February 21st, 2018 ×
Large Files - CDNs, Image Compression, Video Hosting, and Big Zips

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
Scott and Wes talk about working with images, videos and big zips. How do you host them? Do you need a CDN? What about compression?!
Cloudinary is the best way to host, compress and transform your images on the web. Sign up for their free tier and get 10GB of bandwidth for free!
Also check out Cloudinary's ImageCon conference - use the code SYNTAX99 for a discount when checking out.
Xojo — Sponsor
Xojo is a cross-platform development tool for creating native apps for desktop, mobile, web and Raspberry Pi.
With Xojo you really can write just one version of your app, say, on the Mac, click a button, and have a completely native Windows version too.
Xojo lets you abstract yourself from specific platform details, so you can focus on what makes your app unique. All apps have completely native controls, even if they weren’t developed on that platform. Just use drag and drop to create your user interface, and one language to program the functionality.
Users also include Fortune 500 companies, citizen developers, professional developers, IT, hobbyists and students - anyone who wants to build apps faster.
Listeners of this show get 20% off with the coupon code SYNTAX over at xojo.com/syntax
Show Notes
- Chit-chatting about GraphQL Testing
- What is a CDN? Why do you need one?
- How does the internet even work?
- Amazon S3 + Cloudfront
- CacheFly
- MaxCDN
- Cloudflare
- Talking about Image Formats
- WebP
- WebP CanIUse
- Losslesss VS Lossy
- Stripping image meta data like EXIF
- Image Optim App
- ImageMin
- Gulp ImageMin
- ImageMin Webpack
- ImageMin Plugins on npm
- How we use Cloudinary
- Hosting, Encoding and Compressing Videos
- Our Stacks Explained Syntax Podcast
- Vimeo Pro
- YouTube DL
- BrightCove
- Wista
- Sprout Video
- Cloudinary Video
- What is Cloudflare?
- Cloudflare Video is coming
- Big Zips!
- How do we host large video downloads?
- Amazon S3 + Cloudfront
- Handbrake
- Backblaze B2
- Video Formats
Siiick Pixxxx
- Wes: Node Inspector Manager
- Scott: iShowUInstant
Shameless Plugz
Tweet us your tasty treats!
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- Wes' Instagram
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- Wes' Facebook
- Scott's Twitter
- Make sure to include @SyntaxFM in your tweets