September 10th, 2018 ×
Hasty Treat - Reading Documentation

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes dive into documentation - how to avoid common pitfalls and overwhelm, as well as how to read, understand and get the most out of documentation.
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Show Notes
5:10 - What are the different kinds of documentation?
API references
Video docs
Examples of good documentation
14:34 - How to read documentation
- Understanding how you learn will save you lots of time
16:03 - Understanding Parameters
- Parameter types
- Required / Optional
- Parameter order
22:45 - How do you tackle learning something new?
- Look at some examples
- Scan the entire docs to get an idea of the surface area
- Have something specific in mind that you want to build
27:34 - What to do when the docs suck?
- Look at other people's code
- Chat rooms
- Tests for examples
- Read the source code
- Github search
- Contribute
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