tolinski
Pacific service berry.
Guest 2
Interesting. They call them service berries. The western service berry, a shade bush, or western Juneberry is a shrub of edible berry like fruit. Berry like. What is it? It's probably like corn syrup or something like that.
Scott Tolinski
It's just berry like. Well, berries have a very specific definition, Wes. I don't know if you know this. I don't. But they look just like a blueberry.
Guest 2
Interesting. Yeah. Yeah. It's good. If you ever wanna grab a bottle of Saskatoon berry beer, it's fantastic.
Reality TV draft game explanation
Scott Tolinski
We've been watching what have we been watching? It's like a drink master show. If there is a competition reality show out there, Courtney and I have seen it. And not only have we seen it, but we have played our we Courtney and I play like a it sound like fantasy reality TV, but, for those of you who have never heard me describe this game, what we do okay. This is a big thing.
Scott Tolinski
We we we watch every competition reality show out there. And at the beginning, after the 1st episode ends, we do rock, paper, scissors to see who gets to pick first, and then we each pick 2 people.
Scott Tolinski
The 1st person that we pick, so if if I pick 1st, if I get the the 1st pick, I get 1st pick. Courtney would then get 2nd and 3rd pick, and then I get 4th pick, And then we have no more picks. And then if 1 of our people goes home, then we each get to pick another person. So if your person goes home, you only have then 2 people, and the other person will have 3 people. So sometimes you get into situations like we do top chef, and and I'll have, like, Six people left, and she'll have 1 person. And then her 1 person can still win, and I'll still lose the whole thing overall. So it's very exciting, and we we call the 1st person that you picked You're stallion.
Strategy for reality TV draft picks
Scott Tolinski
So, if the our our stallion is the person that we think will go all the way and the other person's more of a support, I sometimes do, like, a wild card. We've done variations where, like, the other person picks the other person's non stallion. So, like, I'll pick Courtney's Non stallion, and there's some, you know, there's some you wanna pick somebody who's gonna stay around a little bit longer, but not somebody who's gonna win. So that way, you can collect more people or you get first dibs on who's actually good, after you watch a few episodes. And we we we've started Tracking it all into a a spreadsheet because Oh my god. First, we we just keep arguing about it where we'll be watching a show and Courtney would be like, oh, that was my That was my pick from this year. I mean, like, no. That was my pick, and they won the show. So I I need that credit for them winning the show. And we we both She claims that she has a good memory. So, she we've decided to put this into a spreadsheet out, and we're we're tracking it. Wow. It's pretty fun. Jeff, Caitlin and I got
Guest 2
Amazing Race Canada discussion
Guest 2
Yeah. We don't watch a whole lot of these, like, reality shows, but we did get into there's 1 we always watch, Amazing race, Canada.
Guest 2
Uh-huh. And we don't want that one. It's like it's like like budget amazing race. They don't usually go outside of Canada.
Guest 2
Yeah. They're going to Saskatoon. They're friends. Yeah. They're going to Saskatoon.
Guest 2
Saskatoon berries. Yeah. And it's it's hilarious because When they go on, like, flights and stuff like that or they go on trains and, you know, like, during a regular amazing race, they're always like, oh, like, Get the get on the next train, and we're gonna beat them by 10 minutes. But it's always, like, they're always on the same train. There's only 1 plane going to Saskatoon a day. So, like, they're All on the same planet. So it's, like, always huge these huge equalizers, which is transportation
Scott Tolinski
inside of Canada. Do you ever see do you ever see the movie Rat Race with mister Bean? Yeah. We just watched that the other night. Courtney and I were sitting around, like, looking for something to watch. We're like, hey. I could watch rat race.
Discussion of movie Rat Race
Scott Tolinski
Oh, yeah. This reminds me of that, That America
Other reality shows watched
Guest 2
the great American race or whatever that Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good one. And what else did we watch? We got into the 1st season of Survivor after COVID, because they shook it up. They I haven't watched Survivor in probably 20 years, And, like, there it's amazing that they're still doing it, and it's very enjoyable. But then, like, we try to watch the season after that, and the personalities were just Kind of a flop. Like, it just we didn't we didn't like anybody on it, so we just said, screw this one. We we we we we we like home shows. We love watching, Income Property and, Scott McGillfry, Brian Balmer, Sarah Richardson, they're like 3 Canadian
Scott Tolinski
home reno people. Fantastic. I can introduce you to some competition of Home Reno shows because
Discussion of home reno shows
Guest 2
that's the type of I mean, the the competition show where somebody has to produce something. There's a fair amount of Interior design ones that are kind of fun. Some are are less fun. Yeah. Yeah. I watched a couple of TikToks on people who have been on those shows, and they always show how Awful there. Yeah. They're, like, as the edit because you always think, like, how are they doing it so quick? And it's just these production companies just getting the worst trades in there. Totally. And and I've been firsthand,
Scott Tolinski
to see some of the editing on the shows even though I I know for a fact that they're all, You know, they're very highly edited in a way to influence you, and that's part of our game too. Like, part of our game is that We we pay attention to the edit. Like, who's getting what kind of edit this episode? Alright. So and so has been given a backstory in this episode. They're gone. They're gone this episode. They've been given a backstory. We've Story. We've learned all about their their mother and their father. Therefore, we're we're it's time to let them go.
Behind the scenes of reality shows
Scott Tolinski
But, also, a friend of mine was on America's best dance crew. 1 of my my dance crew members was on America's best dance group, and they made it along to, like, 3rd episode or something. But then before the show was released, they cut them from the show because they didn't like their story. They were like, the half the dancers were from the Pistons dance team, And they were like, alright. You're like you're you're a bunch of just, like, hired guns from a professional dance team. Like, Even though you you've made it to the 2nd episode, we don't like the story, so they cut them out of the show entirely.
Scott Tolinski
And the best part about the entire thing is that, like, just about the only thing that they used about them was in the introduction in the very first episode of America's best dance or America's top dance crew, whatever that show is On MTV, they were like, some dancers were amazing, and they showed somebody do something. And then they're like, and some just couldn't hang. And then they do, like, this huge zoom in on my buddy's face, and he's just like he's, like, looking really depressed and sad. So we use that photo from the TV show as, like, a screenshot anytime we wanna prank him because they did really good. And then they got headed out the show. And not only that, But, like, kind of humiliated with their edit. You know? Yeah.
Friend's experience on dance show
Guest 2
Caitlin and I were asked because a lot of these shows are filmed In Toronto, we know, like, a lot of people who work on these shows, and we were asked to go on this show called Lakefront Luxury.
Asked to be on HGTV show
Guest 2
And now the show was to look at 3 cottages, and then we decide which one to buy, which is just like house hunters. But it's it's all fake. Like, we always call it. Fake. Yeah. So and then so we're like but so they say we'll give you $400 and 2 nights in a nice hotel In the area that you're you're going to, I would do that because I always think, like, some of the these guys on the show are always so reserved. And always tell Kaitlyn, like, I would I would be dropping swears and and being so over the top if I was ever on one of these shows. The timing didn't work out, and then they oh, they also asked to use our cottage to film