December 2nd, 2020 × #gift guide#tech#clothing
Sickpickisode - 2020 Web Developer Gift Guide
Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski discuss their 2020 web developer gift guide with recommendations for home, cooking, games, tech, smart home, desk accessories, live streaming gear, fitness equipment, and clothing.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
- Wes and Scott discuss web developer gift guide
- Categories include home, games, tech, smart home, desk, streaming, fitness, clothing
- Scott discusses cold brew makers
- Wes discusses parchment paper and baking sheets
- Scott discusses gaffer's tape
- Wes discusses knife sharpening stones
- Scott discusses cordless vacuum cleaner
- Scott discusses wireless mechanical keyboard
- Scott discusses programming puzzle game Baba Is You
- Ad for LogRocket debugging tool
- Wes discusses USB-C hubs
- Scott discusses Wyze home security cameras
- Scott discusses Hue light dimmer switches
- Wes discusses Google Nest Hub
- Scott discusses fatigue mats
- Wes discusses roller blade wheels for office chairs
- Wes discusses Wyze outdoor security camera
- Scott discusses Lutron light dimmer switches
- Wes discusses Leviton smart light switches
- Scott discusses Lutron Caseta light dimmer switches
- Jonathan Speak recommends adjustable workbench desk
- Wes discusses Elgato Stream Deck
- Wes discusses Logitech MX Master mouse
- Scott discusses wireless phone chargers
- Wes discusses cheap HDMI video capture devices
- Wes discusses Elgato Cam Link video capture
- Wes discusses LED studio lights
- Wes discusses LED RGB flood lights
- Scott discusses microphone arms
- Ad for FreshBooks accounting software
- Scott discusses Concept2 rowing machine
- Scott discusses resistance bands
- Wes discusses kettlebells
- Scott discusses t-shirts
- Wes discusses selvedge jeans
- Scott discusses Huckberry men's clothing
- Wes discusses Everlane and Fall Raven clothing
- Scott discusses Lululemon joggers
You're listening to Syntax, the podcast with the tastiest web development treats out there. Strap yourself in and get ready. Here is Scott Talinski and Wes Boss. Welcome to syntax, and happy holidays, Scott.
Scott Tolinski
Rid It's impossible to do a sleigh bell sound with your your mouth.
Wes Bos
Rid Close enough. Close enough.
Wes Bos
Today, we have the 2020 web developer gift guide or as we like to call it, an entire episode of sick rid of sick pics.
Wes Bos
Sick picasode. Sick picasode. We should call it that. We're basically going through rid. A bunch of things that make good gifts for techies, web developers in general. Just because, like, we rid. Us web developers like nice things. We like little gadgets. We like little gizmos, whether that's in fitness or in rid Cooking or in just in your desk, an actual tech. So we're gonna go through all of that. Hopefully, there is some ideas that you can either get rid The web developer in your life, or you can ask everyone else in your life for. So we are sponsored rid 2 awesome companies today. 1st 1 is LogRocket, and 2nd 1 is FreshBooks. We'll talk about both of them partway through the episode. Yeah. How you doing today, Scott? You ready for Christmas?
Scott Tolinski
I am ready for Christmas. I'm ready for Christmas. Ready for, all of the holidays, everything. Yeah. Just gonna be really sad this year considering we're, you know, we're we're an entirely different state than the rest of our family, and that's, like, really hard. Usually, we we have Courtney's parents come out for Thanksgiving, and my parents come out for Christmas or vice versa or swap it around or sometimes they both come out. And this year, it's it's gonna be feeling really weird at our house with not everybody around and stuff like that. So it's depressing at the same time, but Yeah. The kids love it. This is gonna be, you know, Brooklyn's 1st Christmas where she could be more than just, like, sedentary, just like hanging out watching everybody else enjoy the fun. She's actually gonna get to rip open stuff and and enjoy everything. And rid I remember how special that was with Landon the first time, so I'm very excited. And Landon is, like, full on like, Christmas is the greatest thing in the entire world age, so he's just ready. So ready. He's so ready. I I and and it just I don't know. It makes it really fun, so I'm excited. Christmas with kids is the best. It is. It's so fun seeing them
Wes Bos
Get excited about it. And, like, our kids it's we're recording this, what, November 9. So Christmas is, like, a month and a half away, at least.
Wes Bos
And they ask, like, every day is is tomorrow Christmas? And I'm, like, no.
Wes and Scott discuss web developer gift guide
Scott Tolinski
Not even close. Zandid carries around his, like, little Duplo, catalogs and is like, I want this 1, I want this 1, and I want this 1. Like, oh my gosh.
Wes Bos
Oh, man. Alright. So we've we've broken it down into a bunch of different categories. Home and cooking, games, tech, smart home, desk stuff.
Wes Bos
Could we not come up with a better name for that? Desk stuff question mark? That was I wrote that. Yeah. I was gonna say, yeah, don't don't drag me into that conversation.
Categories include home, games, tech, smart home, desk, streaming, fitness, clothing
Wes Bos
We have a whole new category this year called live streaming or sick work from home setups. I think that's a very popular thing. As of lately, everyone's rid At home on Zoom, software, little apps that are nice, fitness, and clothing.
Scott Tolinski
So should we get on into it? Start with the home and cooking? Yeah. Let's do it. And I'm gonna be starting with one of my favorite things, something that you can all tell I've relied pretty heavily on because I talk about it nonstop, and that's my cold brew maker. And people hear cold brew maker, and they think like, oh, there's gotta be some Gidget or Gizmo or whatever to do this thing. No. Here's what these things are. I have 2 of them, 1 of which is a gallon, 1 of which is 2 quarts.
Scott Tolinski
And, if you ask me, Scott, which one do you have? Oh, I got both. I got the 1 gal, and then I have rid 2 of the 2 quarts, and we have them in constant rotation here because you got a little bit of the time for brew. So these things are a basically, a mason jar of a given size with the 2 or the 1 gallon one having a little spout at the bottom of it, but it's basically a mason jar with a filter. Here's what you do. You buy some cheap coffee. What we do is we buy These big bags of coffee from Costco, giant unground bags of coffee, then we use just a little little tiny ceramic grinder. You grind it. Don't get a hand grinder because those things are a giant pain in the butt for how much you have to grind.
Scott Tolinski
You grind it. You get it kinda chunky. You put it in the filter. You put water of any type, and then you leave it on the counter for 24 hours, put it in the fridge when you're done, and you got yourself gold brew. Everybody is really surprised to how easy that is. But to be honest, it's very easy for me, and I love cold brew because of the low acidity. I can't drink normal coffee. So for me, this is way nice to have a 1 gallon, thing with a spout of cold brew, in our fridge at any given point. Just, oh, maybe I'll get another glass. I'm kinda feeling a little foggy today. That's almost 4 liters for the rest of the world. That's a lot.
Scott discusses cold brew makers
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. And and like I said, we have 1 of the 1 gal and 2 of the 2 courts so that we can always have a a Just 2 liters for the rest of the world? Just a a fresh rotation going on at all times over here. So part of my routine is to fill it up when one of them gets low, and then, the the added benefit of having more than 1 is that the longer you leave the beans in there, the stronger it gets. So if you have 1 on deck, can let it brew for, like, 3 or 4 days or so if you leave it in the fridge, and you got cold brew concentrate. You kick coked up on it. Yeah. Yeah. You do. It's a little little intense sometimes.
Scott Tolinski
Well, Courtney and I because we there's no way to really judge the batch other than time. So sometimes Courtney will be like, Oh, boy. This batch today, this is a serious batch.
Wes Bos
Got a lot done today.
Wes discusses parchment paper and baking sheets
Wes Bos
Got a lot done. Rid This is my probably my most loved sick pick ever, and that is the combination of Nordic Ware, half sheet pans, and precut parchment paper. If you have someone rid. I feel like I've I've talked about this so many times on the show, so I won't spend a whole lot of time on it. But if you want to give somebody who likes cooking the best gift ever, rid. Get them really nice heavy half sheet pans or the people call them cookie trays or or whatever.
Wes Bos
And they're just rid. Basically, those pans that go in your oven and then get either precut parchment paper. So it just lays flat. You just grab 1 out of the out of the drawer, throw it on, ready. Or, you can get these reusable silicone mats. They've come down in price quite a bit lately, which I am happy to see.
Wes Bos
And you just throw one of those on there, and it makes cleanup super, super easy. So big fan of all of those tools.
Scott discusses gaffer's tape
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. We definitely took your advice on the precut parchment paper. Definitely You living that life? Living that life. We got them. It's a good life. Yeah. Next one up is one of mine. And Wes said, before we start recording this, this was a really good one. And my peep people might not think about this a lot, but I love this, and this is gaffer's tape. If you have never used gaffer's tape, it's widely used on film sets to tape down cables. It's a gaffer's job to gaffer The cables and tape everything down. And since I used to work in a, an environment, I used to work in a film studio where we did the CDs That came out with Guitar World Magazine. It was like a guitar lessons in Guitar World Magazine. I used to have to set up and tear down all day, and I got rid So used to using gaffer gaffer's tape for everything, it's become my go to. And so if you come to the Talinsky household and you look at our entertainment center, You will find all of the cables gaffered down. You you come to my office, you will find all of the cables gaffered down. I am not a fan of having live cables just They're for some of the especially with kids. Right? You don't want kids to trip over it. So And it doesn't get sticky. Right? It doesn't get sticky when you tear it off, At least in in my experiences in most surfaces, I don't know about every surface and whatever, but it comes in a whole bunch of different colors. Like, we have the brown that is the same color as the wood in our because we have, like, a craftsman old 1919 twenties craftsman house. So, it's the same color as the wood molding and everything. So if you get a brown that's the same color, You you don't even see it, especially if it's on, like, a ledge or something like that. So we use appropriate color gaffers tape for all sorts of stuff in the house To make sure that things are taped down and that it it just hides away all the the unsightly cables.
Wes Bos
I would love a a roll of this, and I've always looked into it, and I've never found it, like, rid Somewhat affordable. It's it's expensive. It's always expensive. Yeah. It's it's good. There's, like, certain things in life where you're like, why is there not, like, a generic cheap version of this? And it's because it's that good, I think. There's there's, like, a Amazon version of it. I'm sure it's just as good, but it's still
Scott Tolinski
Still kinda pricey. Yeah. $10 a roll? Yes. It is it's expensive for tape, but it in my mind, it's one of those things that rid. You you really you know, it's better than getting, like, these little hooks that you hook the cables down or whatever. I don't know. In my mind, this stuff is definitely worth the price.
Wes Bos
Next one we have here is a whetstone for people who have knives to sharpen them. This is probably the thing that I get asked about the most I'm interested about this. Like, Instagram. They're like, hey. What was the whet rid. Stone that you bought. This is just for sharpening your knives, keeping them in tip top shape. And the one I use is the Henkel's wet stone.
Wes discusses knife sharpening stones
Wes Bos
Rid Couldn't find it online. I gotta add a local. Like, we should also say, like, I we've linked a lot of Amazon links in here, but, probably check out your local rid. Suppliers first for this type of stuff just because of COVID, and a lot of stores are going under right now. So I got mine at a local restaurant supply store. It's the Henkel knife block. Rid. You just want something with a double sided one, a normal grit, like, a1000 or something like that. And then you flip it over, and you get a super high grit, like, a rid 6000, 7000, something like that. And that will allow you to have a really nice the only thing I don't like about it is it is a bit of a production.
Wes Bos
Ready. It's messy because when you use it, it's a bit of production to, like, bring it out and be like, I am sharpening my knives now, but it's worth it. I'm hoping for Christmas that somebody gives me these. Re They're called cardboard wheels, and they are essentially just like wheels of MDF, like like IKEA would be made out of. Rid. You put it on a bench grinder, and, apparently, they are amazing for sharpening knives, like super sharp, and it's super fast. So that's what I'm gonna ask for for Christmas is A set of these wheels and a bench grinder, but that's that's pretty involved to to have to buy a bench grinder to to sharpen your knives.
Scott Tolinski
Wes Bos
That is, I we don't have anything like this. We just have the drag through one, which is it's okay. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Those those are pretty good. Like, they'll look at you there. And same with the, the Hone. You should like, a Hone will get you a lot a lot of the way there in between knife sharpens. Yeah.
Wes Bos
Yeah. Yeah. We use we use those. Yeah. You see a lot of people say, like, those are garbage, but they're, like, they're not knife sharpeners. They're just a hone. They they if you're as you're rid. The tip of your knife becomes bent like you cut through a chicken bone. The very fine tip of the knife will bend over, and the hone will sort of stand that edge back up again, and it'll make it nice and sharp before in between sharpens.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. Okay.
Scott Tolinski
Next one for me is this new vacuum cleaner that we got. I actually sick picked this in an episode. This is the, Teamco Pure s 12, And this is a really neat vacuum cleaner for tech heads who like vacuums. It is expensive. I am not going to lie, but it is going to do everything for you.
Scott discusses cordless vacuum cleaner
Scott Tolinski
And, this thing has, like, a whole bunch of attachments. I've recently gotten into the little miniature roller. So that okay. So to describe this vacuum cleaner, it's sort of like a handheld vacuum cleaner like you see with the Dyson's.
Scott Tolinski
A handheld vacuum cleaner. You can put a long tube on and have it be your normal vacuum cleaner. You can put a crevice tool on and have it be a crevice vacuum cleaner, And there's a little hand roller so you can like, I use this to to roll the countertops. Like, we got crumbs and whatever on the countertops. I just use the vacuum cleaner to roll up the crumbs. It's that it's, like, that useful for me. So I use this this thing for seriously everything. This vacuum Courtney and I watched hours and hours of of vacuum YouTube before Or purchasing this specific one, you can do so yourself. You'll find the same conclusions that this one is the best. There's swappable batteries, which is, to me, the killer feature for this thing because, that's what we had about we had an older Dyson, and that was the worst part about is the battery would always die, and you'd be like, oh, I guess I'm done cleaning for today. I gotta wait for this thing to charge. With this one, I I'm a vacuumaholic, so I'm vacuuming whatever. I pop it out, pop a new battery in there, ready to go.
Wes Bos
I'm glad that you're testing this one out. I'm hoping that our plug in one lasts another year or so Mhmm. So that we can get you can we can get the full report from you because So far, so good. Loving it. Yeah. That's awesome.
Wes Bos
Next up, I have I've sick picked this a couple times already, so I'll say it quick, is a instant read thermometer.
Scott discusses wireless mechanical keyboard
Wes Bos
This is a must have for anyone cooking in the kitchen.
Wes Bos
It's important to get one that is, like, actually instant read and not 10 second read.
Wes Bos
And they have Come down in price quite a lot in the last couple years. So big one. Just get a an instant read. Thermometer. I'll link 1 up in the show notes, but there are tons of them out there. Totally.
Scott Tolinski
Next one for me is going to be, my favorite tea store. This is Tea House.
Scott Tolinski
This is in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I used to pop in here. It used to be across the street from my rid. My office, I used to pop in here all the time, but they have some of the serious best loose leaf teas. It's a small business. They do an insane amount of testing on all of their teas. They run it through All sorts of different tests, various places. They only get the best stuff. If you're into loose leaf tea, you cannot go wrong with Tea House. Rid. I have the link in the description of this show. There's stuff for everybody in here. So if you're not into, like, the grassy green teas or whatever, you could get something with rid Some more fruit, more flavors, or whatever based on what you like, but there there's a ton of stuff here. It's, like I said, a small business. One of my favorite places is to shop, rid. And, I absolutely love it. Let's move on to the 2nd section, which is the Scott section because I don't play games. And this is Scott always has some rid. So super fun little games. So you'll you'll go through all the ones. Yeah. So these are all playable on the Nintendo Switch. Many of them are playable on other things, but I think the first one is for the programmers out there who like playing games, but might like something entertaining that has some programming vibes to it. This game, Baba Is You, is a logic puzzle game that is just so fantastic.
Scott Tolinski
Imagine you are getting sort of a live coding environment, And you can manipulate variables and functions and whatever, and that changes the world you live in. Well, that's basically what Baba is you is. You're you're a little rabbit named Baba, and you're trying to get the goal or whatever, but you push around little things. So let's say it says, like, the door is solid, And then you can't go through the door. But if you remove that definition from the environment, the door no longer becomes solid. You can walk right through the door. So you're basically able to programically manipulate the environment, and it it gets really, really intense. And some of the plot the like, I I consider myself good at this kind of thing. Some of these puzzles are crazy hard. So this is a really great puzzle game that's very programming based. There's also the untitled goose game, which is just fun. You're a goose. You cause havoc. There's a game I've been playing the most is Hades.
Scott discusses programming puzzle game Baba Is You
Scott Tolinski
Described it as a sick pick the other day, This game is just absolutely fantastic. It's very Greek mythology based. And then the one for the family, the family game is the Jackbox Party Pack and not like kids Kids party like a doll party. Not because it's, like, lewd or anything, but because kids probably won't be able to have a lot of fun with this. Jackbox Party Pack, there's 7 of them. Are these games that people can play on their phones and only 1 person needs to own the game? So what we do is we hook up my Nintendo Switch to the computer, We stream it over Zoom, and then my entire family all over the the country plays these games together, which are basically party games, things like Where you're you're writing in prompts or the one that we like the most is called Biddy Its, where you draw artwork and then the artwork has Specific values and everyone's bidding on it in an auction, the person with the most amount of value at the end of it wins. It's very fun, and it can cause for a lot of hilarity. So check about any of the Jackbox party packs. They are absolutely a ton of fun.
Wes Bos
Scott Tolinski
I wonder if I'll ever get into games as my my kids start to get older. Rid. Definitely seems fun whenever you're talking about them. I'm like, that that does seem fun. I should try that out. Yeah. I played a lot of gay like, I grew up Playing video games. My parents had, like, the Intellivision, which is, you know, one of those old ones with keypads and whatever. So, yeah, I grew up rid. Playing a lot of games. My my parents all would always play, like, BurgerTime and all sorts of things. You know, I grew up with it, and we used to play a lot of cards, you know, that Euchre, Michigan Euchre Life. I don't know if you get Euchre in Canada, but in Michigan, it was a huge thing. So I grew up a lot of family gaming, whether it's Or games, video games, or whatever, and it's definitely carried on to, my my life. Let's talk about LogRocket. And I'm talking about LogRocket as a service, not as a gift or anything like this. LogRocket is one of our sponsors today, and this service allows you to see errors and exceptions handle happening rid. As they happen with a video scrubbable replay, it really changes the game in terms of how you can debug things because imagine debugging a issue and Seeing exactly how that issue happened in the 1st place. Not only that, you get your Redux store if you have it or your network tab Or your console log or any of these things along with the scrubbable video so you can see your errors happening. So check out log rocket.comforward/syntax.
Scott Tolinski
You'll get 14 days for free. It's one of these services that I absolutely love. I think it's changing the game in terms of being able to debug issues that other people are having on your site. Very cool idea.
Wes Bos
Alright. Let's move into tech. These are just pieces of tech that us as devs seem to love. The first one, I think this is rid. Not a must have, but it's something that would be really nice for every developer, and that is a nice pair of Bluetooth noise canceling headphones.
Ad for LogRocket debugging tool
Wes Bos
I personally have used the QC 30 fives for, I don't know, like, 4 years, and they are awesome. And, Scott, you're on the Sonys. Right? Rid Yeah. They're a little bit newer.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. I'm on the Sony WH 1 1000 XM Fours.
Scott Tolinski
Man, that you have the worst naming. I like Coke. Okay.
Scott Tolinski
So, like, Apple. Apple changed the game with the naming their products a long time ago. How has nobody understood that? When anybody asked what monitor I have from LG, I wish I could just say, I have the LG power curve, but then that's not a thing. That doesn't exist. But, like, let's see. They're LG. If you're listening, LG, just call it the power curve. Okay? That's a great name. No. No. I got I got some just long string of digits and numbers that or numbers and Letters that I have to tell people, and I don't even know what it is. So, yeah, get on that. What's up with you?
Wes Bos
I also Be better.
Wes Bos
Be better. I you you know I'm a, a big wise fanboy, and wise Wyze is a company. They they they had these cameras, and now they're rolling out All kinds of all kinds of products. Crazy stuff. Lots of stuff. Yeah. They just announced some they're not out yet. They're on preorder, but they're they announced rid Bluetooth noise canceling like, half of noise canceling headphones for $50.
Scott Tolinski
Random products just left and right.
Wes Bos
Yeah. They're coming out swinging, and, Like, they're probably not gonna be a $300 pair of headphones, but I don't think they're gonna be 6 times worse. Like, I bet they're gonna be rid Pretty good. They look nice. Obviously, no one's I haven't tried them yet, so I can't say that. But I'm excited to see these because Bluetooth headphones are the best. Once you get them connected, that is their nightmare to get connected to your your devices.
Wes discusses USB-C hubs
Wes Bos
Next up, we have USB C hub. This is something if anyone has one of the new MacBooks I've had the the USB C MacBook for Yeah. Like, 3 years now, and, like, still Almost nothing that I own is USB c, and there's no card reader on it or anything like that. So you can find a lot of these really. I'm a big fan of Ankur stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Me too. Do you see Anker's coming out with this is turning into this the cool tech show with Scott and Wes, which I'm totally fine with. Yeah. Do you see Anker, like, launched A smart home brand called Eufy, e e f y. Oofy.
Scott Tolinski
Did they consistent for a while? I have something that's oofy. Or do I? Oh, really? Do I have something that's oofy?
Wes Bos
I am here for it. They got vacuums and cameras and
Scott Tolinski
And all kinds of stuff. And I'm like, man, if it's any if it's as good as the Onker stuff has been for USB and battery packs and all that stuff, That's gonna be good. I feel like I own something that's Oofy or whatever it is. I I I feel like I do, but I Probably YouFi. I'm looking at their site, and I don't rid anything, so I maybe I don't. Either way, yes, I I have seen them. I did not know they were related to Ankr. That's neat.
Scott discusses Wyze home security cameras
Wes Bos
Yeah. Yeah. I'm, I'm pretty excited about rid about that because Ankur makes some good stuff. Anyways, what we're talking about? USB c hub. So something that you can plug in. You get extra USB ports. You get a card reader. Rid. You get HDMI.
Wes Bos
I have one of these. I personally have a a SABRENT one, which I really like. I bring it with me to all of my conferences. It's never flaky.
Wes Bos
Rid. So either the Ankur or the Sovereign ones are are really good. Just having that for any dev to throw in their backpack will make sure that anything that you've Stumble upon. Unless it's a VGA projector, you're probably gonna be covered.
Scott Tolinski
A keyboard that I really like is the one that I use is the Keychron k 2, I believe it's the k two. When I bought this keyboard, they had, like, 1 keyboard. Now they have, like, 8.
Scott discusses Hue light dimmer switches
Scott Tolinski
No. I have sorry. I I have the k one, rid. And the latest version is the version 4. I initially bought the version 2, and I did not like it. It registered key presses before, and then the version 3 came out, and they fixed all their issues. So I got the the k one version 3, and it's awesome, so much so that I ordered the latest k three.
Scott Tolinski
The k three is their latest keyboard. So I actually jumped on this beforehand, and I even kick started it because I'm ready to have this. This thing is a Bluetooth rid. Optical key switch keyboard, and it's primarily good for well, maybe not primarily, but it's really great for Mac users. Like, The one thing that I always hated about the mechanical keyboard game is that because it's all gamers focused, it's it's very, like, low latency specific. Right? So everything was non Bluetooth because Bluetooth inherently has latency. But I, like, I wanted a nice mechanical keyboard for typing in my desk. And the Keychron ones are great because they have Mac keys. You can get with Mac or PC keys. Thank you. Thank you very much because that is a very Good feature. You could choose your types of key switches, optical, whatever, and the keys are very super thin. So it feels way more like typing on an actual Mac keyboard in the best way, And it doesn't feel like a giant clunky keyboard, and it's Bluetooth.
Wes discusses Google Nest Hub
Scott Tolinski
And there's a lot of really neat LED patterns on this thing, so my kids love playing with it too.
Wes Bos
That's great.
Wes Bos
Yeah. Mechanical keyboards is something I've I've tried to get into many times over and, Just haven't been able to to make it work. I always find myself going back to the Apple keyboard with the number pad on the side.
Wes Bos
But, like, the Keychron one looks pretty sick. I like it a lot.
Wes Bos
Next, and this is related to the Bose QC 30 fives. Actually, it's related to any any headphones.
Wes Bos
There's this new company, I think their new company, called Wicked Cushions, which is right down my alley of of naming things.
Wes Bos
And they make, like, re Aftermarket ear cushions for your headphones because, like, the ear cushions on your headphones are consumable.
Wes Bos
Rid Like, a a year and a half in, if you wear these things for 8 hours a day, they start to fall apart, and they rip and and whatnot. And you have to get new ear cushions, and rid They're not that expensive, so it's kinda something you have to expect when you get these headphones.
Wes Bos
And there's this new company called Wicked Cushions that sells, like Uh-oh. Like, rid. Stylized ones. So I ordered the black camo ones for my QC 30 fives. They're not here yet, but from seeing the reviews, And I've bought aftermarket cushions before, and they've been totally fine.
Wes Bos
Aftermarket cushions for everything. And They have them for all all headphones if you got Beats or the Sony ones or whatever, but they have so many cool colors like the they have one with big palm tree leaves over them.
Scott Tolinski
Unfortunately, they're not gonna have it for my Ultrasones, which are, German company. These, I had to, like, really I I actually got these cushions off of eBay. Re They were, like, impossible to find at anywhere, and I found them on eBay of all places. Really? Yeah.
Scott Tolinski
And they're they're not just, like, generic circle ones? They're not generic circle ones. They're they're the they're the exact same ones that you could get from the ultrasound company themselves, but they're like a German company, and they, like, didn't sell to ship their There are ones here, and none of their stores carried them. It was and, also, these headphones are, like, 20 years old at this point, so, I was very impressed. Yeah.
Wes Bos
Wicked Cushions.
Scott Tolinski
Wicked Cushions. That's very funny. Yeah.
Wes Bos
There's a replacement top band too. That's rid Never gone out online like the band that goes on your head. It's, good to keep an eye on. What else we have here? Braided USB cables. Rid This is always something I'm always going through cables. I don't know if I'm I'm hard on my cables or or what, but I've bought rid All kinds of cheap and and expensive and Apple and and whatever USB cables. Actually, it's not USB rid cables. It's lightning cables that always break on me. I've never had a micro USB or USB c cable go on me.
Wes Bos
Rid But, a braided one is definitely nicer in terms of durability as well as it just I just like like the feel of it. It looks better. Aesthetic.
Wes Bos
Yeah. Good aesthetic on on a braided cable. Yeah.
Scott Tolinski
Cool. So let's get into the smart home section.
Scott Tolinski
Now WyzeCams, We've talked about WyzeCams a whole bunch on this show, and one of my new favorite WyzeCam products is the outdoor camera.
Scott discusses fatigue mats
Scott Tolinski
The outdoor camera is a little bit costlier, but it's all battery powered. The way you had to do it before was find some way to shelter power to a camera or have living inside pointing outside kind of thing. These outdoor cameras, They're heavy duty for outside, but they also have a crazy good battery life. Yeah. The picture is amazing.
Scott Tolinski
We have the just this the straight up outdoor one, and it has been nothing but Awesome since I got it. I've only had to charge it once. It's been a long time, and, I absolutely love it. This is one of my my favorite products from Weiz, and they've really come out with a bunch of great stuff. Yeah. I got the, outdoor cam as well. Full, full disclosure, they sent it to me for free.
Scott Tolinski
So I did not send it to me for free. Rid.
Wes Bos
Okay. We'll get you one side.
Wes discusses roller blade wheels for office chairs
Wes Bos
So I had used the regular cams outside in an enclosure, and they work great, Except, the killer feature on the out the new Wyze outdoor cam is that the the motion detection, it actually has a sensor on the camera. The motion detection on most cameras, Including the Wyze v twos is diff based, meaning that they'll take a a photo, and then they'll take another photo, and they'll they'll diff them And say, oh, there was things. So, like, if, like, a a mosquito flies really close to the camera, it's like, oh, there was motion. Whereas rid. With the PIR motion detection, this thing works awesome because it actually has to detect somebody there. Rid. And that paired with the AI of is there actually a person there? And it looks like they're they're working on animals and packages as well using the AI AI, which is really cool. And the the battery is awesome on it. So I've had it at our cottage For two and a half months yeah. So probably about almost 80 days, it's been plugged in or not plugged in, and we're at rid 55% battery life right now. Yeah.
Wes Bos
It'll go down quicker if you're walking in front of it every single day. Like, sometimes we don't get Anything. But if, like, a deer or something walks in front of it, it will trigger, which is kinda cool. So big fan of the Wyze Outdoor Cam. They also just released the Wyze Cam v three.
Wes discusses Wyze outdoor security camera
Wes Bos
Yeah. I saw that, but I didn't know what's different about it. It's got a better low light sensor. So if you are running it in, like, a dark Somewhere that is dark, it will give you better quality. I've seen a bunch of people on the forums already have posted, Like, overnight time lapse photos of it snowing, which is so cool.
Wes Bos
And, also, it's, water resistant.
Wes Bos
So it's IP 65, which I think the iPhone is as well.
Wes Bos
So they this is one that you can just put it outside without a Without a thing, it's not you still have to plug it in, and you can't just put it anywhere than, like, the actual outdoor cam. But, like, for $20,
Scott discusses Lutron light dimmer switches
Scott Tolinski
an outdoor camera, Yeah. It's really good. Big fan. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. They do a lot of great stuff. I have, one that's kind of expensive for what it is, And this one may chock some people in the price. This is the Lutron dimmer, and this dimmer is for people who use the hue bulbs. Now I really like my hue bulbs. They are very rid. Costly and whatever at the end of the day, but they are really cool. I have, like, my 1 in my office set up to do like, change the temperature color all over the course the time, like, all of the lights in our houses get a little bit, like, more red tint as the day goes on just to give you a little bit better sleepy times. And I really like these switches because it turns any switch into a dimmer as long as you have hue bulbs because it basically screws on to your current switch, And it gives you the ability to twist it or press it, and you might be looking at the price. It's $40. You might say, holy cow, $40 switch. And we don't have one of these in every switch in our house, I should say. Like, this is for specific things. Like, in our our bedroom, we have A switch, and we put one of these on there. And this switch now controls, like, 5 or 6 hue bulbs all at once Oh, nice. Connected via different things. Some of them are just ready. In the bedside lamps and stuff are are being connected by this, and you can you can do a lot of really neat stuff with this. They're expensive. I found at least a couple of these have been very worth it for us. It also prevents Courtney from turning off the switch, making the the bulb not work anymore because the hue bulbs rid Have some that issue.
Wes Bos
That's awesome.
Wes Bos
I love the Leviton dimmer switches.
Wes Bos
At the time, they were the only Wi Fi based switches that could do three way. If you have a switch on 1 and then you have a switch somewhere else, Like, in our house, we have 2 switches for most of our lights.
Wes Bos
And if you wanna put a dimmer on them, it's annoying because if you dim 1 and then you turn it off and on on the other one, If you wanna undim it, you have to walk over to the other one. So they did some kinda sneaky stuff behind the scenes where they used the neutral wire, rid I think or they use one of the wires as a data wire instead of what it's meant for, and then then you can dim them from either switch As well as dim it with your voice. So you say, okay, gargle lights 20% and then bring them down. And they are awesome. The only thing I didn't like about them is If you wanna use Ios, it's an entirely different switch. And I accidentally bought the Ios switch, installed it, rid And then realized my mistake, and I had to, like, get the run downstairs, flip the breaker, yell up to my wife, is the light rid Did I get the right one? Go all the way up. So that's annoying.
Wes discusses Leviton smart light switches
Wes Bos
I've heard the, what is it? The Lutron Casita Caseta rid Dimmer works if you don't Yeah. If you don't have a a neutral wire, which a lot of old houses don't Yeah. We don't. Then that one does some Sneaky stuff behind the scenes in order to make it work, which is kinda cool. Yeah. Yeah. I almost got those.
Scott Tolinski
They were they were costly too. I don't know. I think we went in the huge Direction. And once we went in the hue direction, it's like, well, there's a lot of, like, accessories here that are hue specific. So Yeah. Yeah. The Caseta ones are supposed to be pretty cool.
Wes Bos
Last thing is the Google Home what's it called? Google Home Hub, Nest Hub. They changed the name. It's called the Nest Hub. We love ours. We have 2, and We have 2 too. Favorite part about it rid Is the photos. Just being able to see the photos.
Scott discusses Lutron Caseta light dimmer switches
Wes Bos
Kids love it. They just sit in front of it for hours and swipe through the photos. It's just a photo frame. Yeah. It's so cool. It's it's and, obviously, like, it controls our lights, and,
Scott Tolinski
we're able to pause our TV with it. And, like, it's it does everything. Yeah. Courtney watches TV on it sometimes because we have We have 1 on our nightstand, so she could just hang. We don't have a TV in our our bedroom, so you just watch TV on. Oh, does it so when you go to sleep, the it it gets dim. Is that dim enough to rid with it, or do you have to turn it off? For me. Yeah. It goes all black essentially with just the time on it. Sometimes it can be a little bit like, if I wanted to adjust the thermostat in the middle of the night, It it can be a little bit of, like, when you when you touch it. Oh, yeah. But the dark mode for it, yes, it is it is definitively good. Although our our stupid baby monitor, is Just extremely bright all the time with, like it has all these, like, little, like, notification LEDs on it that are just rid constantly bright zone. That drives me nuts. I really have no idea what a dark room looks like anymore, and it it drives me nuts.
Wes Bos
Oh, man. I have to have a a totally dark one. We have, like I would probably We have, the blackout shades and then but still light gets through the sides because we'd like they they replaced all of the Street lights with LED street lights. And when they did that, it's like, boom, like, indoor. So we had to put, like, blackout, curtains in front of that. And then I went around with, actually, this is really good. This is a sick book right here. It's just get somebody a roll of multicolored rid. Electrical tape. So you get white, red, black, blue.
Wes Bos
And then whenever you have to block off an LED light on some silly electronics, You can do that with this electrical tape that hopefully matches and doesn't look too awful. Yeah. Right.
Jonathan Speak recommends adjustable workbench desk
Scott Tolinski
Cool. So let's get into the next section, which is going to be desk stuff. Ready. Desk is off. This is, Wes is Wes is naming here. The desk stuff. And one of my favorite things that I have for my desk is I I do a lot of standing on my standing desk, so I have a fatigue mat. Really cheap, like 16, $20 or so, and it's a nice little comfortable mat. And I stand on it, and it really makes standing at my desk quite a bit better.
Wes Bos
Oh, that looks cool. I want one of these in front of
Scott Tolinski
where I prep food. This is yeah. A lot of people would use it for that. Yeah.
Wes Bos
Yeah. Every now and then, I see them at Costco. I'm like, this would be nice to have. Yeah. I haven't never pulled the trigger on it, but it looks really nice. High density foam.
Wes Bos
I'm gonna sick pick a roller blade gang chair wheels.
Wes discusses Elgato Stream Deck
Wes Bos
This is something that literally hundreds of people on Twitter rid. Got after I got 2 sets.
Wes Bos
I showed them. Yeah. It's just basically your desk chair. You pull the wheels off, And then somebody figured out you can put roller blade wheels, and it comes with all the the attachments. You just shove it in, and then you have these really slick, rid Smooth rolling wheels on your office chair.
Wes Bos
It's like, the the benefits of it is that it it is smooth rolling, and then, also, it saves your floor. You don't have I've even seen a lot of people say they got rid of the that plastic mat you have to put on top of carpet, because they just go straight on carpet with these, which interesting. I've never tried them on carpet. We we've got vinyl. We're in both of our spots, but huge fan. These are, like they're cheap, like, $30 And major, major upgrade to your office chair. Just if somebody if you're getting them for somebody who has an IKEA chair, get the 10 millimeter ones. Otherwise, get them 11 millimeter.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. I, I have them, and I have a rugable rug. So if you have a rug in your office, you can definitely roll over them. It's been very nice to be able to roll over it and not have to worry about that. What else we have here? Logitech MX 3 mouse. This is
Wes Bos
rid. When I have the MX 2, mouse, but the MX 3 is the latest version of it, and it is an awesome mouse. It's got all kinds of little buttons on it. Rid. I used the Apple mouse for probably 10 years.
Wes Bos
And when my last one broke, I thought I will just try a new one. And I'm so glad I I put rid. 3 of the buttons to volume up, volume down, and play pause.
Wes discusses Logitech MX Master mouse
Wes Bos
Like, what a what a benefit of that. Like, I never a lot of people do a lot more complicated stuff with it, rid. But I just use mine for for doing audio and and playing pause, and I can't imagine not having that anymore because if you need to pause your music rid When you have your hand on the mouse instead of on your keyboard, it's very, very easy. Yeah. I don't use a mouse. I use the the Magic Trackpad. I like Trackpads. I don't know why. Oh, yeah. My wrists and hand don't like it, but, my usage does.
Wes Bos
Yeah. I I should try that again. I I haven't tried a trackpad in probably 5 years. Rid Maybe I'll get get into that again.
Wes Bos
What else we have here? Wireless charging pad. These are really cheap. It's a stocking stuff for $10 or so. And rid. Most phones built in the last what? We would just say 2 years, 3 years. If your phone is less than 2 years old, You probably have a wireless charging coil in the back. Mhmm. And just having one of these little pads you can lay your phone on and get a little bit extra charge into it is is pretty cool.
Scott Tolinski
Scott discusses wireless phone chargers
Scott Tolinski
Cool. So let's get into our live streaming and work from home setup stuff. So this is gonna be largely around audio visual stuff for your computer and your setup here, Whether you are zooming or podcasting or YouTubing or twitching, whatever, any of those things. 1st and foremost, I wanted to have the, El Gato stream deck. This is something I'm very bullish on. I like this a lot. It's basically a it's a square with some buttons in it. Now the neat thing is you can reassign those buttons to do just about Anything when you're streaming. And those of you who who have used OBS know that it is a giant pain to, like, do anything in OBS in my mind. This thing kinda eases some of that pain because you can assign macros and all sorts of things to your OBS, whether that's, changing the source or Initializing some sort of sequence or whatever, it it is really, really neat. And and I actually had another competitor to this on the list before called the Loupedeck, Loupedeck Spelled l u l o u p e deck. Unfortunately, I read a bunch of reviews about it saying the software's I I installed the software, and there's this, like, developer tools thing open by default on it. I don't even know what this is. And I was just like, oh my god. They shipped software and had Electron with Chrome developer tools, bundled, so it's always open in the little my gosh. The Boolean that I forgotten.
Scott Tolinski
But also Shoot. So that tells you it's web based, but all of the reviews for it said that the interface was slow, leggy, terrible, awful, everything. So, I'm not gonna recommend that one just yet because it seems like that their their dev team has a lot some more to do. Bucks, this loop deck too.
Wes Bos
Rid And that we should say that the what is the the other one? Elgato one is, like, what, a 120,
Wes discusses cheap HDMI video capture devices
Scott Tolinski
a 144.
Scott Tolinski
For the Team key, there's a 20 or a 32 key that's 240 and a 6 key one that is cheaper. And, again, this the thing is, like, little LEDs in the keys. So the keys can even be GIFs or or neat things like that. It's very fun. I like it a lot. And Elgato makes some really neat stuff. You you're gonna have on here the Cam Link, which is the thing that we use to connect our cameras to the computer via HDMI, and I actually been using the cam Cam Link For a long time, you have the 4 k one?
Wes Bos
Yeah. Yeah. I bought it right before the pandemic. Yeah. Which is smart.
Wes Bos
Rid. I got it. And and then the pandemic hit. And, no, you couldn't find them anywhere. Yeah. And, I had a friend that really needed it rid for, like, real work. So I gave it to them.
Wes Bos
I just got it back recently, but I did do a brief little stint with the knockoff one. Rid. So the the four k is 60 frames per second, which is awesome if you're gaming or whatever.
Wes Bos
But if you're just trying to take rid An old or an SLR mirrorless camera and use it as a webcam.
Wes Bos
They sell like a $20 one. Re that's just called HDMI video capture.
Wes Bos
And I was like, I'm gonna try this. I'm gonna see if it's any good. And I got it, and it actually worked really good. The Their views are really good, and then it it broke.
Wes discusses Elgato Cam Link video capture
Wes Bos
Mhmm. It got really hot, and it stopped working. So, obviously, I just returned it to Amazon. I got a new one. But from what people are saying on Twitter is I probably just got a dud because there's a lot of people on Twitter. Like, yeah, I've been using mine for whatever. I stream for 6 hours at a time and rid It has never overheated on me. So that is a a good option because the Cam Link is super expensive. But if you're trying to get somebody like a $20 gift, that would be a good one. Just also get them the HDMI cables as well. I don't think many people have a
Scott Tolinski
micro or mini HDMI. Micro. Yeah. Whatever the camera has. You'd have to have knowledge about their camera. That's that's a good point.
Scott Tolinski
Oh, I should say I also tried out the, Blackmagic version of the same thing. Blackmagic, the company that does DaVinci Resolve has their own of these, And it was supposed to be really nice, but there's no feedback on it. Like, not even an LED to tell you if it's working correctly, and I could never get it working correctly.
Scott Tolinski
So the Cam Link at least has an LED to show you show you when it, like, should be working. And, I've been using mine to even stream my Nintendo Switch. So when I said I was Streaming Nintendo Switch, you can plug in any HDMI that has a clean output into this thing, whether it is a video game console or something like that, and suddenly it becomes your webcam. So it is not just for camera. It's for all sorts of cool stuff. Next one we have here, and this is this is from somebody on Twitter recommended this. So I don't have this myself, but I thought this was big brain over here. He linked to
Wes Bos
a adjustable height workbench from Home Depot rid. As a really heavy duty, slick, adjustable standing desk. So what it is is it's a big butcher block table On a metal powder coated black frame that has a manual crank on it to move the desk up and down, and it's $229 For a 62 inch, that's a really wide desk. You can also get a 46 inch one for rid. A 179.
Wes Bos
And I was like, man, that I because I have a butcher block for my desk, and I was like, I love it. It's rid. It's like it's not as deep as in as as other desks, and it's super solid. It's super heavy.
Wes discusses LED studio lights
Wes Bos
And I'm thinking, like, that would be really cool. The only weird thing is that it's rid It's manual crank, so you have to manually crank it yourself. But I immediately started thinking, well, could I put my drill on that? Could you put a little motor on it that you rid You you have a button on your cam gambling stack. Yeah.
Wes Bos
Yeah. That's very funny. So, like, that's that's way cheaper rid Then a lot of these standing desks that I've seen before, and this has a a real wood butcher block top. So big brain.
Scott Tolinski
Shout out to Jonathan Speak who recommended that one. People on Twitter are loving it, so check that one out. Nice. Cool. So next one for me is the, I never heard how to say this company's name. Neewer Neewer Neewer, n e e w e r. This is a dimmable by color rid. LED studio key light, it is a very, very, very bright professional studio lamp. It has 480 LED beads, And it is a it's the whole thing is very thin. It's very nice. The it's only $62 comparatively to some other LED lights or anything like that. This is to get yourself a nice light because as Wes and I were talking about before we recorded this episode, lighting is really the big, big difference In terms of having a okay camera look good and having a good camera look amazing is really just the lighting setup. And I use this thing. It does not come with the stand, so you're gonna have to have a stand. Luckily, I had just a generic stand sitting around, but, you can get a cheap stand for really cheap. And, again, this thing has a diffuser baked in. What I like about this one specifically compared to I have a couple other studio LED lamps as well. But the reason why I like this one so much rid. Is because every other line of LEDs is, like, orange tinted, see, orange tinted so that you can have individual brightness knobs rid for the white light or the orangish light. In that way, you can tune the kind of look that you're getting out of it. If you have too much, like, Super high white light on your face. It's gonna give you more of a pale look, so you can add a little bit of this orange y light in here. So my other ones, my my main key, because because I'm using it as a fill. My main key is a straight up white LED. My backlight's a main white LED, but my fill light is actually straight up re sepia or or the orange ish tint, so that way it kinda fills in some of that extra light, giving me a little bit more more color.
Wes discusses LED RGB flood lights
Wes Bos
Ready. Yeah. My wife just got a set of soft boxes from Neewer, and I just, like, put them in because I'm I'm trying to, like, up my rid. My game as well, which is why I've got the Cam Link and and whatnot. I'm I'm sort of in the middle of it. Maybe once we've got it figured out, we can do a little rundown of our setups. But Yeah. I couldn't believe Like, I was like, this camera is garbage, and then I just put this, like, beautiful light in front of me and hit, like, media. And Scott also, he, like, he turned off his lights, And I was like, that looks good. And then he turned on his lights, and it's like, oh. I was like, oh, that looks so good. Like, I I get it. Yep. It's a big deal. Another fun thing I got is I'm trying to do some colored backlight in my setup, and I got these rid LED RGB floodlights, which are also water resistant, so you can you could you could throw them really anywhere. Like, that you can For Christmas or whatever, it would be kind of cool as well.
Wes Bos
Mine came with a just a little remote to change the colors, but now I'm seeing that there's some available that have an iPhone app, which I'm kinda maybe I'm gonna get those instead. I'll return the ones I have because you can the color to any color that you want, except for brown. That's a very interesting Yes. Technology connections video you should watch Yes. Because you can't make brown.
Wes Bos
Rid. But any other color, you you are are allowed to have, and they just throw a really nice, super bright color on it. And I was really impressed. My kids love them too, so I'll link those up as well. Cool. Next one for me is going to be this Vivo
Scott discusses microphone arms
Scott Tolinski
rid. Pneumatic mic arm. I have tried every mic arm underneath the sun. I had a really fancy K and M one that, did just was garbage. I mean, they're all They're all these external spring brace. So, 1, they look ugly sitting on your desk with all these springs sticking out. 2, they never put the mic where you put the mic. I put the mic up here, and then it droops down because the mic's too heavy for it. You tighten it up. It doesn't care. Over time, the thing is just inevitably going to break down. So I was really on a run to find a good mic arm, and all of the good ones, like the the broadcast ones, basically require you to drill through your desk or They're very expensive, or there was a lot of downfalls with all of them. And so I found this one after a lot of trying and looking.
Scott Tolinski
It's Vivo.
Scott Tolinski
Rid. Same for me that makes my, my monitor arm, and it's pneumatic.
Scott Tolinski
And it is only $79.
Scott Tolinski
So compared to other professional ones, this one is a steal because if $70 sounds like a expensive mic arm for you, yes, it is. But compared to the other good ones, this one's a definite steal. And if I put my mic over here,
Wes Bos
it stays there every single rid Time, and I don't have to worry about it. It's like the light at the dentist. That's how I always tell people about what pneumatic things are. It's like, when the dentist puts the light where he wants it to go,
Scott Tolinski
It stays there. It's easy to move, but then once you once you stop moving it, it doesn't move. Yeah. It's just very good. So
Wes Bos
that's good. Rid. So that's it for our work from home setups and and whatnot. We'll probably do another show on on stuff once once we've all or I've got it settled down. You obviously have yours dialed in. Let's take a quick break to talk about our sponsor, and that is FreshBooks. FreshBooks is cloud accounting. And I'm gonna tell you not about the features of FreshBooks, but about the support of FreshBooks. So I had an issue with FreshBooks rid On Thursday, last Thursday, and I logged in to FreshBooks.
Ad for FreshBooks accounting software
Wes Bos
I I needed to download, rid A tax summary for my accountant and get it off to him. So I clicked on it, and the, the page just jumped to the top. Rid. I immediately was like, JavaScript is broken because I clicked on the link and, or clicked on the button, and it didn't move me to that part of the application. Just jump to the top of the page. So I said, okay, this is this is annoying. What am I going to do about this? So I was like, I'm going to call them. So I called them. Rid. Somebody picked up 1st ring, said, hey, FreshBooks. What's up? They didn't say what's up. They were more professional than that. And I explained the issue. I said, Looks like JavaScript's broken.
Wes Bos
Trust me. I'm a developer.
Wes Bos
You could tell that the the guy on the phone was also re Super technical. So he understood, what was going on. So alright. So he first, he generated the report for me, and then he also logged logged off that issue rid And, and contacted the the right people for it, and it was fixed within a day. I had it working again when I tried it again the next morning. So support with FreshBooks rid. It's fantastic.
Wes Bos
Let alone they answer the phone. You know? I don't have to, like, submit some sort of, like, contact form that they immediately email and say, we got your support request, And then you never hear anything back. The sport is awesome. So check it out freshbooks.comforward/ syntax.
Wes Bos
Make sure you use syntax in the how did you hear about us section, rid. And that is gonna get you
Scott Tolinski
a 30 day unrestricted free trial. Cool. So let's get into the last 2 sections really quick. We can breeze through some of these these things are not sort of tech related fitness stuff. I got a concept 2 rower PM 5. It is the model, Oh, gosh. Model d. Oh, the d. It's the concept 2 model d p m five. I love this thing. I use it all the time now. I ordered it from somebody locally on Craigslist. They are kind of difficult to find right now, so pop up in Craigslist, set up some alerts, and try to find one for yourself. The reason why I really like getting a rower is because It's gonna be a good way to do cardio at home in the middle of a pandemic. Right? Because cardio at winter is really, really tough to do, especially unless you're doing, like, Jumping up and down in your living room or something, which is fine. But the rower in general is going to build muscle as well as do cardio stuff. So very good. Another thing I wanna shout out is the PowerBlocks, which are gonna be difficult to find, and hopefully, that doesn't stay the same, but who knows? The PowerBlocks are Adjustable dumbbells that go anywhere from £5 to £70 or even higher if you have the extension.
Scott Tolinski
We use these things every single day. They are just incredible. I've had them for now, re Like, 8 years or something, and they're just very good. Another one, this one's going to be a cheap one because a lot of these have been very costly. This is The bands. So I have some $19 bands here, elastic bands that you can use for different types of poundage of pressure all the way from 10 to £50.
Scott discusses Concept2 rowing machine
Scott Tolinski
And I do this is a piece of gym equipment that cost $20, and I have only ever bought one set of these, and it has been fantastic forever and ever and ever for me. We just attach them to something in our gym. We we have, like, a a thing called Swedish stall bars that that I built. But you could attach these to the door frame. You could attach these to literally anything. And, and it allows you to get weighted resistance, do all sorts of stretching exercises or strength building exercises.
Scott Tolinski
Like, the possibilities are seriously endless for what you can do with good bands.
Scott discusses resistance bands
Scott Tolinski
So check these out. $20, and it will really, really make a big difference.
Wes Bos
I We'll pick 1 fitness thing, and that is just a couple of kettlebells having them in your office. If you're frustrated trying to work through something, being able to rid Lift and swing them a couple times, it really helps.
Wes discusses kettlebells
Wes Bos
I bought mine I bought a couple new ones, like, a couple months ago, and they're really, really hard to find. I found, like, rid The last few at a Canadian Tire here. But just looking online, it looks like stock for these are starting to be replenished, which is awesome. So that's another rid. Cheap little home office fitness thing that you could just have there and get through any hard times that you're having with with frustration.
Wes Bos
I'm amazed at how hopeful they can be when you just swing them a couple times.
Scott Tolinski
Awesome. Lastly, let's get into some clothing here really quick. I'm gonna shout out,
Scott Tolinski
That's d v l p r dot I o. Travis is a a friend here. He lives in, Colorado, he's a really great guy, and he's been making these T shirts for a long time, often imitated, I must add. I've seen his designs that he created all over the Internet From various people ripping him off. So if you wanna support Travis and his awesome, awesome stuff, he's got some great t shirts and hats and stickers and stuff, rid. Check out developer at
Wes Bos
And, yeah, check it out. Lot of cool stuff. I got a couple little rid. Piece of clothes that I really enjoy. Naked and Famous makes my favorite jeans. They're a Canadian company that makes Japanese selvedge. Ready. And the cut I really like is called the super guy. They have a whole bunch of different cuts, and you might want to find a place that rid so you can find your cut, but the super guy is kinda, like, not super skinny painted on, but, like, tight around the leg. And they are fantastic Quality jeans. The same company also makes these things called Unbranded.
Scott discusses t-shirts
Wes Bos
I think I've talked about this before. So the Unbranded brand, And they are the exact same cuts. They're just made in China instead of made in Canada with Japanese denim. Rid. And they also they're much cheaper. They're still not, like, super cheap, but they're much cheaper. So there's kind of 2 options there. I I like buying the Naked of Famous ones because they rid. They always do, like, collabs, or they do fun stuff. Like, they'll they'll do, like, a red a red inside, or they'll use a different color rid Thread on the back. Things like that is kinda fun. I really like that.
Wes discusses selvedge jeans
Scott Tolinski
Neat. I have a, a link here from a store that I really like for men's clothing, so I I'm sorry this is re Very gendered here. But men's clothing, you know, my wife has a hard time finding stuff for me because I have very specific tastes in my clothes, but this is a place I know that she can go to and literally close her eyes and pick, and probably I'm going to love it. So this is rid
Scott Tolinski
If you've never heard of this, they have a lot of stuff that's not just clothing, a lot of, like, gifts. So if you're looking for gifts for that, dude in your life, this is a great place because it's all expensive stuff. I don't wanna I don't wanna get your hopes up that it's gonna be cheap stuff, but it's all very good stuff. A lot of, like, really, really nice, crafted things, brands like Topo and Flint and Flint and Tinder, I think, is the name of the rid Brand either way, a lot of really neat stuff for dudes.
Scott discusses Huckberry men's clothing
Wes Bos
I got a couple more little things as well here. Everlane makes a really, awesome crewneck, which is a, rid It's called the uniform crewneck. If you Google it, it's a really nice, good quality sweatshirt.
Wes discusses Everlane and Fall Raven clothing
Wes Bos
Levi's has my favorite Denim button up called the Barstow Western, and Fall Raven makes a probably some of the best flannels that I've ever worn.
Wes Bos
I specifically have one called the Skog,
Scott Tolinski
but all of the fall raven ones are are really, really nice. I love going in to the fall raven store. There's 1 in Boulder and just being like, oh, this this stuff is very Yes.
Scott Tolinski
The last 1 I wanted to have would be these Lululemon, joggers, I have the men's jogger, and my wife has the women's version of the same thing. And these things are not like they're they're not they're not yoga pants or whatever. These things look Like joggers, they they're kind of a I don't know what the materials. It's very stretchy. And so she bought me a couple pairs of these pants, And it's literally all I wear anymore because they don't look cheap. They look very nice. They hold up, but they're also extremely stretchy and very comfortable. They're sort of like Fancy sweatpants, but they're not Yeah. I'm just gonna say sweatpants.
Wes Bos
Acceptable sweatpants.
Scott discusses Lululemon joggers
Scott Tolinski
They're very nice. It's still, like, they Yeah. They're they're nice enough to wear out and not feel like, oh, I'm slogging around in web pants. So I I I seriously have a couple pairs of these, and I wear them all the time. I was a little skeptical about, dude buying lululemon stuff, but after I got these, Courtney was like, I like these pants so much on you that I need to buy some for myself, and the women's version is just as nice. So, very cool pants.
Wes Bos
Wes Bos
You have any sick pics for me?
Scott Tolinski
Scott Tolinski
Oh, that's a good one. This one, this is a sick pic. So Yeah. That's it. So, hopefully, that is,
Wes Bos
helpful. I hear from people all the time. Like, obviously, it's just an entire episode of us telling talking about cool stuff.
Wes Bos
But people always tell me how much they like the rid and and, they get to find out about neat stuff here and there that that we're into. So, hopefully, that is helpful for you or for whoever it is that you're looking to buy rid Christmas gifts for them. Yeah. Awesome. Well, I'm gonna shamelessly plug. If you would like a nice tutorial series, Well, head on over to level up tutorials.comforward/pro
Scott Tolinski
and sign up for a year, and that one might be a great gift too. So level up tutorials.comforward/pro.
Wes Bos
Yeah. Actually, that's one thing I get every single year is people say, how do I gift your courses? I don't have a I don't need it.
Wes Bos
A process for that, but, generally, the way it works is just buy it with your own email address, and then Change the email? On the day, we'll we'll change the email and and resend it to that person. So, you can just shoot me an email, [email protected] is probably better, And, we will switch that over, and and we can do it at or near Christmas Day so you really don't ruin the surprise as well. Word.
Wes Bos
Alright. Westboss.comforward/courses.
Wes Bos
I forgot about the link, and use coupon code syntax for $10 off.
Wes Bos
Wes Bos
Alright. Thanks so much for tuning in. We will catch you on Monday.
Wes Bos
Peace. Peace.
Scott Tolinski
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Scott Tolinski