October 15th, 2018 ×
Hasty Treat - Old Browsers, Fallbacks and Polyfills - Part 1

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes kickoff a three-part series about old browsers, fallbacks and polyfills. In part one, Scott and Wes talk specifically about old browsers, how best to support them, and whether or not you should support them at all.
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Show Notes
5:10 - How do you decide if you should support an older browser?
- Google Analytics Data
- User base / Money earned from that audience
- IS it worth it? Time vs Money?
11:35 - How do you test your websites and app in older browsers?
- Actual hardware - there's no substitution for the real thing
- Browser Stack
- Virtual Box
- Modern.ie
- Can I Use
18:24 - Supporting and Testing Mobile Browsers
- Resize your browser
- Build a device lab
- Remote Debugging
- Browser device view
- Faking Geolocation
- Emulators in XCode / Android dev tools
- Browsersync
- Ghostlab
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